Mysterious country

Chapter 1052 Tortoise Shell

Chapter 1052 Tortoise shell (first update)
After a faint glance at Zeng Yu and Chen Sheng, Xia Qi just nodded slightly. Although he didn't say anything, both Zeng Yu and Chen Sheng seemed to have received some kind of affirmation, and the original despair disappeared instantly. clean.

They all struggled and began to grope around, apparently looking for a potion to restore their injuries.

Several managers, including Matthews and the Rebel Alliance, were all watching Xia Qi with darkened faces. There was no doubt that they were all ignored by this mysterious figure who suddenly appeared.

"who are you?"

A manager of the Rebel Alliance, wearing a blue T-shirt, shouted loudly at Xia Qi at this moment.

"Do you know who I am and does it mean anything to you?"

Xia Qi didn't want to keep any of these members of the Rebel Alliance. After all, they all followed the Rebel Alliance, and it was difficult to be drawn to his side. Of course, even if he could be recruited, he didn't trust them at all.

"Don't think that you can deal with us by killing two people with a sneak attack!"

The manager of the Rebel Alliance was obviously feeling guilty in his heart, so when he said these words, his eyes kept drifting towards Shi Qiong.

Shi Qiong still had that hideous look, looking at Xia Qi without any reaction.

Not counting Chen Sheng and Zeng Yu, there were 5 managers present.

There are 3 people from the Rebel Alliance, and the other is two block managers including Matthews.

"Ha ha."

After hearing the words of the manager of the Rebel Alliance, Xia Qi suddenly sneered twice, and then a large amount of dark green ghost energy rose from his body, and the skeleton ghost armor also appeared very quickly, completely enveloping his body .


When he saw that Xia Qi was still at the level of a manager in the ghost king's cemetery, Matthew suddenly took a big step back as if struck by lightning, and shouted in disbelief:

"Senior Manager!"

After hearing Matthews' exclamation, even the expressions of several other people changed drastically, and they lost the idea of ​​resisting in an instant.

In fact, it's not surprising that they think that Xia Qi is a senior manager, because everyone was at the manager level before coming here, but after coming in, they were suppressed by Huang Quan, and their strength changed from the original basis. It dropped a bit.

Some were downgraded to the level of senior executives, and a few were directly downgraded to the level of ghosts.

That's why they mistook Xia Qi for a senior manager.

After Xia Qi absorbed a large amount of ghost energy from the ghost king's cemetery, although his strength had increased to a certain extent, he was still somewhat inferior to a senior manager.

But this kind of thing that can scare the enemy, he will naturally not explain anything.

As the saying goes, taking advantage of your illness to kill you, Xia Qi's eyes showed murderous intent, and his figure disappeared from the spot. The next moment, he came in front of one of the rebel alliance managers.

"I can kill you without a sneak attack!"

Seeing Xia Qi appear directly in front of him, the manager suddenly opened his eyes wide in horror, and subconsciously wanted to use his natural power.

Not to mention that it is impossible for him to give the other party a chance to use it, even if the other party really uses the power of talent on him, it will not have much impact on him.

A large part of why Chen Ming and Wang Yunpeng were killed by him and Leng Yue was because they underestimated the enemy, because they were given too many opportunities to fight back.

There is no absolute thing in this world, so even when dealing with a small ghost, he will not take it lightly.

Two mouth-like gaps were cracked on the two palms again, and in the next moment, Xia Qi had already penetrated the opponent's ghost domain, and both palms slapped the manager's head fiercely.


There was a sound of the head exploding, and immediately after that, it melted without a trace left.

With a fierce kick, the manager's remnant body was kicked far away, and Xia Qi left an afterimage on the spot. Matthews and another block manager screamed and fled in two directions.

Xia Qi ignored them, but instead targeted another manager of the Rebel Alliance and killed him directly.

After learning from the past, the manager was obviously much more decisive. His demonic body shrank rapidly, and then a shell like a tortoise shell with a metallic luster appeared on his back.

Just as Xia Qi appeared, the manager shrank into his carapace like a tortoise.

"Manager Shi, help me!"

The manager's natural power is obviously similar to absolute defense, which can increase his own defense.

After retracting, he still didn't listen to the yelling for Shi Qiong and Matthews to help them deal with Xia Qi together.

However, Matthews and another manager of the block were already frightened by Xia Qi.

After all, in their hearts, Xia Qi was a senior manager, so how could they be able to deal with it together.

So he didn't hesitate to run for his life, and he was gone after a while.

After Chen Sheng and Zeng Yu recovered, they didn't watch the excitement, not to mention helping Xia Qi to relieve their worries, but they would never let Matthews torture them.

So they chased each other in one direction.

So the only one who could help was Shi Qiong who was still standing in front of the chaotic rock, but Shi Qiong didn't seem interested in interfering at all.

"Oh, that's awesome, you're still pretending to be a bastard with us?
Do you think that if you become a bastard, I will let you go? "

"There must be some misunderstanding between us. Seeing that you are also a ghost, you should be a high-level member of the alliance. If I do something wrong, I will correct it. Please let me go, okay?"

Although the manager of the Rebel Alliance hid in the tortoise shell he released with his talent, he still had no idea in his heart. After all, the opponent's strength was significantly higher than him, even if his tortoise shell defense was amazing. It is impossible to hold back for a long time.

Xia Qi didn't talk nonsense with him any more, and in his mind, the blood ghost soldier had already appeared in his hands.

After devouring a large amount of blood energy, the blood ghost soldier finally turned into a scythe again, with red light shining on it, exuding extremely strong blood energy.

Accompanied by the slashing of the ghost technique, the tortoise shell, which was originally protruding, was directly cut down a little bit. Xia Qi was like beating a drum, repeatedly slashing with the blood demon ghost soldier. Soon, the tortoise shell was covered with Several cracks appeared, and it was trampled to pieces.

As the tortoise shell broke, the manager's screams stopped abruptly, and when the traces of the tortoise shell disappeared, only a bloody mess of meat sauce was left on the ground.

It can be said that if you don't meet someone with a higher level than yourself, this person's innate power can almost make you invincible.

Because the backlash of his innate power is very special, that is, as long as the tortoise shell is not broken, nothing will happen.

But as long as the tortoise shell is broken, even himself will die along with him.

Xia Qi's strength has already approached the senior manager, but in the end it took a lot of effort to break through the tortoise shell's defense. If he encounters him outside, he may not be able to take the opponent.

(End of this chapter)

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