Mysterious country

Chapter 1115 Masked Man and 3 Great Ghost Kings

Chapter 1115 Masked Man and Three Ghost Kings
Ye Yang was obviously on the same path as him, and wanted to take this opportunity to finish everything directly.

If he hadn't had a detailed discussion with Liang Ruoyun and the others last night, he might have done it, but right now he feels that this method is too risky.

"Your current set of thoughts is the same as what I thought when I just learned that the Rebel Alliance issued the last 20-day deadline."

"Since we all think the same thing, why are you still hesitating?"

Ye Yang didn't know if it was because of his personality, but he gave Xia Qi a feeling of anxiety.

"I didn't feel it before. Are you so impatient? This is a major matter that affects the lives of more than N of us. Can you not understand it and be considerate.

Don't worry, listen to me before you decide.

Recently, several friends of mine escaped to my place from the inner domain. In order to capture them back, the inner domain dispatched 5 people above the manager level, and they are currently staying in Ziyan Street. "

"Did those friends of yours commit any serious crimes? As for the risk of Hades sending over five people to arrest them?"

After hearing this, Ye Yang also noticed the problem.

"This mainly involves the struggle within the Hades. Didn't you also belong to the Hades before? You should know better than anyone else that the three Hades groups are not united."

"I just can't stand my own people still messing with my own people, that's why I came here, out of sight and out of mind."

"That's right, my two friends killed a manager of the third underworld, and then escaped from the inner domain.

So the third underworld used this as an excuse to ask the second underworld where they were located to give them an explanation, but everyone had already escaped, so how could there be an explanation.

But the people in charge of the Second Hades were worried that the Third Hades would annex them for this reason, so they took the risk of sending people out to find my two friends. "

"Have the three great underworlds been on the verge of falling apart now? It seems that I was right to leave them.

With the old leaders gone, the three underworlds have become a mess of evil intentions. "

Hearing Ye Yang's emotion, Xia Qi could also feel that the other party's heart was still very complicated about Hades, but he couldn't control too much, and then said:

"The Rebel Alliance has been quiet recently, and I think nine times out of ten they got the news and wanted to wait for the fight inside Hades.

But right now, the internal conflicts of the three major underworlds are intensifying, and it is impossible to pay attention to the outside affairs.

If they can't keep the Rebel Alliance in check, do you think the Rebel Alliance will let us go if we raise the flag?
Thinking about it, as long as the two of us start fighting, it won't be long before a large number of people surrender.

At that time, not only will all our previous preparations become useless, but we will also suffer disaster because of failure.

Our side is full of plans, how many senior managers are there?

I'm afraid it's less than half of the rebel alliance, right?
Not to mention the three ghost kings whose strength is already very close to that of the director, we have no chance of winning at all. "

Ye Yang was silent at this moment, obviously thinking about what Xia Qi said in his heart.

After a while, I heard him struggling to say:
"Okay, then listen to you, do what you say.

Anyway, I'm just looking for self-protection, and I'm not interested in any shit territory, shit power. "

"Haha, we are just a cooperative relationship. After solving our respective troubles, we will each go half way toward the sky."

"Do you think I will stay after the trouble is solved?"

After Ye Yang finished speaking with some disdain, Xia Qi talked about the main point indifferently:

"These five managers, if we can kill them all, we will try to kill them all. There is no need to think about keeping them alive. After all, the Underworld must be able to know what the Rebel Alliance is planning from the mouths of some people in Outland. of,

Once we kill these people from the Hades, the three Hades may perceive the danger signal and stop, so as to stand ready to avoid the rebel alliance's attack again.

Because as long as the integration of these forces in the outer domain is completed, there is no need to think about the next step, and it will definitely be used as cannon fodder to consume Hades by the Rebel Alliance.

The three Hades will not know, so as long as they start to take precautions, then for the rebel alliance, it will undoubtedly be tantamount to containment.

And after a fight with the three great Hades, some people can deeply feel the threat of death, and they will also want to understand that the Rebel Alliance will indeed not leave them a way out.

In this way, if we start an uprising and secretly form a new force, everything will be logical.

Then we can contact the three Hades to discuss cooperation matters.

After all, no one is stupid. Rather than being meaninglessly consumed two by two, everyone chooses to use each other.

Although the three underworlds disdain us, they will never miss the opportunity to use us.

He will think the same as the Rebel Alliance, using us to consume hostile forces.

In this way, the containment of the three parties is formed.

Although our hold on the other two parties is the weakest, it is undoubtedly there.

As long as this restraint exists, we will be able to gain a chance to breathe, and we will be able to truly gain a foothold in this second domain.

Therefore, every step to be taken next is very critical. If one step is wrong, it can be said that every step will be wrong.

We need to go step by step until all deployments are in place. "

"Although it's a bit of a headache to hear, it still seems to make sense. Then I don't care so much, and I will take care of myself and be responsible for the execution of some things when the time comes."

"Well, as long as you can understand the execution and execution. I'm really afraid that you will suddenly quit."

"I, Ye Yang, always say what I say, and I will never break my promise."

Ye Yang's attitude is firm.

"Okay, oh yes, I have another question to ask you. Xu Zhitian and Ye Fan, how sure are you of persuading them?"

"This is not a big problem, because they are still with me now, and I am very worried that the Rebel Alliance will use them as a negative example and start with them.

So you agree on the location of the meeting and the specific time to hold it.

Leave the rest to me to help you. I don't believe that anyone in this outer domain would dare not give me Ye Yang's face. "

"Well, I'll get back to you as soon as possible."

Just when Xia Qi and Ye Yang were discussing this matter, on the other side, the area occupied by the Rebel Alliance.

In Lanyue City, on the second floor of a restaurant full of classical styles, the masked man was sitting face to face with the three leaders of the Rebel Alliance.

"Recently, there have been many small-scale conflicts between the Second Hades and the Third Hades, and I don't think it will take too long before the two parties will completely break up.

At that time, your chance will come, because you can unite with the first Hades, and then make a promise to let them let you enter the inner domain, and help them get rid of the third Hades. "

After the masked man finished speaking, he picked up the teacup from the table and took a sip.

"Cao Yingjiu is not a fool, how could he let us into the inner domain, isn't this leading the wolf into the house?"

(End of this chapter)

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