Mysterious country

Chapter 1099 Advanced Ghost Soldiers

Chapter 1099 Advanced Ghost Soldiers
He took out the blood-fiend ghost soldier that was broken by the ghost king, and then a bit of emerald green ghost energy passed through his fingers and slowly enveloped the broken ghost soldier.

With the enveloping ghost energy, under the control of Xia Qi's mind, the blood ghost soldiers immediately turned into a puddle of blood-like liquid, constantly bubbling like boiling.

Feeling the desire from the blood demon ghost soldiers, Xia Qi didn't hesitate any longer. After picking up the half of the ghost king's leg bone from the ground, he slowly dripped the ghost liquid that had just completed the compression of ghost energy in his body along his palm. fall on top.

Every time it dripped, the ghost king's stump seemed to be splashed with sulfuric acid, and there was an unpleasant smell.

After repeated attempts like this, the ghost king's stump was covered inside and out with ghost liquid, as if it had been painted with a layer of paint.

It was only at this time that Xia Qi safely threw the ghost king's stump into the bloody ghost soldiers that had turned into liquid and were boiling on the ground.

The ghost king's stump had just touched the liquid transformed by the blood fiend ghost soldier, and it was like a living thing, struggling to get away.

"Want to escape? Melt me!"

Xia Qi manipulated the blood-colored liquid on the ground, like glue, stuck the remaining limb of the ghost king who was about to escape, and then used the void of the ghost domain to transform an arm, and ruthlessly pressed it in.

Finally, the ghost king's stump was completely swallowed by the boiling bloody liquid. Xia Qi felt a little shock coming from his body, and released all the ghost liquid that had been compressed before, and also melted into the pool together. In the bloody liquid.

After inhaling the ghost liquid, the blood-colored liquid on the ground gradually changed from blood-colored to black, and finally returned to dark red again.

The pungent bloody smell began to spread along the surroundings, and the bloody liquid that was boiling at first gradually calmed down at this time.

During this process, a huge blood-colored ghost head phantom appeared vaguely from the clouds above. Xia Qi looked up, and suddenly had the illusion that he was looking at himself again. Obviously, the huge ghost above , is exactly what was born from the blood fiend ghost soldiers.

It's just that this ghost head is too huge, it looks like a cloudy cloud, its eyes are empty, and its face exudes a terrifying and terrifying aura.

Xia Qi looked at the ghost head above and his mind kept spinning. He guessed that the ghost head above should be the people who were absorbed by the blood fiend ghost soldiers after absorbing a lot of blood fiend energy, or A body of consciousness gathered by the remnants of ghosts.

The emotions he felt from the blood fiend ghost soldiers before should all be transmitted to him by this consciousness through the blood fiend ghost soldiers.

In other words, it was precisely because of the appearance of this consciousness that his blood ghost soldiers had souls.

Not feeling any malice from above, Xia Qi gradually relaxed.

It is not a bad thing to think that the Blood Fiend Ghost Soldier has consciousness. After all, its control is still there. If he wants to destroy it, he only needs to move his mind.

I'm not afraid that it will devour the Lord.

Thinking like this, the ghost domain shrouded away again, and then a big hand covering the sky and the sun appeared again in the void, and then pinched the huge bloody head above it, and then dragged it down from the clouds , combining it with the bloody liquid that has calmed down on the ground.

"Then it will still be in the form of a sickle!"

As Xia Qi's thought appeared, he saw the blood-colored liquid on the ground suddenly emit some dazzling blood, and then began to squirm quickly.

Not long after, it turned into a sickle-shaped ghost soldier with a slightly curved blade and a length of about 2 meters.

The whole body of the sickle was dark red, and the blade was surrounded by strong blood energy. Xia Qi held it in his hand, and then slashed down fiercely.

In the next instant, a blood-colored giant face rushed from among the ghost soldiers, rushing downward with a deafening howling sound.

Endless blood waved down, and the shopping mall under his feet was directly split into two halves by Xia Qi, and collapsed amidst the huge shock.

Xia Qi was protected by the ghost domain, and the place was not buried by the ruins because of the collapse of the shopping mall.

"The power has indeed been greatly enhanced."

Looking at the power of his blood fiend ghost soldier's strike, Xia Qi was quite satisfied in his heart, it was just a pure slash just now.

After incorporating the remaining limbs of the ghost king and more ghost liquid, the blood demon ghost soldiers have been greatly improved on the original basis.

Both in terms of attack power and tenacity, there has been a qualitative leap.

Of course, there is another biggest improvement, that is blurring.

Throwing the blood fiend ghost soldier out with a wave of his hand, he saw that the blood fiend ghost soldier instantly turned into a huge blood-colored ghost figure, which looked like a moving hill from a distance.

Under his control, the phantom's originally empty eyes suddenly lit up with emerald green light spots, and then opened its mouth, ejecting a fire dragon that could completely corrode the space.

Normally, blood fiend ghost soldiers are naturally unable to corrode space, but Xia Qi's ablation ability is completely capable of it.

After being promoted, the blood fiend ghost soldier's biggest benefit comes from its perfect combination with Xia Qi's ability.

Especially after the blood fiend ghost soldiers can be blurred.

It cannot melt space, but it can devour everything.

Because it has consciousness, it can be used as Xia Qi's clone after being blurred.

Of course, if you want it to be illusory for a long time, you must have enough blood evil energy to support it, otherwise it will turn into a cold ghost soldier again within a few minutes of illusory.

"It seems that it is worthwhile to feed you a ghost king's stump and overdraw all my ghost energy."

Xia Qi looked at the gigantic ghost standing in front of him that was transformed from the blood fiend ghost soldier, he nodded in satisfaction, and after lightly touching it with his palm, the blood shadow distorted again. He entered among the ghost soldiers and was held in his hands.

Playing with the blood ghost soldier for a while, until the shopping mall was completely turned into a pile of ruins, he took the ghost soldier into his body, and directly returned to his residence by teleporting.

Although it didn't consume too much physical strength, it is undoubtedly a very exhausting thing to condense ghost soldiers.

So after he came back, he didn't go to Fang Shan and the others, and went to sleep after a simple wash.

It's just that he didn't sleep very well this time, because there was always an inaudible sound next to his ear, intermittently ringing.

Every time the sound sounded, it would force him out of deep sleep, but when he was about to wake up, it disappeared without a trace again.

"Where is... where is...?"

By the time Xia Qi became dazed, it was already the next morning, and the sun outside was shining brightly through the cracks in the curtains, making him almost unable to open his eyes.

"Head hurts again."

Xia Qi sat up from the bed and rubbed his temples vigorously. He didn't know if it was caused by a ghost spell, but now he would have a headache every now and then, and the pain was still severe.

It's like the soul is being severely torn apart.

(End of this chapter)

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