60s happy life

Chapter 136

Chapter 136
This time when Liu Xiaoying came back, she just wanted to see He Chunxing, and another thing, she just wanted to talk to someone, because she was really afraid of being overwhelmed.

Before leaving, Liu Xiaoying left two rabbits for the second uncle of the He family, and then boarded the train back to the city.

At He Quanzhong's house, the whole family was looking at the skinned rabbit on the table.

Li Mei looked at He Quanzhong and his wife, and said, "Mom, Haoqun and I want to go back to my parents' house, so I can take a rabbit back."

He Quanzhong glanced at her indifferently, and said to his mother-in-law: "Wang Hui, take the children out to play, I have something to tell the couple."

Wang Huixin understood, nodded and took the eldest grandson out.

He Haoqun sat on the side, thinking to himself, this woman is getting more and more arrogant, so she should be controlled.

He Quanzhong sighed, and said: "The two of you have been able to live alone in the past few years. I plan to build a house next spring. After the autumn harvest, I will go to the captain to approve the land."

He Haoqun on the side said: "Father, how old is our Tie Dan, isn't it too early to build a house now?"

He Quanzhong smiled, seemed a little bitter, and said, "I'm building a house for your mother and me."

"What!?" He Haoqun said in surprise, "Father, why are you two moving out? Isn't our family of five doing well?"

He Quanzhong's expression remained unchanged, and he said: "Haoqun, your children are grown up, and you will live with yours in the future, and we can do it too. That girl Chunxing just takes care of her natal family, and she comes back to visit from time to time. inconvenient."

What's inconvenient? How could He Haoqun not understand after hearing this.When He Chunxing was a girl, she also lived with her family. Why can't she go home after she gets married?

He Haoqun opened his mouth, but without saying a word, he gave Li Mei a hard look.Is she still happy there?
He Quanzhong glanced at the eldest son who had no future prospects, shook his head, his eyes were full of disappointment.

My own daughter-in-law can't manage well, so what can I point to him in the future?
Seeing the disappointment on his father's face, He Haoqun's heart skipped a beat, and he slapped Li Mei in the face, which made Li Mei stunned.

"You...why did you hit me!?" Li Mei exploded and stood up suddenly.She wanted to fight him as soon as she reached out her hand, and she hated her so much that she pinched and scratched him.

"That's enough, that's enough! What are you doing?" He Quanzhong frowned, and put He Haoqun aside.

"If you two want to fight, go out and fight, don't be in front of me." He Quanzhong glanced at He Haoqun, turned and went out.

He Haoqun took a deep look at Li Mei, and said, "Usually you subsidize your mother's family, and no one has said anything about it. Are you a little confused? This time your brother's house is full moon, and the rabbit will be taken back for you. You go."

"What are you doing? Why are you always yelling at me? What's wrong with me subsidizing my mother's family?" Li Mei was also very aggrieved, why was she wrong?

He Haoqun sneered and said, "You said the bicycle was released at my mother's house. After a month, the wheel was broken when I pushed it back. Every time I go home, I take this and that. When did the family say that?"

"I'm giving birth to your family, why don't I bring something to my mother's family?" Li Mei said unconvinced.

He Haoqun waved his hand, "Okay, I don't want to tell you more." He also turned around and left.

Li Mei stomped her feet angrily, thinking of Liu Xiaoying, she must have come to become like this.It's reasonable for a sister-in-law of an uncle's family to stay here and not leave.

Liu Xiaoying has already got on the train here, and she doesn't know how much suspicion she has caused.

It was already afternoon when she got home.Instead of going back to the military area, she went to a house in the city.

As soon as Liu Xiaoying opened the door, someone came from behind.

Looking at it, it turned out that Lian Weimin had come, and he hadn't seen this child for a long time.

"Wei Min is here, come in." Liu Xiaoying smiled and let him in.

Lian Weimin followed into the room cautiously, looking left and right.

"What's the matter?" Liu Xiaoying looked at him with some doubts.

Lian Weimin closed the door, walked up to her, and said, "Sister Yingzi, have you offended someone?"

"What's wrong? Why do you say that?" Liu Xiaoying asked in surprise.

Lian Weimin thought for a while, and said, "Someone asked about your family a while ago, and my friend told me about it. Later, I didn't know what was going on, so I came here to ask you."

"What's wrong with me?" Liu Xiaoying asked, also quite curious in her heart, why did someone suddenly inquire about her?

"The key point is that the group of people is different, they are not good people anyway." Even Wei Min couldn't tell, and said, "Just be careful in the future, I'm just here to tell you."

Liu Xiaoying nodded with a serious expression, and said, "I see, please keep an eye on it for me, and let me know if you have any news."

"Okay, by the way, Li Lin has often asked me about you these days, but I didn't say anything, it's very strange, you should pay attention." Lian Weimin said.

Liu Xiaoying understood, and was a little wary in her heart, did she have something to do with Liu Yuxuan?

But isn't Shao Yuanshan's matter over, why are you still looking for her?

When even Weimin left, she couldn't figure out what was going on.

She simply didn't want to think about it anymore, Liu Xiaoying tidied up her house and prepared to live here permanently.Anyway, He Haowen didn't know when he would be able to come back, and she had nothing to do when she went back.

In this way, Liu Xiaoying has been with her for three or four days since she came back.On this day, there was a knock on the door of her house. When she opened the door, it was Yang Lixin who lived next door.

"Uncle Yang, why are you here?" She asked curiously.

Standing beside Yang Lixin was Yang Peini, both of them looked nervous.

What's going on here?
Yang Lixin entered the hospital and said to Liu Xiaoying: "Yingzi, I don't know who spread the news about your supply to me. Our city found me speculatively and asked about your matter."

"What's going on?" Liu Xiaoying frowned, and asked, "I haven't told anyone about our affairs, and the person who bought me the goods is not here, but someone from another place." Liu Xiaoying couldn't say anything by herself. Yes, then it's his Yang family's word that leaked out.

Thinking of Lian Weimin's words a few days ago, she couldn't help feeling a little confused.

Yang Lixin couldn't hear it, she was questioning him. "Yingzi, my family is in this business, how can I spread the word? Isn't that causing trouble for myself?"

Liu Xiaoying thinks about it too, but who revealed it?
"Yingzi, they just want you to supply them." Yang Lixin sighed and said, "I don't recommend you to contact them. After all, this place is not peaceful. If something happens, I will recommend What are you going to do when you go out?"

 Thanks to Lili, Selfish Sauerkraut, 137311, Book Friends 11081, and Book Friends 20170629 for their monthly tickets.

  Please recommend a monthly ticket for collection. Too many things are too late today, and the next one will be later.

(End of this chapter)

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