Chapter 1082
So when he heard from Fang Shan that the ghost king had invaded Lufeng Street, it wasn't a bad idea that came to him, but a little excitement.

Because if he could swallow a ghost king, or kill a ghost king, then in this outer domain, who would dare to ignore his existence?
Who else would dare not be in awe of him.

As long as he can kill the ghost king or expel the ghost king, his reputation will spread all over the outer domain, and the shadow of the famous tree of people will be heard. Who dares not to listen to, or dare to oppose him?

Why these small powers in the outer domain are afraid of the three great underworlds and the alliance of rebels, and they say a thousand words and ten thousand, it is because those two forces can easily eliminate them.

So as long as his strength is recognized by the managers, and he gives some guarantees to the managers of these outer domains, then I believe that most of them will choose to stand in line.

After all, among the forces in the outer domain, the magic owners accounted for the largest number of people. They could neither be included by Hades nor be absorbed by the Rebel Alliance.

So if they don't want to be cannon fodder for the Rebel Alliance, they actually have no better choice at all.

Regardless of these, the ghost king itself is one of his inner demons, because since he joined the underworld, the existence of the ghost king has been deeply rooted in his impression, an invincible and irresistible powerful existence.

Right now, he is between the manager and the senior manager, and the strength of the ghost domain has entered the senior manager level. The only difference is the reserve of ghost energy in his body.

So even if he is not the ghost king's opponent, he is still confident that he can escape.

After all, the Ghost Realm between them is not the same, so it is not difficult to escape.

Tried to call Fang Shan, but due to the influence of this ghost domain, he couldn't get through.

Xia Qi tried to touch it with his hands, but found that he could easily penetrate the ghost domain. Obviously, the ghost king had the idea that he could only enter but not exit.

But of course he won't obediently get into the ghost king's world, so two openings suddenly opened on his two palms, and then a large amount of liquid that can melt the ghost domain spewed out, and began to try to melt it under his control. The ghost domain of the ghost king.

The ghost king can come here from other blocks. Obviously, the ghost domain can be released and retracted at will, so as long as one place is destroyed, even if the ghost domain covers a block, it will be shattered in an instant.

Although the ghost king's ghost domain is very strong, but Xia Qi's melting ability is the nemesis of the ghost domain.

This is also the reason why he took a huge risk to devour the manager-level ghost directly, all he needed was the ability to do this.

Ten minutes passed in a flash, and the ghost domain began to become thinner and thinner under Xia Qi's ablation, but when it was about to break open, Xia Qi unexpectedly discovered that the size of the ghost domain had changed. huge change.

It actually kept shrinking until it completely disappeared in the direction he could see.

"It seems that it senses that I am destroying its ghost domain."

Watching the ghost domain gradually shrink, Xia Qi called Fang Shan again, but he still couldn't get through. Obviously Fang Shan and the others were still in the ghost domain.

He tried to release his ghost domain as much as possible, but after releasing it to a certain range, he encountered huge resistance. Obviously, that was the boundary of the ghost domain.

Xia Qi didn't delay, and directly used teleportation to find the Ghost King's ghost domain again.

But this time, he repeated his old tricks, and also began to use his ablation ability to try to break through the Ghost King's ghost domain.

Then a funny scene happened, Huang Quan began to shrink extremely fast again.

The smaller the scope of the ghost domain shrinks, the larger Xia Qi's ghost domain will be released until it is disturbed again and catches up with the ghost king's ghost domain.

After going through it three times in succession, Ghost King's ghost domain finally became completely quiet.

And he also appeared outside the gate of a commercial building.

Fang Shan's communication number still couldn't get through, and Xia Qi still broke into the Ghost King's ghost domain without throwing himself into the net.

Continue to choose to play with the ghost king, and use the ablation ability to try to disintegrate its ghost domain.

Seeing that the ghost domain was getting thinner, Xia Qi's expression became more and more suspicious, because the ghost domain was about to be broken, but there was still no movement.

As for the ghost king, he didn't directly come out to stop him at all, but it gave him a feeling of what you like.

"Okay, since you are not afraid of the ghost domain being destroyed, then I will help you!"

Without the assistance of Huang Quan, the strength of the Ghost King will undoubtedly drop a little, which is definitely a good thing for Xia Qi.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have been chasing after the ghost king's ghost domain, insisting on dismantling the ghost domain.

What puzzled him was that the ghost king could teleport and appear in the ghost domain, so he shouldn't admit it.

Although he thought so in his heart, Xia Qi kept moving his hands until Huang Quan was melted into a gap by him.

But the large-scale collapse of the ghost domain did not happen, and there is only one explanation for this situation, that is, the ghost king separated his ghost domain as an independent space.

Only in this way, the ghost domain will not collapse completely after being destroyed.

Xia Qi didn't expect that the ghost king would directly leave the ghost domain here, which would be more embarrassing. If he wanted to meet the ghost king for a while, he could only bite the bullet and walk in.

But entering this kind of ghost domain with its own space, the strength is likely to be suppressed to a certain extent.

However, considering that his ghost domain is comparable to that of the ghost king, his strength should not be affected by the resistance of his own ghost domain.

After thinking about it hesitantly, finally Xia Qi gritted his teeth forcefully, and went directly through the gap he opened earlier.

After entering, there really wasn't any feeling. Xia Qi felt it and found that his strength was still stable at the manager level, but his ghost domain could only release a small range.

He used the communicator to call Chen Sheng again. This time, because he was also in the ghost domain, Fang Shan's communication number was finally connected.

It was only after a while that Fang Shan answered the phone in a hurried voice:
"Manager Xia, are you here?"

"Well, I'm on the first floor of this mall now, where are you?"

"We are on the sixth floor of the shopping mall. Ye Yang is fighting against the ghost king on the roof, and the ghost king seems to have a ghost who is still lingering. Two people have been killed."

"Ye Yang?"

Xia Qi felt that this name seemed to have been heard somewhere, and after careful consideration, he realized that it was Chen Sheng who had mentioned it to him, a senior manager in charge of the Tongzhou District.

He originally thought that there would be no senior managers willing to come to help, but it turned out that someone did come.

Of course, Ye Yang's arrival is a good thing for him, at least he has a helper in dealing with the ghost king.

(End of this chapter)

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