Mysterious country

Chapter 1078 Can't Delay

Chapter 1078 Can't Delay
Liang Ruoyun didn't have much time to hesitate, after all, Scarface's sudden death would soon disturb the senior managers above him.

Therefore, they must try their best to find Zhao Jingshu and the others, and immediately leave the inner domain for the outer domain.

With all sorts of thoughts in her mind, Liang Ruoyun kept trying her best to calm down her own mind, because the more critical the situation, the more she needed a calm mind.

Although she likes to consider the big aspects when doing things, so as to make concessions on some small issues, it cannot be said that there is a problem with her mind.

It can only be said that a person like her is not suitable for living in a place full of intrigue, blood and darkness like the Second Domain.

Leng Yue has already killed Scarface, this seems to have become a reality right now.

And after an accident, the most important thing to consider is the worst outcome.

Undoubtedly, the third underworld headed by Hou Tai made a big fuss about being killed with a scarred face, and then forced the second underworld to give an explanation.

The Second Hades couldn't resist, so they would hand over her and Leng Yue to Hou Tai and others.

Regardless of whether Hou Tai and the others will give up after the Second Underworld handed them over, once they are in Hou Tai's hands, they will definitely not end well.

Because Hou Tai never let go of anyone who might be against him.

Therefore, if she and Leng Yue do not escape, the end must be death.

But if they escaped, she was afraid that the second underworld would not find her and would let her mother replace her.

However, what Leng Yue said made sense, that is, if the Second Underworld could kill her mother, it would have already done so. If she wanted to let her mother out, she would have already done so.

So it doesn't depend at all on whether she's in Hades or not.

After all, her mother is a senior manager, so there is no cage that can trap her. If she hadn't stayed in it willingly, no one in the three Hades would be able to keep her.

As a supporter of tradition, Liang Ruoyun's mother strongly opposed all the decisions made by Hou Tai and others.

From the disclosure of the existence of Hades and ghosts to people in the second domain, to the so-called theocracy, and the full-scale pursuit of ghosts in the later stage, her mother is doing her best to stop it.

However, there are too many people like Hou Tai in the underworld, so her obstruction did not have any effect in the end.

On the contrary, it deepened the conflict between her and these people, and finally, being forced by a group of senior managers, she had to compromise and was willing to be imprisoned in Xuyang City.

She didn't understand at the time, since Hades treated her mother like this, why her mother would rather be imprisoned like a prisoner than stay in this inner domain.

But her mother didn't answer her, she just insisted on staying in the inner domain, and firmly believed that the high-level executives who left for the third domain at that time would come back sooner or later.

But having said that, even though she didn't know what her mother thought, based on what she knew about his mother, she felt that her mother was probably just showing her loyalty to Hades.

No matter what others say or do, her belief in Hades will not change.

Because her mother has always believed that these people will realize that they are wrong sooner or later.

Apparently, Liang Ruoyun and her mother are very similar in thinking and even in their acting styles. They both firmly put themselves on a moral high ground, calmly judge or look at everything that happens around them.

But in the eyes of others, they are the representatives of stupidity and weakness, a typical example of death in decay.

And this kind of people, for those who can really understand their hearts, will feel that they are admirable for being firm in themselves and not being changed by external influences.

But after all, this world is a fast-paced world, a self-centered world, everything is based on pros and cons, no right or wrong, who will respect your ideas, and who will praise your steadfastness boringly .

Liang Ruoyun's mother and daughter, and even Leng Yue who just met Xia Qi, they all belong to this kind of people.

Liang Ruoyun was influenced by her mother, while Leng Yue was influenced by his master, including Chu Mengqi who would occasionally be righteous, and this kind of thing they firmly believe in can be said to be the original will of the underworld.

Because whether it is Liang Ruoyun's mother or Leng Yue's master, they all belong to the last age of Hades.

At that time, Hades was very united. All the staff of Hades never wanted to enjoy themselves, nor did they want to show off their strength. Instead, they wanted to rely on their efforts to truly wipe out the ghosts one day and completely eliminate the threat from ghosts. , Restoring peace in the true sense of the world.

Completely rescued mankind from the previous desperate situation.

However, as the people of the previous era gradually passed away, these rising stars seemed to have forgotten their precarity in the incident at that time, and their relatives and friends who had accompanied them but died tragically at the claws of ghosts.

It is human nature to be greedy for life and afraid of death, and to be content with pleasure, so no wonder they are.

So it can only be said that this new generation of people is really too realistic.

And they go further and further down the wrong path that they thought was correct, thinking that they are creating a beautiful life with their own hands, but in fact they are constantly digging the grave of their own future introduction.

Liang Ruoyun squatted on the ground with an extremely painful expression, while Leng Yue stopped persuading her and stood beside her quietly, looking at her without saying a word.

After all, if the same thing happened to him, maybe he would hesitate and struggle countless times than Liang Ruoyun did.

So she should need some time to at least find a reason to convince herself.

Five minutes passed in a flash, Liang Ruoyun finally let out a long sigh, straightened up slowly, then looked at Leng Yue and said:

"I'm leaving with you. Let's find your friends now!"

Seeing Liang Ruoyun's affirmative answer, although Leng Yue still looked expressionless, there was a wave of fluctuation in her heart. After she nodded, she and Liang Ruoyun began to teleport in a small area using the legal domain.

Chu Mengqi is staying in the West Jin City that belongs to Leng Yue, and is anxiously waiting for the news from Leng Yue. She has just told Xia Tian through the communicator that Liang Ruoyun and Leng Yue went to find the important man with scar face Qi.

"There shouldn't be any problem. Sister Liang and senior brother are both managers, two against one, and they will be handed over no matter what."

Chu Mengqi's heart was beating suddenly, and this anxiety had just become stronger.

Just when he was hesitating whether to call Liang Ruoyun and ask, he heard the honor watch on her wrist and screamed sharply.

(End of this chapter)

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