Mysterious country

Chapter 1031 Be Your Undercover

Chapter 1031 Be Your Undercover

"No one is born a senior manager, they get to that level, why can't I?

Although the dream is difficult to achieve, but there is always something to have. "

Although Wu Di poured cold water on him, Xia Qi didn't care about it. Since he joined Hades, there have been many people who look down on him, but isn't he still here well?
From dealing with monkeys, to the assessment of senior executives, to the subsequent battle in the underworld, and even dealing with Chen Ming, Wang Yunpeng and others, which time he was not a weak person in the eyes of outsiders, and which time he was not a dead man in the eyes of the enemy.

As a result, in the end, those who looked down on him from the beginning were all slapped in the face, and those who thought he was a fish on the board also became his ghosts.

It is true that there is an element of luck, but more of it is his will to always be firm and never give up.

This may also be his optimistic nature, which brought him the greatest help.

Everyone will encounter difficulties and encounter various problems, but he insists that there are always more solutions than problems.

As long as you don't give up, dare to think, dare to try, there will always be a solution.

After all, things are dead, but people are alive.

Seeing that Xia Qi was still very determined, and didn't timidly want to quit just because he knew the strength of the Rebel Alliance, Wu Di couldn't help but praised with satisfaction:
"You kid doesn't seem to have changed at all. You were not afraid of things when you were in reality, but now that you are in the second domain, I don't think you intend to be a man with your tail between your legs.

Let me tell you, just do it like this, if you live a breath, if the Buddha fights for a stick of incense, it's his mother's fault!
When the time comes, I will be your undercover agent here, and you will fight for me on your side, and our partnership will do it for the Rebel Alliance! "

Xia Qi has known Wu Di for so long, and he really knows Wu Di's temper very well. Apart from Liang Ruoyun, Wu Di can be said to be fearless, and he is also a militant in his bones.

"I am in the early stage of starting a business. A bad company will go bankrupt. Are you sure you want to join?"

"It's more helpful for me to be a spy for you now than to go directly to find you. Knowing yourself and the enemy will never end in a hundred battles. Since the Rebel Alliance is in Outland, then you, oh no, our number one enemy is the Rebel Alliance.

After I became a manager, I got a small boss in there, but I was able to find out some news.

When the time comes, I will contact you here. You know what's going on here, so the soldiers will come and cover up the water and soil, and prepare for it early.

However, I suggest that you restrain yourself somewhat, after all, you are just a small manager like me now.

Once it is discovered that someone is making small moves in those small forces, it is inevitable that they will not send people to encircle and suppress them.

Not to mention more dispatches, just sending a senior manager over there is enough to settle you down.

The reason why the Rebel Alliance is in Outland is that they don't bother to pay attention to those small forces. To put it bluntly, it is because there are almost no senior managers in these small forces.

So they don't feel that this force will pose much threat to them.

You should be able to understand what I mean, right? "

"I understand that I will try my best not to be noticed by the Rebel Alliance.

But according to what you said, Zhao Manshan in Hongshan District has become the dog leg of the Rebel Alliance, so he can easily increase his power by taking advantage of the influence of the Rebel Alliance.

People like this should be eliminated as soon as possible.

It would be best if I become the "legacy" of the Rebel Alliance.

In this way, even if I do a drastic integration, the possibility of being suspected will be very small. "

After hearing Xia Qi's thoughts, Wu Di was silent for a moment, and then suddenly said:

"Yes, this is indeed a solution. You are now hiding in those small forces. As long as I turn you into a subordinate of the Rebel Alliance, all problems will be solved.

When did you kid become so cunning?

But it's a good idea. "

Xia Qi once again surprised Wu Di. It can be said that most of his surprises were brought to him by Xia Qi.

From the first time I heard from Liang Ruoyun, a small employee at the bottom grew up very quickly, and then after Xia Qi became the supervisor, I asked him what abilities he should exchange for, and then later witnessed Xia Qi's counterattack growth step by step, becoming the underworld. The person in power destroys the first underworld, fights with the two managers of the second domain, and now, the ambitious wants to eat the rebel alliance and the three underworld, and dominate the world by himself.

It cannot be said that there is no such person as Xia Qi in this world, it can only be said that there are, but there are really too few of them.

He vaguely expects that maybe he will really witness a miracle that is enough to shine in the second domain and many realities below.

Called deceitful by Wu Di, Xia Qi smiled and said:
"Soldiers never tire of cheating, well, I just think this method is safer.

But the question is can you let me replace Zhao Manshan? "

"As long as Zhao Manshan dies for no apparent reason, then I can help you replace him.

The Rebel League is currently on hiatus, so there won't be much action, and this is being handled by a senior manager above me.

That guy and I have a pretty good relationship, so it shouldn't be too hard to get this sorted out.

It's just that Shi Qiong and several people have been sent here to help Zhao Manshan. Although Shi Qiong and I know each other, we have no relationship at all. You should have met that guy before, he is just a psychopath.

Sleeping in the cemetery every day, looking for dead bodies.It is estimated that it is not easy to persuade him by mouth.

Unless you can convince him, but they have a total of 3 managers, and there are also managers from Zhao Manshan and other blocks, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to deal with just a few of you. "

"This kind of thing has no choice, no matter how difficult it is to deal with, you have to deal with it. The skin of the rebel alliance must be worn on your body.

I'll figure out a way to fix this.

If they disappeared in the ghost king's cemetery, there shouldn't be any suspicion, right? "

"No, in places like the ghost king's cemetery, let alone the manager level, even senior managers sometimes have accidents.

If everyone is wiped out in the ghost king's cemetery, there will be no doubts. Of course, a few people will be released to speak for you in the end. "

"It doesn't need to be because no one knows me as a manager.

As for managers with the strength of Chen Sheng and Zeng Yu, I don't think anyone would doubt them even if they survived.

Anyway, I'll do my best. "

Speaking of this, Xia Qi couldn't help asking:
"But I'm not familiar with the ghost king's cemetery, so I don't know what's going on there?"

"It's just a space, which is actually similar to the space connected to the second domain in reality, more or less there will be a freezing period of abilities.

There may also be ghost spells, or some other ghosts hiding in it.

In short, you just treat it as an incident, there is nothing to say about it. "

(End of this chapter)

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