Mysterious country

Chapter 1057 Boys and Girls

Chapter 1057 Boys and Girls (Third)
"What a misunderstanding."

Obviously being beaten by someone, but still asking the other party to let him go, Xia Qi was really depressed to death. In fact, he hadn't experienced such a terrible feeling for a long time.

Only now did he fully understand that sentence, curiosity killed the cat!

The girl is not an entity, only a face wrapped in black ghostly aura, but she doesn't look as ferocious as a ghost, she looks like a girl of fifteen or sixteen years old.

"What a misunderstanding, I admit that I got in, but then I regretted wanting to get out, and ended up getting in.

Did you bring me in? "

"I don't know you, why did I let you in?"

After the girl finished speaking, she murmured:

"What is Xiao Hei doing, why did he bring in a human being, really!"

"That... Boss beauty, can you let me go? I'm really just a passerby, just passing by.

Your lord has a lot, so you probably don't have the same knowledge as a nobody like me. "

"Ordinary people can't get in here, don't try to lie to me. You have to die."

The girl turned her back as soon as she said it, and the strong ghost energy turned into a fierce ghost claw, and immediately slapped Xia Qi who was lying on the ground fiercely.

If this shot is taken, Xia Qi is very confident that he will be photographed as a meat paste.

But at this moment, a male voice suddenly sounded from one side, stopping the girl's killer in time:
"Little Red!"


The girl took back the ghost claw that was about to fall on Xia Qi's body, and then looked at the living room with some displeasure.

Suddenly, in the living room, a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old came slowly without knowing when.

Looking at the boy's eyes, they were also scarlet red, which looked particularly dazzling in the darkness.

"I let him in."

"Why did you let a stranger in here? I don't know if I'm still recuperating."

The girl seemed very dissatisfied, but the boy smiled and said:

"I know, but don't you feel it? There is a very familiar aura about him."

"Familiar breath?"

After hearing this, the girl looked at Xia Qi with some suspicion, as for Xia Qi, she could only smile in confusion, because he really didn't know when he had seen these two seemingly innocent, but actually two Scary enough to take your breath away from little monsters.

Especially that boy, he just glanced at each other, and the hairs all over his body stood up uncontrollably.

"When you put it that way, there is indeed a little bit of it."

The girl also seemed to feel something, and then asked Xia Qi:
"Tell me, who do you know!"

"Uh... I know too many people, can you give me a range?"

"No! Say it all!"


Just when Xia Qi was about to bite the bullet and confess, Xiao Hei suddenly squatted down, and a pair of scarlet eyes directly met his gaze.

In the next moment, he felt his consciousness dissipate very quickly, as if all the secrets in his body had been seen through.

"what's the situation?"

Xia Qi's eyes were so dull that he completely lost consciousness. After looking at it again, the young man muttered to himself with a puzzled face.

"What's the matter? You should say it."

"Xiao Mo."


"Xiao Mo."

The boy said the name again.

"You said he was Xiao Mo? No way, I know Xiao Mo. Although he looks annoying, he is much better than him.

Besides, he didn't let us rest here..."

"How long has Xiao Mo not contacted us?"

The boy suddenly interrupted the girl and asked.

"Since we left the third domain, we haven't contacted us again. But even if he contacted us, given our current situation, there is nothing we can do to help him. Last time, even we almost died.

I think that guy is full of bad water, and he just wants to trick us.

He promised to give us a world of our own as long as we help him solve the matter, but it didn't come true after so long.

Liar one. "

The more the girl said, the more disgusted the expression on her face became. The boy just smiled and shook his head, obviously not paying attention to what the girl just said:

"When we help Xiao Mo, we also help ourselves, don't forget that we have been hiding from XZ until now.

In addition, I have already promised him that if he needs it, I will never refuse. "

"You just want to meddle in your own business. Whether they die or not has nothing to do with us!"

The girl is still relentless.

"Don't forget who opened the cemetery to release you and me! Besides, we are different from before, and we are now considered a part of this place."

"Cut. I'm tired, I'm going back to rest."

The girl was a little annoyed at what the boy said, she curled her lips at this moment, and then went back to that bedroom.

Only the young man was left, still looking at Xia Qi suspiciously, and then saw him put his hand on Xia Qi's chest, and then yanked it upwards, and saw a golden iron cage being pushed directly from Xia Qi's chest by him. pulled out.

In the iron cage, Xia Qi's mother was looking at the boy outside the cage in astonishment.

"Why are you here, this cage can't trap you at all."

The boy obviously knew Xia Qi's mother, and the doubts on his face became deeper at this moment.

"And why are you here?"

Xia Qi's mother asked back.

"I understand." The boy didn't continue, obviously guessing the reason.

"Who is he."

At this moment, the young man pointed at Xia Qi who had not regained consciousness and asked.

"my son."

The boy looked at Xia Qi's mother in a daze, and was about to say something, but was interrupted by Xia Qi's mother:
"The plan is still going on and it hasn't been interrupted by anything.

It's just that there are some problems in the middle, I think you should already feel his presence. "

"What the hell happened to him?"


When Xia Qi woke up in a daze, he found that he was lying on an open space, the ghost energy in his body was full, and he didn't have any feeling of being suppressed anymore.

He stood up straight from the ground, only to realize that he had come out of that space.

Even though the space was still there, it was still shrouded in thick fog, but he didn't dare to step in again.

But he has remembered the hatred of being played with, he must not have the strength to come back to find a place now, and when he is strong enough, he must take care of that girl!
But for now, he can only feel lucky in his heart. After all, the strength of the boys and girls is unfathomable, and he is already content to survive.

It just made him a little strange, why did they let him go?
Also, what did the sense of familiarity that the boy said at that time mean?
Have they met before?

He has absolutely no clue about it.

(End of this chapter)

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