Mysterious country

Chapter 1067 Hades Boss

Chapter 1067 Hades Boss (Happy Lantern Festival)


Xia Qi didn't know if the other party said it in a metaphorical way, or if it was really like what he said, there really are gods in this world.

However, he seemed to have some impression of this title in his memory, as if he had heard it from someone.

But where did you hear it?

Xia Qi's sudden silence made the two entertainment city bosses look very interested. None of them disturbed Xia Qi, and just let him stand here and think about it.

But after a short wait, Xia Qi's face suddenly revealed a look of astonishment, obviously thinking of something.

In fact, Xia Qi did think about who he had heard about the title "God".

No one else, just heard it from the conversation between his mother and his grandfather.

That was before he entered the second domain, when he was in the horror-themed amusement park, he was pulled into the past by a female ghost in a special state.

It was a hospital, first there was a quarrel between his father and his grandfather in the corridor outside, and then there was a conversation between his mother and his grandfather, but just when he wanted to continue listening, a blurry figure suddenly Appeared, and then it was like being able to see him through the future, just one look, and he was forcibly kicked out of that state.

As for the female ghost, she was killed inexplicably.

Thinking back to this incident again, Xia Qi couldn't help thinking in his heart, who is that blurry figure that suddenly appeared in the hospital?
He remembered the conversation he heard at the time, and it felt like it was talking about him, but it didn't seem like it was talking about him.

Of course, there are still some things that he is very unwilling to believe.

For example, his grandfather said that he cannibalized and so on, so he always regarded it as the female ghost's hallucinations, all of which were false.

It's just that his mom did mention "God" back then.

In reality, gods appear at most as people's beliefs, but with the improvement of his strength, he feels that gods are not so supreme.

Because in his ghost domain, he is a god, so speaking of it, a god is just a person who can cover the feature space in the ghost domain.

Or to be more precise, the gods are the ones who created this world with ghost domains.

If you think about it this way, then the boss of Hades may be equal to the existence of God.

After all, only those who created this world would try to protect it in every possible way, so he felt that the god of this world was very, very likely to be the boss who created the three underworlds.

Only "he" can create the second domain above the real space, which is a large partition to block the connection between the third domain and the reality below.

"The god you are talking about is the boss of the underworld who has never shown his face and has been speculated by the outside world?"

After thinking about these things, Xia Qi asked the boss of the entertainment city bluntly.

"Many truths in this world cannot be known from others. If you think it is, then it is not."

The man replied ambiguously to Xia Qi, although what he said was equivalent to nonsense, but in Xia Qi's heart, the other party had already given him an affirmative answer.

The god of this world is the legendary boss of Hades!

"His current situation looks very bad, otherwise he would never make the Second Domain so chaotic.

The reason why the second domain has become like this is due to the expansion of ambition on the one hand, but it is more due to the lack of leaders.

If the boss of the underworld is fine, I think "he" will not let it go, and let the second domain continue to be chaotic, right? "

Hearing Xia Qi's conjecture, the expressions of the two of them didn't change at all. Obviously, they were both veterans who had seen big winds and waves. Even if they were surprised in their hearts, they wouldn't show it on their faces.

"Actually, "he" has been working hard all the time, and has always wanted to break this passive situation, but even if he is like "he", it is difficult to do whatever he wants.

Regarding "his" current situation, it doesn't matter if I tell you, after all, it is difficult for you to spread this matter.

You are right about one thing, the current situation of "him" is indeed not optimistic, after all, no matter who is exhausted, there will be times.

But even so, the existence of "him" is still the last barrier of mankind. "

"Being a BOSS is so low-key, it's a miracle."

Xia Qi didn't know what to say, so he sighed and said.

"Okay, we have things to deal with, you can stay here, but we have to go."

After the man finished speaking, he and Jue Dai disappeared directly in front of him.

The power that was constantly crushing his ghost domain disappeared instantly.

"God? Boss? The last barrier in this world? There are still ghosts that invade all the time?"

Xia Qi learned a lot of secrets today, at least he was sure that there is indeed a BOSS above the director.

And besides the big power of the three Hades, there is another hidden force, such as the two bosses of the entertainment city, who directly serve the boss of the Hades.

It's like the company's sales and after-sales.

The three Hades are responsible for blocking ghosts, but the subsequent work of cleaning and maintaining the space will be handled by another force.

However, such a perfect system has never been able to solve the problem of ghost invasion. Not until now, not only the high-level officials of the three Hades have suffered heavy casualties, but some people below have even rebelled, even directly blocking the front of the ghost. Divided into two parts, and constantly fighting each other.

It seems that from the initial unanimity to the outside world, it has become an internal dispute.

However, in the face of this chaotic situation, the boss remained indifferent. He thought it was the other party's strategizing, but after a tentative question just now, he got a quite definite answer.

It's not that the boss doesn't want to take care of it, but that "he" doesn't have the ability to take care of it now.

Come to think of it, even the most powerful person in the world has shown his powerlessness and become in a bad situation.

Then one can imagine how passive human beings are in this race-like war between humans and ghosts.

Obviously bad it couldn't have been worse.

However, what is even worse than this terrible situation is that the vast majority of human beings are completely unaware of it.

But having said that, even if it is expected, so what, just like if the end of the world comes one day, how many people can desperately get a chance of life, most people will run to the streets to burn, kill and loot, anyway, the end of the world It's all a foregone conclusion.

This kind of mentality of human beings is also the root cause of the emergence of evil.

There is really not much time left for him to prepare.

"My current strength is far from enough, I have to find a way to become stronger!"

(End of this chapter)

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