Mysterious country

Chapter 1064 Shuttle

Chapter 1064 Shuttle (seeking a monthly pass)

The further improvement of Huang Quan gave Xia Qi a bit of confidence in his heart.

After all, in this second domain, only those who have reached the level of senior managers can be regarded as having the power to protect themselves.

Although his strength is still at the manager level, he is already very close to a senior manager in terms of the defense of the ghost domain.

Coupled with his special abilities, he is almost invincible at the manager level, and he dares to say that he has the power to fight against senior managers.

At least it won't be directly killed by someone.

After making some simple adjustments, Xia Qi began to use teleportation to move towards the location of the Light and Shadow Street.

As the coverage of the ghost domain increased, the distance he teleported became farther and farther, so it took only half a day for him to return to the Light and Shadow District.

Although he has lived in the Qinghai neighborhood for more than a month and has not come back, when he returned to his residence, he found that the place was still kept clean and tidy. Apparently, Chen Sheng had specifically told the maids to come to clean it every day.

Chen Sheng is a busy man now, and Zeng Yu has become his deputy, mainly doing power integration, so he didn't disturb them. After a short rest, he went directly to the space passage outside the Light and Shadow Street .

The space channel connecting the reality below is not available in any block.

Only a few blocks have this kind of space passage, and most of them are located at the edge like the light and shadow block.

This is true in the outer domain, and the same is true in the inner domain, and the space channel will only exist in the peripheral areas.

According to Chen Sheng, the space passage outside the light and shadow block is not a passage at all. The real deal.

Because each channel is connected to countless realities, you can go to any reality you want.

If people from the outer domain want to go to the inner domain, they also need to use the space channel connecting the outer domain to the inner domain, so as to reach the border between the outer domain and the inner domain, and cannot directly enter the inner domain.

It was through this space channel that Leng Yue and Chu Mengqi left the Light and Shadow Street to reach the junction of the inner domain and the outer domain, and then entered the inner domain under the guidance of Liang Ruoyun.

And on the border, there are people from the three major Hades and the Rebel Alliance guarding them. However, although the two sides will strictly investigate the movement of people from these small forces in the outer domain, they will not stop them to death.

With a little favor, you can let it go.

Giving gifts in this second domain, money is definitely not good. Usually it is a magic potion, and besides, it is a woman who is good-looking and more able to live.

Ghost pets are also a big favorite of some managers, but few people engage in this kind of thing, because only cadavers, or some spell owners who specialize in souls, can imprison ghosts or ghostly souls, thereby making them Be obedient.

Regarding these, when he was on the phone with Chu Mengqi, Chu Mengqi told him that many managers in the inner domain had ghost pets around them.

It's just that it's not practical, it's just because it's rare, it's considered a status symbol, and it's purely for comparison.

And things like spell potions may be relatively rare in reality, but they are rare in the second domain.

After all, under each manager, at least there will be more than ten or more than 20 senior managers. One person does not need to pay more, just hand in one bottle, and the quantity is indispensable.

However, no one would think that they had a lot of spell potions, so no one would miss any opportunity to get potions.

Like Chen Sheng, Fang Shan and the others contacted people from the three great underworlds, and every time they asked them for help, they had to send dozens of bottles over.

And you have to avoid the people of the Rebel Alliance. Once you are discovered, all the potions will be snatched from you, or the whole block will have to be buried with you.

Although there are senior managers guarding the border, the senior managers are just sitting in charge, and the gatekeepers are still the managers below, so if you send someone or send a letter, you still need to give some benefits to keep your mouth shut first, just to be on the safe side.

This is actually the reason why the three Hades and the Rebel Alliance have done so much, and they are still able to move around.

It is because the people below are greedy and let them go if they give some benefits, and they have not completely separated the outer domain from the inner domain.

Anyway, one side is a ghost substance, and the other is a spell owner. It is very difficult to sneak in and be an undercover agent, but there should be no doubt that both parties have eyeliner inside.

Not to mention those two big forces, even he has Wu Di's eyeliner here.

It is more than enough to spread a little news, but if you want a large-scale rebellion, it may be difficult to achieve.

Xia Qi's figure appeared directly on the city wall. Although almost no one would come to this passage, there were still people standing guard here at ordinary times.

"Manager Xia."

Seeing Xia Qi appear, the three senior executives who were sitting on the city wall fighting the landlord suddenly stood up pale with fright.

"It's okay, you play your game, I'm just passing by."

After finishing speaking, Xia Qi jumped off the city wall, and then walked towards the space passage not far away.

And the three senior executives on the city wall all showed a look of lingering fear.

Because before Chen Sheng left, he had sternly told them to put up 120 points in the future. If anyone is eating and waiting to die like before, running outside every day to enjoy themselves, once caught, he will never be taken lightly. spare.

Although they didn't dare to go out to have fun, it was useless after all, so they were all terrified in their hearts.

Fortunately, Xia Qi didn't say anything to them, which made them heave a long sigh of relief afterwards.

Like Qinghai District, there may be people in Fengxiang District who don't know Xia Qi, but in this Light and Shadow District, no one knows that Xia Qi is the real boss here.

Old black and bald head were sent out by Chen Sheng to participate in the incident because they were very close to the manager level. As for the three senior executives, except for one, the other two were newcomers who had just been promoted.

"Is Manager Xia going out through the space passage?"

Seeing Xia Qi walking straight towards the space passage, one of the newcomers asked.

"I heard that he first came out of this passage. The other end of the passage may be connected to a reality below."

"So we can also go to the reality below through the passage?"

"It wasn't possible before, but since Manager Xia came here, it should be possible, because he can come here from reality, which means that he has opened up the way from reality to our place.

But it's better for you to avoid trouble, it will be bad if you go in and come out again. "

While the three senior executives were discussing in low voices, Xia Qi had already stepped into the space passage with one foot, and then disappeared completely.

(End of this chapter)

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