Mysterious country

Chapter 1127 Unexpected changes

Chapter 1127 Unexpected changes

"Eight people."

Zhang Zilin raised his head, and replied with a somewhat lifeless voice.

"If you are a smart person and want to live on, you should know what happens when you tell us the truth and lie to us."

"I really didn't lie to you. What I said is true. If you don't believe me, you can ask Che Ren. There are only 5 of us. Among them is Zhu Xu, a senior manager."

Zhang Zilin's answer this time was obviously much louder than before.

Because he knew very well that the moment he sent a message to Zhu Xu, he was already a traitor to the Underworld, and if he was still alive, he would definitely not be able to return to the Underworld.

So speaking of it, he hoped that Zhu Xu and the others would die here so that no one would know what he had done.

"Manager Xia, he didn't lie, there are only five people in total."

"I see."

After getting Che Ren's affirmative answer, Xia Qi didn't ask any further questions, and then said to Zhang Zilin:
"As long as you can finish this play well, I promise not only will I not kill you, but I will also give you more."

"I will cooperate, I will definitely cooperate."

Zhang Zilin can only hope that what Xia Qi said is true, at least it will leave him with some hope.

"The war is imminent, and it's normal to feel uneasy. After all, things like hiding behind and attacking are full of uncertainties."

Seeing that Xia Qi didn't ask anything unusual, Ye Yang threw Xia Qi a cigarette at this time, and then lit one himself, smoking without thinking too much.

Xia Qi put the cigarette Ye Yang gave him behind his ears, and then he called Wu Di with a communicator.

I thought that Wu Di would not pick it up, but would send him a message, but to his surprise, Wu Di actually answered:
"what happened?"

"Have you guys come over yet?"

"It should be soon, the gathering has not started yet."

"How long has it been, why haven't you gathered yet?"

"I don't know, Chang Shu didn't see anyone, it seems that something serious happened again.

How are you doing? "

"We've all arrived in the Lufeng District, waiting for the Rebel Alliance to send people over to deal with Zhu Xu and the others. If you haven't set off yet, then you won't be in time."

"Well, let me call Chang Shu now and ask."

Wu Di hung up the phone, Xia Qi thought for a while and found Shi Qiong's number in the address book, and then called him.

Shi Qiong took a while to answer the phone, and asked in a lifeless voice:

"what's up?"

"You are the person under Yang Qiang, right? The Rebel Alliance said before that they would send people to Lufeng Street to destroy the people of Hades. Why is there no movement now?"

"We're already on our way to the Green Maple neighborhood.

But it wasn't the one who killed people in the past, but cooperated with them to catch people. "

"Arrest? What do you mean?"

"Cheng Jin from the Second Hades reached a cooperation with us not long ago. As long as he helps them catch the person they want, he will serve as our internal response and let us enter the inner domain to jointly deal with the First Hades."

"Grass! How could this happen!
How many of you are here? "

"Four people including me. One of them is a senior manager."

"Yang Qiang, right?"


"Does our previous agreement still count?"

"What do you want me to do for you?"

"Help me get rid of Yang Qiang."

"Why do this?"

"Because our plan is to wait for the rebel alliance to send people to wipe out Zhu Xu and the others, and then we will reap the benefits and kill everyone directly.

However, the bait has already been released, and the two parties actually reached a cooperation, which is tantamount to driving us to a dead end.

So we absolutely cannot let this kind of cooperation come to fruition. "

"You want people to think that Yang Qiang was killed by people from the Second Underworld?"


"But even if I kill Yang Qiang for you, are you sure you can get rid of Zhu Xu?"

"I have no other choice at all!"

"Okay, I will find a chance to help you kill Yang Qiang."

"Thank you."

"It's just to fulfill the agreement between you and me."

Because Xia Qi's voice was very loud, apart from Leng Yue and the others who were busy arranging the formation, some people who were resting at leisure heard him talking to Shi Qiong earlier.

"Who were you calling? What happened?"

"Something happened!"

Xia Qi took a deep breath, tried his best to calm himself down, and then said anxiously to everyone:
"I have some bad news for you. Cheng Jin from the Second Underworld has reached a cooperation with the Rebel Alliance. As for the conditions of the cooperation, what is known so far is to help Zhu Xu and the others capture Liang Ruoyun and Lengshen.

So the next situation is that the rebel alliance will not send reinforcements to deal with Zhu Xu and others.

Although we still have time to leave now, if the Second Underworld and the Rebel Alliance are allowed to join forces, then the Rebel Alliance may soon invade the inner domain, and the three-party containment I mentioned before will no longer exist. "

"Xia Qi, are you crazy? Do you really think we are your little brothers?
If it were an ordinary senior manager, we might weigh the trade-offs, but the opponent is Zhu Xu. Even if we fight him hard, we may not be able to solve him.

I will never participate in this kind of thing. "

After Ye Fan heard Xia Qi's words, he immediately expressed his attitude.

As for Che Ren and even Zhang Zilin who was sealed by Xia Qi, his face was extremely pale as if facing the end of the world.

"Although this incident is dangerous, it is very important for the way we are going to go. If we don't use this incident to stop them before they really form an alliance, then Outland will always be just the life of cannon fodder.

Do you think that if the Rebel Alliance had a chance to invade the inner domain, wouldn't the people from the outer domain rush in first to pave the way for them?

You can hide for a while, can you hide forever? "

"I can hide for a while, at least I can still live. If I really fight with Zhu Xu, I will be smashed to pieces!"

Speaking of this, Ye Fan glanced at Ye Yang who was smoking a cigarette, and couldn't help saying to him:
"You should think the same as me, right?"

"My mind is completely empty now, I don't think about anything."

Ye Yang shook his head with a wry smile. It can be said that this was a very difficult decision.

Xia Qi's words had his reasons, but on the other hand, there were too many uncertainties.

Because even if they can survive this round of crisis, but what problems are waiting for them next, it is still unknown, and it is still possible.

But if they escaped without taking this risk, they might be able to save their lives now, but after the rebel alliance occupied the inner domain and completely devoured the second domain, perhaps what awaited them would be endless pursuit kill.

So it is obviously very difficult to make the only choice from these two almost desperate multiple-choice questions.

(End of this chapter)

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