Mysterious country

Chapter 1124 The integration is complete!

Chapter 1124 The integration is complete!

Xia Qi observed the reactions of these managers, and found that they all had pale faces. Obviously, these big managers who hardly regard ordinary people as human beings have also encountered this kind of treatment that people are not as good as dogs.

However, people are like this, they always use various ways and means to deceive themselves and satisfy themselves.

They don't get respect from Hades, so they let them learn from Hades, and enjoy the feeling of covering the sky with one hand in the area under their jurisdiction.

He didn't want to take revenge on those who bullied them, but instead vented his anger on ordinary people who couldn't resist them.

Commonly known as bullying and fearing hard.

"Before, this second domain was the second domain of the three great underworlds, but since the underworld blatantly launched a cleanup of ghost substance owners, this second domain is no longer just their family.

Everyone understands what I mean, and now the Rebel Alliance has split from Hades to confront them.

Although neither of the two can do anything to the other at present, it must be known that the three Hades have always been disunity, and internal conflicts are serious.

The third underworld is the most powerful, the second underworld and the first underworld are relatively weak, not to mention dealing with the rebel alliance, even they are very likely to fight themselves.

Once their conflicts intensify, it will be obvious who wins and loses in the game between the two forces.

On the other hand, although the Rebel Alliance has a small number of people, its internal structure is relatively stable. Under the leadership of the three ghost kings, it can be said that it is constantly growing.

When I say this, many people may think that the Rebel Alliance is all ghost-like people, and most of us are spell owners. Once Hades is destroyed, will they let us go?
First of all, I need to let you understand that it was not the ghost substance that caused the conflict and the division of Hades.

It was Hou Tai Chengjin and other spell owners who felt that the ghost body was a threat, so they started a comprehensive attack, so as to realize their own ambitions.

Besides, we are still abandoned people and have nothing to do with Hades.

In addition, the Rebel Alliance is between us and the three Hades, and is the closest to us. Do you think that if we can only choose one side to survive, should we choose to join the Three Hades or the Rebel Alliance?

Are you really thinking about it?Let me tell you that you have nothing to think about, and you have no choice.

Because the three Hades cannot destroy us, nor can they help us, because there is a rebel alliance between us and them.

Hades help us, we are about to start a war with the Rebel Alliance, but is it possible?
And why did we rush to hold this meeting, in order to encourage everyone to live well, to highlight the corruption of the three Hades, or to highlight the goodness of the Rebel Alliance?
Rather, the Rebel Alliance has already issued an order to complete the disintegration of the outer domain within 20 days, and they will send people to wash us with blood.

So do you have a choice, everyone?

There is really no choice.

So for the sake of everyone's safety, after all, it's better to die than to live, so after discussing with Ye Fan, Lao Xu and the others, I think it's better to set an example and lead the way.

In this way, at least the outer domain can be kept temporarily, so as not to suffer from annihilation.

But it’s useless for us to think about this kind of thing. It depends on yourselves. Do you decide to accept the integration, or are you determined to carry it to the end?
You still have the right to choose whether to live or die.

I'm done talking. "

When Ye Yang said this, he jumped off the stage directly, and all the managers were ashen-faced and silent, obviously they were all entangled in this matter in their hearts.

But as Ye Yang said, it is useless to struggle, because there are only two paths to choose, either life or death, but no one wants to die, so they can only accept integration.

While they were thinking, Chen Sheng stood on the stage again, continuing Ye Yang's words:

"If everyone agrees, I will also apply for everyone here, choose a leader in the outer domain, and let people from the outer domain manage our outer domain as much as possible.

Everyone's original territory also belongs to each of you, and will not be deprived of it. "

Time passed by little by little in the oppressive atmosphere of the conference room until the first manager stood up to accept.

After one person accepts, more people follow. However, as the number of people increases, even if there are people who still want to consider it, they are afraid of being highlighted and choose to agree without hesitation.

In this way, the managers voted unanimously to accept the integration order from the rebel alliance.

It can be said that such a result was not beyond the expectations of Xia Qi and the others. After all, there was the persecution from the Rebel Alliance and the leadership of Ye Yang, the most powerful people in the outer domain. Woolen cloth.

Even so, after the dust settled on this matter, Xia Qi felt a long sigh of relief in his heart, after all, this difficult first step was finally taken.

The meeting didn't end with a nod from the managers because there were still some concrete details to be covered.

For example, how to integrate and who to choose as the leader.

This matter has been discussed until very late, and it was finally concluded.

All the managers joined Ye Yang and Ye Fan's team, and Ye Yang was the leader of the outer domain, and Ye Fan, Xu Zhitian and Chen Sheng were assistants.

Chen Sheng was able to join this management circle, naturally because of his status as the spokesperson of the Rebel Alliance.

As for why some managers were assigned to join Ye Fan's team, it was because Ye Fan was the owner of the ghost substance, and Ye Fan had another identity, which was Ye Yang's younger brother.

Ye Yang told him this matter as a secret. In fact, no one knew about their relationship, and the two of them didn't look alike.

According to Ye Yang, he looks more like his mother, while his younger brother Ye Fan looks more like his father.

The managers thought that there would be no talk of joining someone's team, because in that case, they would give up their power to manage the block.

After all, as Chen Sheng said before, everyone will retain the power to manage the neighborhood.

But in the end, he still couldn't escape the fate of surrendering power obediently.

And Chen Sheng's explanation for this was that joining Ye Yang and Ye Fan's team together was only for the rebel alliance to see. As for the block that originally belonged to the manager, whoever owned it before would own it in the future.

Even though it is said so, everyone understands in their hearts that once the power is handed over, how can it be possible to take it back.

According to the previous agreement between Xia Qi, Ye Yang and others, after the integration of the managers is completed, they will continue to integrate the senior executives and supervisors below.

As for the matter of obtaining the authority of each block, they will think of a way again, because he is thinking that Liang Ruoyun will manage all the authority of all blocks in the outer domain.

However, in order to achieve this, it is necessary to have the help of Hades, but it is obviously very difficult to do so.

(End of this chapter)

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