60s happy life

Chapter 164

Chapter 164
"Do you want to know what's the difference between me and my second sister?"

He Haowen, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke.

Liu Xiaoying glanced at him, but didn't speak.Generally speaking, Liu Xiaoying would not ask about his affairs, if he wanted to speak up, he would naturally speak up.

"When I was 15 years old, I went out to work and saved five yuan. My eldest sister gave me five yuan. I was going to serve in the army at that time. Later, my second sister stole the money and gave it to her. The object, I didn't go for it." He Haowen said lightly, without the slightest wavering in his eyes.

Liu Xiaoying didn't make a sound either, and continued to listen to his narration.

"It's nothing, but her partner ran away with the money, ruined the second sister's innocence, and didn't want to marry her. The next year, my second uncle gave me 20 yuan and asked me to become a As a soldier, without money, I can't go to the army at all. So I always remember the love of the second uncle." He Haowen remembered the love of the second uncle, and he also remembered what happened to He Chunhua back then.He was angry at He Chunhua for being stupid, and also at himself for not reminding his second sister of that man earlier.

Liu Xiaoying sighed, and said: "Your second sister was also cheated back then, and there is nothing you can do about it. I know that what you are angry about is not the money, but her ignorance."

Listening to He Haowen's previous partner, it must not be the current one, and He Chunhua has always been very guilty, presumably after being cheated, she also regretted it.

"That's her business." He Haowen said lightly, he raised his hand and rubbed his temples, pulled the pillow and lay down.

Liu Xiaoying didn't want to say too much, the most important thing was himself, after all, this was a matter between their siblings, so she couldn't say too much.I haven't experienced it, so I can't comment on other people's things.

In the past two months, Liu Xiaoying has arranged all the vegetables in the greenhouse, and sold a lot of vegetables in the space.

Seeing that the end of the year is approaching, Liu Xiaoying plans not to grow too many vegetables.It was sold for nearly 1000 yuan this time, which is a lot, and there are other benefits.

Now there are only tomatoes and peppers in the greenhouse, and this kind of vegetables are selling quickly.

Near the end of the year, Liu Xiaoying built a set of sofas for her home. She has them in her space, but there is really no way to take out such a big thing.One is that there is no such style now, and the other is that such a big thing is too eye-catching.

So, she could only find a master carpenter and make a set, which was the blueprint drawn by herself.

This sofa is simple style, 1.8 meters long.The current form is not very good, so it can't be too fancy.

Liu Xiaoying looked at the swollen belly. It has been more than four months, and she still doesn't know whether it is a boy or a girl.

He Haowen stayed with her for a few days before going back. He is very busy now, but fortunately Liu Xiaoying has something to do and is not idle, otherwise he would be bored to death.

On this day, as soon as Liu Xiaoying sent Cheng Shuo off, Yuan Yi came. When he came, he first asked a few polite questions, and then turned to the main topic.

"I have a client who wants a lot of fresh vegetables, and I have already sold them all from my house. Do you have any more to sell here? The price must satisfy you." Looking at Liu Xiaoying's calm expression, Yuan Yi felt a little Not very supportive.

Liu Xiaoying still has more than 1000 catties of vegetables in her space, but she wants to keep them for herself, and she doesn't plan to speculate anymore.

After all, she is a military wife, the situation is a little better now, and He Haowen is about to be promoted, if someone catches a little tail, both of them will be finished.

"I still have [-] catties, and the Chinese New Year is approaching, so I don't plan to do this anymore." Liu Xiaoying said to him after taking a sip of tea.

"What?! You didn't do it?" Yuan Yi was a little surprised, but looked at her loudly and said, "Why didn't you do such a good thing?" He really couldn't figure it out. But I still asked.

Liu Xiaoying didn't expect his reaction to be so excited, she looked at him inexplicably and said, "I'm pregnant now, I can't stay here all the time, I still have to go back to the military area, even Weimin is still young, so I can't point at him for everything Do it alone."

Yuan Yi felt lost, so he smiled awkwardly, "You didn't do such a good way to come to Qiandao, I just didn't want to understand."

"Yeah." Liu Xiaoying nodded, and continued: "The vegetables will be reserved for you tomorrow, and you can pick them up tomorrow night. After that, you don't have to ask me about this kind of thing, you can continue to grow."

Yuan Yi got the answer, nodded in response, thinking that the food would be handed over tomorrow, so he didn't ask any more questions, and left after a few polite words.

When Liu Xiaoying sent people away, Lian Weimin looked at her pitifully.

She walked over and asked, "What's the matter?"

Lian Weimin looked at her with some disappointment, "Sister Yingzi, am I clumsy?"

Liu Xiaoying looked at him a little strangely, this kid was quick in his hands and feet, he was serious and careful in his work, why is he so clumsy?

"Why do you ask that?"

Lian Weimin pursed his lips, "You don't grow vegetables anymore, do you think I'm not good at work? Tell me what I'm not doing well." He really didn't want to leave here, his parents treated him It doesn't matter now, if he does something here, he still has a place to stay, has food and drink, and won't be cold.

Liu Xiaoying smiled and nodded his head, said: "You think too much! I'm pregnant, I can't do this anymore."

Then he looked at him seriously, "Don't worry, I won't let you go. When I go back to the military area, you have to help me look after the house. It's not good if this house is not cleaned and no one lives in it. You have to help me I'm looking after the house!"

Lian Weimin was pleasantly surprised when he heard her words: "Really? I really don't have to leave? That's great!" He got Liu Xiaoying's answer and laughed happily, sweeping away the disappointment before.

Liu Xiaoying smiled and shook her head, she really was a child.

The next night, after Liu Xiaoying gave the food to Yuan Yi, she took the money, and she stopped all these things. .
Although Cheng Shuo was a little surprised when he heard that Liu Xiaoying no longer supplied things, he didn't ask any further questions.It's just a pity that there are no such good things, and it may be difficult to get them again in the future.

Liu Xiaoying was ahead of her time, so she had handled everything well.

28 On this day, I followed He Haowen in the car of the military region and went back together.

She left food at Lian Weimin's place, and gave him some ticket money, told him to take care of the house, and went back to the military area with peace of mind.

"During this time, Zhiqiang's daughter-in-law has been helping our family a lot, so go and see her when you get back." Sitting in the car, He Haowen instructed.

Liu Xiaoying naturally knew it, "Don't worry, I also know it these days, and it really does not delay people."

During this period of time, He Haowen was on a mission and was not at home. He was busy with other things, and had nothing to do to burn the kang, sweep snow and so on.

 Updates from time to time, sorry for the long wait.

(End of this chapter)

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