60s happy life

Chapter 112

Chapter 112

He Haowen said indifferently: "They have had sex before, because I don't know what's wrong with them. This is someone else's business, so you should not ask."

Liu Xiaoying curled her lips, "If you don't ask, don't ask."

After He Haowen's vacation was over, Liu Xiaoying also returned to her house in the city.He still has other tasks, judging by his appearance, it is very likely that he is about to finish them, so Liu Xiaoying didn't bother him too much and let him go about his own affairs.

Back in the city, Liu Xiaoying just packs and grows vegetables every day.Especially fresh leafy vegetables, cilantro and spinach, etc., a lot of each is reserved.

There are also fresh dishes for eating hot pot in winter.Liu Xiaoying thought about eating some fruit, which can be eaten in winter.

There are also melons growing nearby, so she went to harvest some melons and watermelons if she had nothing to do.It was already July at this time, and the weather was also very hot. It couldn't be more refreshing to eat iced melons and fruits.

On this day, Liu Xiaoying was tidying up the space at home when she heard someone knocking on the door.

She went out to see that it was someone from the post office who had delivered a letter to her.At the first moment, she remembered whether it was Shao Yuanshan's letter.

Unexpectedly, when I opened it, it turned out to be He Chunxing's letter.

She wrote a lot in the letter, saying that she missed Liu Xiaoying, but she couldn't go out and had to go to work every day.

After getting married, she was no longer as comfortable as a girl. Fortunately, her man treated her very well, and her husband's family also treated her well.

He also said that the wedding gift she gave her made her very beautiful, and everyone envied her.In short, he kept talking about her.

Liu Xiaoying smiled, this girl probably wants to come, but she can't go out casually, even if people don't tell her, wouldn't she be worried?
Liu Xiaoying prepared a big package for her, which contained a lot of food, and the three catties of bacon that Zhang Hongxia gave her before, and she also put it in the package.

The food is common now, and there are some old bread in the space, put it in butter paper, and it will also dry out.The letter told her to let her warm up and eat.

When the letter and package were sent out, Liu Xiaoying thought, it's time for her to go back to her hometown to have a look.The most important thing is to go hunting in the mountains. The pheasants and rabbits in the space are all eaten up. Now she has no food left.

The remaining pork can be eaten until next year, so we still have to save some meat.

Liu Xiaoying can do whatever she wants.She stayed for two days, packed some things, and went back with a small cloth bag.

There is also a big bag in the space, and when she arrives, it is not too late for her to take it out, carry it on the train, she will not be exhausted, and still have to look at her bag.

On the train, as soon as Liu Xiaoying sat firmly, she ran into an old acquaintance.

Zheng Xiangyang was wearing a military uniform and was sitting opposite Liu Xiaoying.

The two looked at each other with surprise in their eyes.

"What a coincidence." Liu Xiaoying spoke first.

Zheng Xiangyang nodded, "I'm going home to visit relatives, where are you going?"

Liu Xiaoying smiled and said, "I went back to my hometown to have a look. I haven't been back for more than half a year."

"Yeah." Zheng Xiangyang didn't say much, there were quite a lot of people on the train, and if they talked a lot with the opposite sex, others would look at you strangely.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Liu Xiaoying stopped talking, and sat there looking out the window.

The current train is really not ordinary slow.

At noon, Liu Xiaoying saw that everyone else had eaten, so she also took out the finger cakes in her bag, which contained vegetables and minced luncheon meat.

Zheng Xiangyang on the opposite side didn't look like he had eaten, so he handed one to him. "I made this by myself. You can eat one too. I didn't make so many, so I only have two. You can put it on."

Zheng Xiangyang looked at Bai Nen's small hands, the yellow paper package handed over, reached out to take it, and touched those hands with his fingers.

Liu Xiaoying didn't pay attention to the momentary touch, seeing that he took it, she lowered her head and ate the thing in her hand.

Zheng Xiangyang's heartbeat just now made him a little overwhelmed, and he lowered his head in embarrassment and started eating.

He took two bites, looked down at the strange burrito, and found it delicious unexpectedly.Zheng Xiangyang's family is in a good condition, and he has eaten everything before. This is the first time he has eaten such a burrito.

He also recognized the luncheon meat inside, but he didn't expect such a roll to taste really good.

He smacked his lips unsatisfied, and looked at Liu Xiaoying's side face, fascinated.

The train arrived at the station slowly, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon.In the middle, Zheng Xiangyang got off the car early, and Liu Xiaoying walked back to the village alone, looking at the green corn fields, feeling that the air was very fresh.

On the way, Liu Xiaoying noticed that there were two men in front of him, who were burying the ground stealthily.

She was taken aback. Could it be that she buried someone?
Liu Xiaoying walked slowly nervously, feeling a little scared in her heart.

Those two people were still burying their heads in the soil, the soil on top was not completely buried, and it still looked like a jar.

The jar is only less than half a meter, so it should not be buried.

Liu Xiaoying hid behind the tree and listened carefully to what they said.

"Brother, is it unsafe to bury this thing here?" A man's voice came, his tone a little worried.

"What are you afraid of? Who would know that we put things here. These things will be our brothers' future wives. Don't tell everyone the fuck." Another man called Big Brother said harshly. Road, warning the other person.

"Yes, yes, brother, if we steal these things, we won't be discovered?" The man still asked a little scared.

"Second brother, don't worry, even if they find us, it's fine. If we can't find evidence, they can't do anything to us." The boss said in a relaxed tone.

Liu Xiaoying was in high spirits, and it turned out that she was stealing something.She didn't dare to move. After hearing such an important matter, if she was discovered, she would have to confess her life here.

Liu Xiaoying carefully looked around, found a cover, and waited quietly for them to leave.

After a while, the two of them patted the soil and covered the shopping place with a pile of grass clippings.

"Brother, why can't we find this in the future?" asked the timid second child.

"Don't worry, big brother can still forget, you see I will mark the whole tree. There is a whole horizontal line here, and a whole horizontal line at the back." The old man chopped down the tree twice with a shovel, and the sound of babbling was very loud. ring.

Listening to the voice, Liu Xiaoying thought to herself, if the shovel fell on her, would it be okay?

"Brother is still smart, let's go quickly, someone will find out later." The second child looked around and said cautiously.

"That's up to you to say, hurry up and go back to work late." The boss slapped the second child and said.

The second child laughed, but he was not angry, and went forward to talk about it: "It's okay, brother, we're only ten miles away from the team, and we'll be back right away."

 Thank you Renmo, Nangong Yixi, Rose, and Xinwuyang for the monthly tickets, thank you all cute

  next update at night
(End of this chapter)

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