Mysterious country

Chapter 1080 Reunion Coming Soon

Chapter 1080 Reunion Coming Soon (Part [-])

After hearing this, Leng Yue still clenched her fists, seemingly still hesitating, but fortunately it was Wang Sangyu who said at this time:
"I don't think it's too bad to take Jingshu's manager away. It's just that Jingshu is an enchanter, and it will be of great help to the people on his side. At that time, I had a good bargain with the manager who took us away. Take Jingshu away.

So Jingshu should not be in any danger. "

Hearing Wang Sangyu's supplement, Leng Yue nodded in agreement, and at this time Shen Hongyan asked from behind:

"May I ask, what happened?"

"Why do you want to go with us?"

Liang Ruoyun glanced at Shen Hongyan, but instead of answering his question, she asked back.

"Aren't you looking for Xia Qi? I have an agreement with him. If I come to the second domain, I will look for him."

"En." Liang Ruoyun nodded, and said nothing more.

Because after they left the inner domain, they must go to the small forces in the outer domain to settle down.

And Xia Qi is in the light and shadow street, so it can be regarded as going to Xia Qi's place.

Although Zhao Jingshu was not rescued, since Zhao Jingshu would not be in danger for the time being, they didn't delay any longer and hurried towards the transfer formation as quickly as possible.

If the manager dies suddenly, the person in charge of Hades will be the first to express his feelings, and then notify the senior managers below. However, it is impossible for the senior managers to leave by themselves, and they will hand it over to other managers for inquiries.

This period of time probably won't be very short, but it won't be very long either. If they don't delay on the way, it will be enough to escape from the inner domain.

As long as they escaped from the inner domain smoothly, no one would chase them down again.

Because the outer domain is the territory of the Rebel Alliance, once someone comes out from the inner domain, a new round of war will inevitably break out between the two sides.

Based on her knowledge of the three Hades, they would never dare to take such a risk.

And when Leng Yue and the others were racing against time, Zhao Jingshu, who had no knowledge of this matter, was in Wuyang City.

As far as the manager of this inner domain is concerned, Yang Zhongpeng is the least disgusting one.

Yang Zhongpeng just turned 30 this year. Because he was a teacher before joining Hades, and was born in a scholarly family, he speaks and behaves in a gentle and refined way, and always likes to wear white clothes.

He never quarrels with others because of some trivial matters, and he never kills his subordinates or people within his range just because of simple happiness and anger.

He thinks that killing is the most stupid and useless solution, so he hates killing very much. Unless the task from above is forced to his head, he will not participate in any war.

But people can't help themselves in the arena. Although he didn't participate in the last battle with the rebel alliance, the higher-ups forced him to send people to participate.

As a result, his subordinates suffered heavy losses, which made him sad for a long time.

The original application went back to the reality where he was, and he had a good time to relax, but unexpectedly ran into Scarface, and was dragged away by Scarface to the reality there.

Originally, he had no intention of asking someone from Scarface at all, but after meeting Zhao Jingshu and knowing that Zhao Jingshu was an enchanter, he suddenly became interested. Let him go.

Because very similar to Zhao Jingshu, he is also an enchanter.

Of course, another reason is that Zhao Jingshu looks a bit like his fiancée.

"I originally lived in this house, but I suddenly felt that he was quite suitable for you, so you can live here.

I have taken a fancy to the presidential suite of a hotel and plan to live there for a long time in the future. "

Yang Zhongpeng's eyes are not very big, they belong to Danfeng eyes, his hair is more retro and parted in the middle, and a pair of glasses with round lenses are stuck on the bridge of his nose.

If you just look at it, no one would think that he will be a person whose strength is about to approach that of a senior manager.

From top to bottom, there was not the slightest trace of hostility.

In fact, Zhao Jingshu didn't want to come to this second domain at all, because she was waiting for the day when Xia Qi returned to reality, and then brought her to the second domain herself, instead of being caught in this involuntary way.

But at that time, she didn't have any resistance, because she believed that if she showed determination at that time, the other party would definitely kill her directly.

But to her surprise, she was finally brought here by this man, instead of following that vicious manager like Wang Sangyu and the others.

Moreover, the other party's attitude made her feel a little uncomfortable. Not only did she chat with her like a friend, but now she even gave her her own residence.

This somewhat overwhelmed her, not knowing what the other party was thinking.

"I'll just find a place to live, I really don't dare to bother."

Zhao Jingshu smiled awkwardly, and replied to Yang Zhongpeng.

"No trouble, don't think of me like other managers, those people are just butchers in the mountains, they only know how to fight and kill, they don't have any connotation at all.

Although you have joined my team and are considered my subordinates, you will understand in the future that I, Yang Zhongpeng, only have friends and no subordinates.

In addition, you and I are both enchanters, so I can share with you some experience in enchanting.

The inner domain is so big, but there are very few enchanters. I am the only enchanter at the manager level. As for our boss, he is also an enchanter.

Under full enchantment, the strength is comparable to that of a director.

Let's put it this way, enchanters are the most powerful lineage among spell owners.

It can not only improve the team's combat power, but also improve oneself, but it is more difficult to grow.So the vast majority of people died in the first half of the journey, but anyone who can enter the second half will be a very rare talent among various forces.

So after I train you to be a manager, I don't need to be promoted to a senior manager, and no one from the three Hades will dare to touch us. "

Zhao Jingshu looked at Yang Zhongpeng with a sense of superiority, and when she mentioned the existence of enchanters to him, she actually agreed in her heart, but it was not because she agreed with the superiority of enchanters, but because she agreed with the difficulty of growing up.

"I see, I will arrange for someone to pick you up."

Xia Qi was affected by Zhao Jingshu's affairs along the way, so his speed was much slower. Fortunately, Chu Mengqi said that Leng Yue and the others had come to meet them and would leave from the inner domain soon.

Of course, there is good news and bad news, that is, Zhao Jingshu was not brought out by them, but according to Chu Mengqi, Zhao Jingshu is safe now.

Although it did not meet the initial expectations, it is already the best result that everyone is safe.

Thinking of reuniting with Leng Yue and the others in a short time, Xia Qi was somewhat excited in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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