Chapter 1043
The sound kept ringing in the three stone coffins, and the coffin lids that were tightly sealed on them were also moving sideways little by little with the ups and downs of the sound.

Obviously there is something ghost trying to get out of it.

No matter what is inside, Xia Qi doesn't want to meet it, because he can leave by walking, or teleport in a small range.

The reason why it is described as a small range is because his teleportation distance is only 3 meters away at most.

It is consistent with the maximum range that his ghost domain can cover.

After all, he is currently in the ghost domain of the ghost king, so even his teleportation ability is greatly restricted.

Fortunately, the room doesn't look that big, and it's not too difficult to leave after teleporting several times in a row.

After teleporting three times in a row, the scratching sound that filled his ears had disappeared, but the scene in front of him still made Xia Qi unable to recover from his tense state.

Because he found himself back in that small wooden building.

It is still the third floor of the small wooden building, and it is still the narrow corridor leading to the mourning hall.

At this time, he was standing by the door of the bedroom, looking more or less at a loss.

"Ta Tata..."

The sound of soft footsteps suddenly came up from the stairs, and when Xia Qi came back to look around, he saw a woman who looked quite similar to Chu Mengqi, walking up the stairs expressionlessly.

"What's going on! Didn't it get rid of by me!"

The person who came up was none other than Chu Jingshu who had been destroyed by Xia Qi and the small wooden building earlier.

Although he didn't know what was going on, but since the female ghost appeared again, it proved that his sneak attack at that time was not successful.

With 120 points of vigilance in her heart, after Chu Jingshu came up with a blank face, a smile suddenly appeared on her gray face that made Xia Qi feel palpitating:
"Why are you looking at me like that, do I have a dead face?"

Chu Jingshu's tone sounded like she was joking, but when she heard Xia Qi's ears, she didn't think it was a joke at all.

Because that Chu Jingshu is a dead person at all!
"Boom blah blah..."

Just when Xia Qi's Adam's apple moved and he was about to speak, from the bedroom behind him, there was a sudden sound of a string of nails scratching the wall.

Xia Qi was startled by the sudden sound, and hurriedly turned his head to look at the bedroom, and saw the lights in the bedroom flickering frequently, alternating between black and white, the three stone coffins exuding ghostly aura looked particularly spooky.

There was a female ghost lingering in front of the road, and there were three stone coffins threatening behind. Xia Qi used his teleportation ability again without even thinking about it. In a flash, he came directly to the place near the mourning hall, and then disappeared completely. .

A faint feeling of trance appeared, Xia Qi subconsciously rubbed his head, sat up from the somewhat cold bed, and was immediately startled and jumped out of bed.

He actually returned to the bedroom on the third floor of Xiaomulou, not only that, but Chu Jingshu was sleeping next to him!
Chu Jingshu slept very quietly, as if she hadn't noticed his presence, she looked down at the clothes on her body, there was nothing missing or changed.

He hesitated for a moment, and walked quickly to the door, but just as he opened the bedroom door, he saw the three stone coffins that he was all too familiar with.

They are unbiased, just blocking the exit of the bedroom completely.

It's just that this wasn't the reason why he was shocked. What really shocked him was that the lids of the three stone coffins were all missing!
Evidently, either someone had opened them, or something that had been locked inside had escaped.

His heart began to beat violently due to palpitations, and he had never felt this way since he came to the second domain.

After all, managers like Chen Sheng and Lu Bin are just some of the weakest people in the manager class, and they can't compare with Chen Ming, Wang Yunpeng and others at that time.

It can be said that a manager of Chen Sheng Lu Bin's strength, even before he came to the second domain, could win even if he tried his best.So after he became a manager, he could be crushed so easily.

Lu Bin and others couldn't put pressure on him. Most of the incidents that happened in the various blocks of Guangying were just ordinary evil spirits, so when he got the news from Chen Sheng or Zeng Yu, he didn't have any It was easily and happily resolved without any effort.

This easy experience even made his heart swell a little. Although it was not much, the feeling that Lao Tzu was number one in the world still existed uncontrollably.

But ever since he came into this ghost king's cemetery, he has encountered all kinds of obstacles.

Although he had already thought that any weird things could happen here, but after it happened continuously like now, he still couldn't keep himself calm to face it.

After all, this is really too much like an illusion, but he also knows that this is not an illusion at all, but a real occurrence.

As the will of the ghost king, the ghost curse is the omnipotent ruler in this space, and he can change whatever he wants to change the illusion here.

But once the same thing happens continuously, no matter how persistent you are in your heart, no matter how firm you are, you will inevitably waver sometimes.

Because he killed Chu Jingshu with his own hands before, but it is still lying on the bed. If this is not an illusion, how can it be explained?

Although there may be other ghosts in the ghost king's cemetery, the ghost curse can also split itself to form some clones, but he is not the only one who comes here, even if the ghost curse wants to deal with him, it will not bite him like it is now Don't let it go.

"I have to calm down, everything has its own inevitability.

If the ghost curse thinks that I am the most threatening to it among all the people who come in, then it makes sense for it to target me frequently. "

Now that the ghost curse's intention to deal with him was already obvious, Xia Qi no longer ran blindly for his life. At this time, he lit a cigarette, calmed down his ups and downs, and quickly thought of a way.

The ghost spell is in the dark, he is in the light, and he is now in the ghost spell's lair, so no matter from which point of view, he has no advantage in dealing with the ghost spell.

But at the same time, the ghost spell exists as a kind of will, and it will become weaker with the passage of time. The reason why it has been consumed with him like this is obviously because it has nothing to do with him, and it wants to find another way to kill him.

Instead of trying to break through his ghost domain, it's more like taking advantage of changes in the environment to constantly influence his judgment.

But what effect can this influence have on him?

It was nothing more than making him feel that he might be trapped in an illusion, and nothing could affect him anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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