Mysterious country

Chapter 1034 Goodbye Shi Qiong

Chapter 1034 Goodbye Shi Qiong
But what they did was just to inquire, even if Zhao Manshan would fight against Fang Shan and the others, they would at most be spectators and would not intervene to help any party.

After all, no matter how you look at it from any angle, this kind of thing is a thankless task.

What's more, it is full of danger.

Compared with Fangshan Feng and Zhang's secret conversation, Xia Qi didn't say much to Zeng Yu and Chen Sheng.

If it is really necessary at that time, he will give them an order to carry it out. If they don't listen, then he definitely doesn't mind sending them on the road.

After Leng Yue Chu Mengqi was not around to restrain him, he was obviously no longer as kind as before.

Because there is no strong enough wrist, it is difficult to control the people below.

Silent all night.

Early the next morning, at the invitation of Fang Shan, Chen Sheng and Zeng Yu sat in the helicopter owned by Fang Shan.

Fang Shan owns two helicopters like this, one for him and one for his younger brother Fang Lin. He usually uses them to hunt game in the mountains and forests for entertainment.

This also made Xia Qi feel a little dumbfounded secretly, thinking that if compared to playing and enjoying, the two brothers Fang Shan are much better than them.

But people like Chen Sheng belonged to low-level enjoyment, only women were in their minds, and there was no other pleasure.

Two helicopters landed in an open space below one after another, and Xia Qi followed Chen Sheng and Zeng Yu out.

Fang Shan didn't notice Xia Qi until this time. Seeing him frowning, he said to Chen Sheng:

"What? Are you still taking him with you? Senior executives can hardly help you in the ghost king's cemetery."

"Take him to learn a lot, after all, he has come."

After Chen Sheng finished speaking, he walked over to Fang Shan and said in a low voice:

"I'm also thinking of trying my luck, to see if I can train a manager for us."

"Then you have to keep an eye on him, otherwise I'm afraid you won't even know how he died."

Chen Sheng obviously felt that a small senior executive like Xia Qi would have no chance of surviving in a place like the ghost king's cemetery.

Chen Sheng smiled and didn't say anything, he quickly turned his head and glanced at Xia Qi who was full of indifference, until he saw that Xia Qi didn't respond, he was secretly relieved.

Others don't know how terrifying Xia Qi is, but he does. He really beat Lu Bin to death with just two big mouths.

With this kind of strength, unless he encounters some extremely talented people in the inner domain or the Rebel Alliance, there is almost no possibility of defeating him.

Fang Lin, Liu He, Feng and Zhang got off the helicopter as well, and the two teams got together, and then they passed through this empty area together and entered a mountain forest.

After walking for about 5 minutes, a group of more than ten people appeared from another direction, which seemed to be people from Hongshan District.

"What's wrong with Manager Fang? Why are there only a few of you?

Isn't your charisma strong? "

Zhao Manshan's face was very long, his chin was very pointed, and his hair was completely pulled back and combed into very thin braids.

Behind him, there are more than ten people, including two women. The women are about 30 years old, have very ordinary looks, and are wearing very cool thin clothes.

Xia Qi searched carefully among the crowd, and soon, he found a person who looked like Shi Qiong.

Speaking of which, he had never seen Shi Qiong before, but the female zombie left a deep impression on him at that time, and there was more or less that kind of aura on that person.

It was a very ugly man with scars all over his face, and he walked like a machine, looking very hard.

And on his back, he was also carrying a large coffin. Although he was the last one, it looked rather eye-catching.

He walked slowly with the coffin on his back, without raising his head during the process, and looked towards them, as if he didn't care who was there.

What enmity between Zhao Manshan and Fang Shan, Chen Sheng didn't know, so Xia Qi didn't know much either.

But judging from the situation of ridiculing each other when they first met, the enmity between the two is definitely not small.

"I don't have as much face as Manager Zhao, and I can invite many managers to help out.

But as far as I know, there may not be so many things in the ghost king's cemetery, and you, Manager Zhao, are a typical narrow-minded person, so why would you look at it honestly, and the benefits are all taken by others.

So too many people is not a good thing. "

"Fang Shan, you are still the same as before, let me see you and want to cramp your bones.

I advise you to save your energy and let yourself breathe the air again. In case you are killed in the ghost king's cemetery, you will not have this chance in the future. "

"I'll give you the same thing."

Fang Shan snorted coldly with an ugly expression, while Zhao Manshan laughed out loud as if he had taken advantage of something, and then said to Liu Hefeng and Zhang:
"We're all here, so you two don't have to be fooled over there."

Feng and Zhang didn't expect Zhao Manshan to reveal their identities, which made their expressions a little awkward, but they still walked over obediently.

Seeing this, Fang Lin cursed angrily:

"Feng and Zhang Liuhe, are you two people? What did my brother do to you, and you two actually eat inside and outside!"

"Xiao Linzi, don't speak so harshly, we are not your people, what are we talking about?
Seeing that you are young, we don't have the same knowledge as you, but we have to keep your mouth shut in the future, lest you don't even know how you died. "

Feng and Zhang Lengxia put on a cold face, directly threatening Fang Lin.

Fang Lin wanted to say something more, but Fang Shan stopped him and said:

"There's no need to say anything, it's all too obvious."

Zhao Manshan's meaning was too obvious, that is, he wanted to deal with the two brothers, if they said anything else, Bao Buqi would do it now.

Zhao Manshan shut up when he saw that Fangshan knew the current affairs, and he continued to say:
"Tell you Fang Shan, I am now a member of the Rebel Alliance, and this is the captain of one of the Rebel Alliance brigades, Shi Qiong, Manager Shi."

After Zhao Manshan finished speaking, he turned his attention to the man standing at the back, who still had his head slightly lowered, with hideous scars on his face and a long black coffin on his back.

Hearing Zhao Manshan's words, the faces of Fang Shan, Fang Lin, and Chen Sheng and Zeng Yu all changed suddenly.

For Fang Shan and Fang Lin, once Zhao Manshan became the henchman of the rebel alliance, their enmity with each other would rise from the friction in the neighborhood to the issue between big forces and small forces.

So how can he fight against the rebel alliance with his small Qinghai neighborhood?
There is simply no way out.

"Don't talk so much nonsense, go in first."

Shi Qiong raised her head at this time, and with a strange voice, she ordered Zhao Manshan in a dead voice.

Although Zhao Manshan's attitude towards Fangshan was arrogant, but he was 1 respectful towards Shi Qiong, and he nodded in agreement.

Xia Qi has been paying attention to Shi Qiong. This Shi Qiong has many clones, and the strength of the clones is stronger than the main body, so every clone is him, so his appearance is always changing with the changes of the clones.

(Today’s Chinese New Year, Yixiao wishes everyone a new year, happy family, and wishes come true. In 2017, I can continue to support Yixiao and the country. At 8 o’clock tonight, I will appear in the group on time to distribute red envelopes.)
(End of this chapter)

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