Mysterious country

Chapter 1037 The Graveyard

Chapter 1037 The Graveyard
Seeing this spirit card, Xia Qi's face became a little ugly, because it showed that the woman named Chu Jingshu he saw in the bedroom just now was a ghost at all.

He has seen a lot of ghosts, so naturally he won't be afraid, but thinking of Chu Jingshu's naturalness just now, his heart trembles a little, and he doesn't know what the female ghost is trying to do with such an appearance.

But no matter what he wanted to do, he didn't have the mind to get entangled with a female ghost, so he made up his mind to leave here in a while, go around first, and after he had a better understanding of the terrain, he went Try to find Zhao Manshan and others.

Slowly let go of his hand, and the small door where the spiritual table was placed was slowly closed. Xia Qi suddenly turned his head with some palpitations, and saw a figure flashing by the bedroom door.

Although the figure disappeared in a flash, Xia Qi still saw the face of that person clearly, it was Chu Jingshu who just told him to sleep for a while.

Apparently, the other party didn't lie down on the bed to rest obediently as he said, but poked his head out, peeping at him from the door all the time.

If he met a female ghost outside, he might not be as worried as he is now, but the problem is that this is a ghost domain, the territory of the ghost king. He took it lightly.

The existence of the ghost spell can not only manipulate this space at will, but also transform into countless ghosts. Even if his strength is not suppressed, it is an almost impossible task to kill all the ghosts that appear here .

Of course, the purpose of his coming here is not to deal with the ghost curse, nor to occupy this space, but simply to get the ghost king's stump and get rid of Zhao Manshan and others.

So he didn't want to waste too much energy on other aspects.

Ignoring Chu Jingshu in the bedroom, Xia Qi walked down the stairs quickly after reaching the stairs, until she completely came out of the 3-story wooden building.

The outside of the small wooden building is the street, just like what he saw outside, all paths paved with stone bricks.

Many small vendors lined up neatly on both sides of the path, and the sunlight pierced through the thin clouds, making these people extremely blurred in his vision.

Xia Qi walked forward and watched very vigilantly. During the process, he didn't see any familiar shadows at all. In other words, neither Zhao Manshan and the others, nor Chen Sheng and the others were anywhere near here.

The path was very long, and the surrounding environment was noisy. He walked along the path for nearly 20 minutes before reaching the end of the path.

There are no street vendors here, but what is quite strange is that, further ahead, the day of the main film shows a little green, which also forms a sharp contrast with the bright sun behind it.

It's like half the world and half the underworld.

The hazy emerald green mist spread lightly in the air, like countless poisonous gas bombs exploding, distorting the space and making it look extremely unreal.

Xia Qi showed hesitation, he didn't know whether to continue walking or go back honestly.

Because in comparison, it is obvious that the environment ahead is even worse and even more unpredictable.

Looking down at the honor watch, the dial of the honor watch is plain, and there is no time limit for the freezing period, or any changes.

"If there is a ghost king's stump nearby, I should be able to feel it. After all, after the ghost king is dismembered, he will no longer restrain his ghost energy on purpose."

Xia Qi muttered something, thinking that he came here to find the stump of the ghost king, so he didn't think about it anymore, and walked straight into the green mist in front of him middle.

Walking in nervously, Xia Qi discovered that he had actually entered a gloomy cemetery.

At a glance, there are grave mounds everywhere, and the number of grave mounds is so large that it is almost impossible to count.

And you can also see some people worshiping in front of some graves.

The ghost domain of the ghost king is a real space, so it is hard to say whether there will be living people there.

Xia Qi turned his head and glanced behind him, his back was completely covered by the pervasive green mist, the bustling path he walked all the way before seemed to have disappeared, and he could never see it again.

Without turning back, he continued to walk straight into the cemetery not far away.

As soon as he came in, he saw a middle-aged man in his 30s, kneeling in front of a grave, muttering something, and kneeling non-stop.

Xia Qi's approach did not attract this person's attention, so he quickly came behind this person. Just as he was about to ask him something, his heart clicked, and he moved back a few moments in an instant. step.

Because he saw the photo of the dead person pasted on the tombstone, it turned out to be the person kneeling in front of the grave.

In other words, that person was actually bowing down to his dead self!
"Why can't I die! Why am I still alive!

Obviously my body has been cremated, obviously I have slit my throat and died, but why do I still exist! "

The man seemed to be bowing down, but there was no hint of sacrifice in his words, it seemed to be venting his grievances pretending to be pious.

Xia Qi didn't dare to go over to strike up a conversation, his body kept retreating uncontrollably, but within a few steps, he felt as if he had guessed something under his feet.

He subconsciously turned his head to look, but a scene that shocked him even more happened, he actually stepped on a hand!

A hand protruding from the edge of the grave!
After the hand was stepped on by him, the fingers were still bending continuously, as if buried in the soil below, it was not a dead body, but a still breath, trying to struggle to climb up. Come out like a living person.

Xia Qi quickly moved his feet away, and placed the ghost domain as far as possible, keeping an eye on his surroundings. Afterwards, he took big steps and ran like the wind in the cemetery.

However, the deeper he went in, the more dead people worshiped him.

Everyone was doing extremely contradictory movements, while kowtowing to their tombstones, they were still roaring viciously.

When he wanted to stop, try to change direction, and turn back, he was completely lost in this cemetery that seemed impossible to get out of.

The green mist gathered more and more, and the vicious roar became louder and louder. It was like waking up and suddenly found that there were an unknown number of resentful souls gathered beside his bed, which made Xia Qi's scalp tingle. .

The only thing that made him feel more fortunate was that these undead didn't mean to besiege him.

It's like not seeing him, but also like completely ignoring his existence.

(End of this chapter)

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