60s happy life

Chapter 160

Chapter 160
Lian Weijie was amazed by Liu Xiaoying's generosity when he saw Liu Xiaoying throw away a bottle of liquor. He didn't come back to his senses until Liu Xiaoying closed the door.

"She actually brought you this bottle of white wine?" Lian Weijie asked in surprise.

Lian Weimin didn't look at him, and said directly: "Miss Xiaoying treats me very well, she doesn't really care about these things."

Lian Weimin didn't think much about what he said, but Lian Weijie rolled his eyes, didn't speak, and went home with him directly.

Even the family members were quite surprised when they saw the wine that Lian Weimin brought back.After all, there is too little supply at this time, and there are no wine tickets.

"Oh, do you still have the wine?" Lian Mu took the wine from Lian Weimin with a smile on her face.

Lian Weimin didn't speak, but sat aside when he saw that the wine had been taken away.

With a smile on Lian's father's face, he said to Lian's mother, "Pour me a glass quickly. I haven't had a drink for a long time." No more than one hand.

"What to drink!" Lian's mother glared at him, and scolded, "I'm saving this for Wei Jie to buy work and present as a gift, so drink less and you won't die of hunger!"

Lian's mother put the wine into the cabinet and locked it, fearing that Lian's father would drink it secretly.

Lian Weijie smiled and said to Lian's mother, "Mom, my dad can drink as much as he wants, this job is fine."

Lian's father shook his head in relief, and said, "Stop drinking, the most important thing is to buy a job for my eldest son." After finishing speaking, he laughed.

Lian Weijie hurriedly said: "When I get to work later, I will buy expensive wine for Dad, and let Dad drink enough."

"Good good."

A few people were there in a friendly manner, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Lian Qiuqin stared blankly at Lian Weijie. She didn't like this younger brother.

Lian Weimin just sat there and didn't speak, as if it had nothing to do with him, anyway, he was used to it since he was a child.Since childhood, even the father and the mother have been clinging to this son for all good things. The eldest is a girl who loses money, and the second is a boy who was finally looking forward to. Don't mention how happy he is.

As for Lian Weimin, they gave all their energy to Lian Weijie, so Lian Weimin was indifferent, and was always brought up by Lian Qiuqin.

During the meal, even the father and the mother gave Lian Weijie all the meat and vegetables, and the other two didn't even give a bird's eye.

Only when Lian Weimin took an extra Erhe noodle steamed bun, Lian's mother gave him a sharp look. "Didn't you eat well at that Liu Xiaoying's house? Save some stomach to go back and eat, don't eat so much at home."

Lian Weimin put down the steamed bun and didn't speak.In fact, he used to eat only one steamed bun, but now he eats three meals a day at Liu Xiaoying's place, and he eats every meal, and he has already developed his appetite.He really wasn't full with this steamed bun.

After dinner, Lian Weimin accompanied Lian Qiuqin to clean up the dishes, came back and interrupted the conversation between Lian's mother and Lian Weimin, saying: "Mother, my pants are short, please lengthen them for me." He pointed at himself Some short pants.

Lian's mother glared at Lian Weimin unhappily, seeing that his trousers were indeed short, she suddenly looked at Lian Weimin, and suddenly felt that he was a little fatter, not very fat, at least not skinny anymore.

"I see, I'll pick it up for you later." Mother Lian said impatiently.

Lian Weimin glanced at Lian Weijie's new trousers, then at his own patched trousers, frowning and left.

He left without anyone noticing, only Lian Qiuqin saw him.She shook her head and followed suit. She had to go back to work.

After eating at home, Liu Xiaoying took out the finished trousers and finished them up.

Two days ago, she saw that Lian Weimin's trousers were a little short, and he seems to have grown taller these days.She chose thick materials in the space and made two pairs of thick trousers.

Liu Xiaoying thought that the child could still grow taller, and there was a piece in the trouser leg, which could be put down if it was too short.

There was a knock on the door outside, Liu Xiaoying glanced at her watch, it was just over two hours, and she came back so soon.

She got up to open the door, Lian Weimin stood there with a look of frustration on his face.

Liu Xiaoying beckoned him into the courtyard, closed the gate, and said, "Wei Min, come to my room."

"Oh." Lian Weimin responded and followed Liu Xiaoying into the house.

Liu Xiaoying took the pair of trousers on the kang, handed them to him and said, "Come on, try it on, I'll see if it fits."

Lian Weimin was stunned when he saw the pair of dark blue and black pants in her hand.

"This..." He didn't know what Liu Xiaoying meant, why did he get his pants?
Seeing that he didn't move, Liu Xiaoying said, "Aren't your pants short? I used the leftover fabric to make two for you. I don't know what size you wear, so I just watched and made them. You can take them back and try."

Even Wei Min took the trousers, but he didn't know how to get back to the side room.

He touched the thick fabric, and his heart was full of emotion.I don't know why, Liu Xiaoying treats him so well.

Give him food and clothing, return the money, and do this little work every day.Even Weimin hadn't worn new clothes since he was a child. Thinking of all the scenes at home just now, he has grown up a bit.

After changing his pants, Lian Weimin went to Liu Xiaoying's room and asked her to take a look.

Liu Xiaoying saw that he was wearing a little fat, and thought that he would be fine in cotton trousers in two days. "I'll be wearing cotton trousers in a few days. You can tie a rope and wear them first, and you'll be fine when you put on cotton trousers."

Lian Weimin nodded, "Miss Xiaoying, thank you!"

Liu Xiaoying was stunned for a moment, and seeing his sincerity, she smiled and said: "Let's not say thank you before, I will treat you as my own brother, what's the point of making you a pair of trousers, don't say thank you."

After hearing her words, Lian Weimin nodded heavily, and said, "I know Miss Xiaoying, from now on you will be my own sister!"

Now Lian Weimin's heart is hard to describe, very moved.

Seeing that the child was about to cry, Liu Xiaoying hurriedly said: "Are you full? There are steamed buns in the cupboard, they are still warm, go and eat two."

After being provoked by Liu Xiaoying, Lian Weimin really felt a little hungry and lost his mood, so he went out to find something to eat.

Liu Xiaoying sighed, this child is quite honest, the last time I went to his house, I saw that his mother's attitude was not very good.

The child went back to eat, and he didn't say anything about finding pants for the child. He came back in cropped pants.

Just now I saw Brother Lian Weimin's eyes drifting wildly, so he is probably not a safe man, so he has to pay attention in the future.

Looking at the vegetables in the greenhouse, Liu Xiaoying saw that the growth rate was getting better and better every day, and she was very happy in her heart.

This is all money. Looking at this seedling, one knows that there will be a good harvest in the future.

Serving these dishes every day, watching the changes day by day, I also have a different feeling in my heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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