Mysterious country

Chapter 1045 Lingering Soul

Chapter 1045 Lingering Souls (Third)

"I want to see if you can be resurrected this time!"

Xia Qi ignored the attacks of the ghosts behind him, and punched Chu Jingshu's grinning face fiercely. With this punch, his face was completely sunken.

"Get out of here again!"

Grabbing Chu Jingshu's neck, he pulled Chu Jingshu over again. Xia Qi's eyes danced with a strange purple light, and then activated the ghost baby's swallowing ability. swallowed.

Without the slightest splash of blood, Xia Qi then swallowed Chu Jingshu in two more mouthfuls.

Turning around with a dark face, Xia Qi looked at a group of fierce ghosts who were rushing to die, and saw the round mark on his forehead trembling slightly, and then behind these ghosts, the phantom of a giant gate gradually emerged.

"Disappear for me!"

In my mind, the ghost gate opened wide, and then an irresistible suction came out from the gate, and many ghosts were completely sucked in by the ghost gate before they even had time to react.

The ghost gate closed with a loud noise, becoming illusory again, Xia Qi gritted his teeth and endured the backlash caused by devouring.

He thought that at his manager level, devouring some ghost-level ghosts would not cause too much backlash, but what he didn't expect was that as his strength was suppressed to the senior executive level, even after using his talent The backlash also increased by one piece.

After falling to the ground and convulsing in pain for a long time, he got up from the ground again in cold sweat.

The whole person has almost collapsed.

After drinking a bottle of potion that restores his strength, he quickly cheered up. The result surprised him. After swallowing those ghosts, his strength also recovered, and he was already very close to the level of a manager.

This situation was completely unexpected to him before.

Does that mean that as long as he swallows more ghosts here, his suppressed strength will recover more?
Lie down on the bed, Xia Qi thought about it carefully, and fell asleep before he knew it.

As soon as he woke up, he heard the noise coming from outside the window. He rubbed his eyes and sat up on the bed, then jumped down to the window.

Looking outside, it was the same as when he came yesterday, there was still a lot of people, and the vendors below were busy.

Trying to expand the coverage of the ghost domain, after devouring those ghosts last night, the coverage of the ghost domain has increased from the previous 3 meters to the current 6 meters, fully doubled.

I don't know if his strength has been suppressed here, have the strength of those ghosts been suppressed before, are they actually ghost-level ghosts?

The bedroom is still the same bedroom, and the breeze is still blowing the windows and making a little noise.

Xia Qi went out from the bedroom, only to find that the three stone coffins lying beside the door last night had disappeared.

Just as he was deep in thought, two women came out one after another from the mourning hall across the corridor.

The two women looked very similar, and one of them shocked him even more, it was Chu Jingshu who was swallowed up by him just last night!

"It actually came back to life!"

Seeing Chu Jingshu again, Xia Qi was completely confused by Monk Zhang Er. He really began to wonder if all this was an illusion.

But it doesn't make sense, because its strength has indeed recovered a little, which proves that the ones he devoured last night are indeed ghosts.

But what is going on now?
Why is this Chu Jingshu so haunted.

"You're up, hurry down and eat."

The older woman hurriedly shouted to him after seeing Xia Qi.

"What are you thinking? Didn't you hear Mom asking you to go down to eat?"

Xia Qi looked at the two women, the old and the young, and walked down the stairs without saying anything.

When I came to the second floor, I saw a middle-aged man in his 50s and greeted him:

"What are you going to do? Hurry up and have a drink with me. You said that you two don't come back very often. It's rare to come back once."

The middle-aged man had a smile on his face, and he looked like a friendly person. Xia Qi glanced at him, but ignored him, and went downstairs directly after a pause.

"What are you doing?"

The stone road was once again sandwiched by vendors on both sides into a small road.

Xia Qi kept walking along the path until he was far away, and the same thing as yesterday did not happen again.

The cemetery seemed to have completely disappeared, and it has not reappeared today.

"It's really weird."

For the next whole day, Xia Qi wandered around the town, and he found that the town didn't look like a ghost town at all, because there were buses coming in from outside all the time, and every time the bus stopped, there would be Many tourists poured in.

It was as if after waking up, he appeared directly in another dimension.

"There is definitely something wrong here, these must all be fake."

Xia Qi didn't believe that this place would really be so peaceful, but he also used a spell that could see through illusions, but the spell had no other effect.

How should this be explained?

Xia Qi stood on the road with people coming and going, suddenly a sense of tyranny emerged from the bottom of his heart.

He firmly believed that there was absolutely nothing wrong with him, and he firmly believed that if all these things were not fake, even these living people who seemed to have no problems were all tricks made by ghosts.

Looking at a noodle stall not far away, Xia Qi's heart moved, and he suddenly walked towards the noodle stall.

"The boss is here for a bowl of noodles."

Xia Qi greeted the boss, but the boss acted as if he didn't hear it, and was still busy with others.

He then barked twice more, but the result was the same as before.

He left the noodle stall and walked around other stalls, only to find that other places were the same, as if he didn't belong to this world, only he could see them, but others couldn't see him.

"It's all fake here!"

Xia Tian murmured in his heart, he finally knew why the magic charm was useless to the situation here, the reason for the uselessness probably came from two sources.

On the one hand, the spell is ineffective against ghosts, and on the other hand, the illusion here is not aimed at him.

It's like watching a movie. To the viewer, everything in the movie is fake.But to the people in the movie, they are all real.

But Chu Jingshu and her family can see him, so what does that mean?

Obviously the most reasonable explanation is that there is something wrong with that family, they are all ghosts!
Although he didn't know why Chu Jingshu appeared again and again, since the other party appeared so frequently, it was obviously very useful for ghost spells.

It is also almost certain that Chu Jingshu is a clone created by the scattered power of the ghost curse, and exists beside him purposefully.

But he couldn't understand what the ghost curse was thinking at all. Could it be that it was deliberately helping it recover its strength?

Although it was impossible and illogical, at least that was how he felt right now.

(End of this chapter)

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