Mysterious country

Chapter 108 2 Newcomers

Chapter 108 Two Newcomers
Coming out of Dongyu District Police Station, Xia Qi and the other two newcomers walked into the nearest cafe across the street.

After everyone ordered a symbolic cup of coffee and watched the waiter leave, the two newcomers couldn't wait to ask Xia Qi:

"Senior, what do you think of this incident?"

The newcomer who opened his mouth to call Xia Qi Senior was a very sunny young man with handsome features, and he seemed to have a gentle personality.

Hearing this newcomer call his senior, Xia Qi felt a little complacent in his heart, unexpectedly, he became a master in the eyes of others before he knew it.

"My name is Xia Qi, we are about the same age, don't call me senior, just call me Tian Qi."

Xia Qi forced himself to hold back the pride in his heart, and deliberately lowered his posture to answer.

After all, first impressions are really important when interacting with people. He had some funny problems with Lao Fan earlier, so that Leng Yue still thinks he is unreliable.

Of course, he also has some careful thoughts in it, that is, since these two rookies have become regulars, they should also have some skills in their hands.

Although the possibility of being as powerful as Leng Yue is very small, he still understands the reason why something is better than nothing.

Xia Qitian is not born with a vicious look, although he can't keep up with Leng Yue in terms of appearance, he still has a small advantage compared to most people.

"We've only just become regulars, and we're not very clear about some of the things in it. It's just luck to survive. Although we were not familiar with each other before, you didn't even blink your eyelids when you looked at those photos before." Courage is much stronger than us."

Xia Qi didn't know if the newcomer was speaking from his heart, or simply "licking" him, but looking at his clear eyes, it didn't seem like he was lying.

"Could it be that I can be called a god like Leng Yue in the future? Xia God?"

Xia Qi swallowed, and scratched his head in embarrassment:

"Okay, stop praising me. Speaking of which, I'm not too old. I just experienced one more incident than you. Since we have been grouped together in this incident, it can be regarded as fate. No one of us will be happy. Don't praise anyone, go to the forum together, analyze the problems together, and find the answers together.

What do you think? "

"Okay senior, let's work together and live together."

The young man waved his fist excitedly, and the waiter who brought the coffee didn't dare to approach him for a long time.

Next, the three of them got to know each other. The young man was called Zhao Anguo, who had just entered his junior year this year, and was one year younger than him.

The female newcomer is called Shen Ruotong. Although she didn't specify her age, she looks about the same age as them. Although she has a good figure, her appearance is average. I don't know if it's because of shyness or introversion. She hardly talks.

After the three got acquainted with each other, Zhao Anguo strongly asked Xia Qi, the senior, to show his skills and analyze the incident for them, so that they could learn more about it.

The hospitality is hard to come by, and Xia Qi also likes the feeling of being held in high esteem, so he analyzed the situation just now:

"From the first case to the present, a total of 8 days have passed, and there have been four cases in which husbands and wives died.

Although the police did not dare to make a decision, we knew very well in our hearts that this case must be committed by ghosts.

If we don't do something to stop it, more people will die presumably.

And this obstruction, to put it bluntly, means that we must resolve this incident.

The places where the cases happened, up to the one that happened yesterday, were all within the jurisdiction of Dongyu District.

One time may be a coincidence, two times may be a coincidence, but three times, four times, it is definitely no longer a coincidence, but a kind of necessity.

From this, we can infer that the ghost of this incident specifically picked Dongyu District to attack.

In addition, when I was browsing the police records just now, I made a new discovery, that is, the eight deceased in the four cases all lived on the top floor. "

Speaking of this, Xia Qi paused, took a sip of the coffee in the cup, looked at Zhao Anguo and Shen Ruotong, and said deliberately:

"What do you see in that?"

"See what?" Zhao Anguo and Shen Ruotong looked at each other, and then heard Zhao Anguo think for a while and said:
"Is there something wrong with the top floor where they live?"

Hearing Zhao Anguo's answer, Xia Qi glanced at Shen Ruotong again, but Shen Ruotong shook his head, Xia Qi didn't continue to play tricks, and then expressed his thoughts:
"An Guo is actually right. There is indeed a problem on the top floor. Otherwise, why did the accident happen on the top floor? As I said before, once or twice is a coincidence, but three or even four times is absolutely inevitable.

But all of them are said to be the problem of the roof. I don't think it's accurate enough. The exact statement should be that ghosts like to pick people who live on the roof. "

When Xia Qi said this, Zhao Anguo suddenly realized, and suddenly said:
"That is to say, the next time the ghost chooses to kill, it will also be the person living on the top floor?"

"That's right. What I want to express is this. As long as we can determine the target of the ghost's murder and the place where it appeared, and completely lock it, we have already solved half of this incident."

"Only half the solution? What about the other half?" Shen Ruotong was the one who spoke this time.

"Of course it's how to clean up the ghosts." Xia Qi smiled helplessly:

"That's where we're really trying to tackle the problem."

Speaking of this, Xia Qi has finally reached the point, the point of saving his life.

"Senior is right, if there is no way to solve the ghost, the incident cannot be solved."

When he mentioned this point, Zhao Anguo also turned into a mournful face, not knowing what to do, he and Shen Ruotong looked at Xia Qi together.

"Employees who become full-time employees will have improved abilities. I don't know what kind of abilities you have acquired?"

"Spell." Shen Ruotong said slowly.

"What about you?" Xia Qi looked at Zhao Anguo at this time.

"The physique of a ghost." Zhao Anguo said it almost in tears.

Maybe others don't know why Zhao Anguo is crying, but Xia Qi knows it well, he just feels that he has met a confidant.Because this kind of non-magical physique would cost a lot of money to become stronger.

However, Li Gui is obviously weaker than Evil Ghost, but I don't know if the honor points consumed by strengthening will also be reduced.

Xia Qi didn't ask about strengthening in detail, because there was no need to ask. He was connected to private work and was performing tasks, and he had only strengthened it so far. A rookie like Zhao Anguo would not be much better than him. There is no way to rely on him to deal with ghosts.

On the contrary, Shen Ruotong surprised him more or less, but he didn't know whether the surprise was big or small.

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(End of this chapter)

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