star robber is a little sweet

Chapter 226 Becca, the insidious mother

Chapter 226 Becca, the insidious mother
The ruffian looked around and there was no one around, he still had a faint smile on his mouth, but there was a trace of hostility in his eyes.

"Give it to me, what are you looking at?" the woman asked, her long nails ready to move.

"Well, okay, here you are." The ruffian walked towards her.

This scene was all recorded by the monitor.

Right above the ruffian and the woman, a hover car with its own invisibility function was floating in the air, and this scene was being played on the big screen inside the car.

In front of the screen, Bei Lei, who was sitting in a wheelchair, remained motionless, while beside her, another woman in black silk said in a very charming voice.

"See, men are unreliable. What does he love you? It's just a skin. If you change someone, with the same face, he will still like it. The relationship between a man and a woman is the most unreliable in the world."

Belle didn't move at all, to be precise, she couldn't move for a while.

Layer after layer of spider silk was tied to her body, and each strand carried enormous spiritual power, which hurt when touched.

Seeing that the ruffian was about to suffer, Bei Lei was not in a hurry, she still had her trademark paralyzed face.

"When this heartless man dies, I'll take you away." The woman's long fingers slid across Bei Lei's face, her nails hurt Bei Lei's skin, but she still didn't respond in the slightest.

The little brat!Becca's black eyes darkened. She had to say that she didn't like this child very much!

Calm like a ball of ice that can't be ignited, no matter what she says, she will always give her an expression of "you're mentally retarded".

And this expression with "you are mentally retarded", no matter how you look at it, it looks like Chen Yue saw that kid!

She looks so much like herself, why is her personality so annoying!
"He's going to die, don't you care?" Becca was very upset after designing this scene, but the ending was different from what she had imagined.

She thought that Bei Lei would cry and beg her. After all, from the information she has so far, it seems that this girl has a good relationship with this kid.

"A man that I can't even recognize, just die."

Bei Lei spoke calmly, but the fist behind her back was emitting a faint light, almost breaking away the spider webs on her body.

"Haha, that's right. What are men? Men are nothing more than our nourishment. Follow mom back home. You can pick any man you want. Wait for this kid to die—huh?"

Becca's voice was blocked, and the picture on the screen changed drastically.

"I × your uncle! How dare you imitate my Lei Lei with all your vigor!" The ruffian came to the counterfeit Bei Lei, and instead of passing the snack in his hand, he smashed the opponent's face, and at the same time punched the opponent's mask off !
"Ah!" The fake Belle cried out in pain, and the mask fell to the ground.

"Huh?" Seeing the other party's face, the ruffian gasped in surprise, the other party covered his face aggrievedly, "I'm Bei Lei, what the hell are you doing!"

With delicate eyebrows and beautiful purple eyes, she is indeed Bei Lei.

After seeing it, the ruffian cursed, "Fuck, it looks so similar!"
As if aware of his hesitation, the woman stood up and approached the ruffian step by step.

"You look at me, you look at my face, you love me so much, how can you do anything to me?"

This scene fell into Bei Lei's eyes, seeing the counterfeit approaching every step of the way, but the ruffian did not move, Bei Lei also became a little anxious.

This stupid ruffian, knowing that the other party is a fake, why didn't he do it?

"This silly boy is a little better than I thought, but it doesn't mean anything. Men are mentally retarded with sperm and brains. If you choose such a man, you will not reproduce a better next generation in the future. If you eat his brain, maybe It will also become stupid." Becca spared no effort to lobby.

Yuan Xiaoyao first told her that she had no chance to fight, and later said that she couldn't beat Bei Lei, and the impatient Beka had to fight in person.

Bei Lei is wearing Chen Yuejian's earrings, no wonder she can't feel Bei Lei's whereabouts, she must not let Chen Yuejian get ahead of her, she must get Bei Lei first.

But for some special reason, the power she wants to get Bei Lei cannot be taken away by force. She must have a certain degree of affection for her to get it. Obviously, Bei Lei has no affection for her.

So the way Becca came up with was to destroy the best feelings in Bei Lei's heart first, and then express her concern for her when she was sad.

But what seems to be wrong with this perfect plan?

"Ah!" Another scream.

The ruffian punched the fake, with his eyes closed!

"I asked you to imitate my Lei Lei. Is Lei Lei a scumbag like you? Why don't you even put on some black nail polish? Do you think you are the killer of the hairdressing and hairdressing shop at the entrance of the village?"

Looking at a person is pleasing to the eye, her smile and every frown are beautiful.

Seeing a person is unhappy, what she does is a sin.

It turned out that it wasn't that he couldn't do it just now, but that he was wondering where to hit it!

The picture is too bloody, it is not suitable for children, this is not the first time that the ruffian hits a woman, and it probably will not be the last time.

Seeing him so scumbag, Bai Lei was relieved.

"How could this be?" Becca was surprised.

Bai Lei stood up suddenly, and all the spider threads on her body were broken.

"You can't think that everyone in the world is on the same level as your IQ just because your IQ is not enough."

"You can break free from my silk?"

Becca knew how painful this kind of silk was when exerting force. Beile broke without changing her face. One can imagine the pain she endured!

"You should supplement calcium, the silk is not very strong."

Bei Lei's indifferent tone set Beka's heart on fire.

This child, except that he looks like himself, everything else looks like Chen Yuejian, and this kind of tone of slapping his swollen face to pretend to be fat is exactly the same!
But on the screen at this time, the ruffian had already beaten the fake Bei Lei until she was inhuman shape, he grabbed her by the collar and asked rudely.

"Where did you hide my family, Leilei?"

Fake was unable to fight back from the ruffian's pure anger attack, and could only point to the sky.

The ruffian narrowed his eyes, took a step back, suddenly a dazzling light was emitted from his body, and he transformed four times in an instant!

"Huh, this kid is not an ordinary hanging silk—this totem belongs to the Qilin family?" Beka was a little surprised when he saw the ruffian's transformation.

Although he was surprised by the strength of this kid, Beka still felt contempt for the ruffian's behavior.

"The beasts are all low in IQ. How could he beat us, but his ability seems to be good?" Beka was entangled again.

If the ruffian is a unicorn, if Bei Lei can eat him, his ability will definitely increase greatly, and if he eats Bei Lei by himself, what a perfect food chain.

The ruffian's fourth transformation lasted less than 3 seconds. He made a love gesture to the sky, and then instantly changed back to the second transformation form, with shorter hair and much less strength.

Bei Lei was stunned for a moment, and soon realized that this was a code word given to her by the ruffian, and she also made a gesture of love in her heart, "cooperate with you!"

As for Becca, she doesn't seem to know that she is about to be raped by the two children, and she is still thinking about how to build a more perfect food chain.
 Thank you Zhenzi for your peace talisman
(End of this chapter)

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