Mysterious country

Chapter 1143 Xia Qi's Decision

Chapter 1143 Xia Qi's Decision (Part [-])

Wu Di was still yelling at him, just like Liu Yanmin at that time, unwilling to see him take risks to rescue himself.

But the situation at that time was completely different from now, because what he had to deal with at that time were monkeys and others, whose strength was not much stronger than them, but what he had to face now was a powerful director.

It is a character who stomps his feet and causes earthquakes in the second domain.

Facing such a number one person, there is no chance of winning at all.

"Xia Qi, you are a smart person, in this second domain, any brotherhood is fucking bullshit!
Lao Tzu is willing to help you because he is using you, and it is also for better survival in the future. You must not think that Lao Tzu is sincerely treating you well.

The only people in my life who are sincere to each other are the parents who gave birth to me and raised me, everything else is bullshit!
And what I don't like the most is the thing about saving people, don't fucking disgust me! "

"The words are very moving. I vaguely remember hearing the same words from the mouths of a few fools before. But what they say is often different from what they think in their hearts. People are duplicity animals.

Wu Di, do you really want to die?I am choking your neck now, your breathing is becoming difficult, your strength is collapsing extremely quickly, your eyes have already told me that you want to live more than anyone else, so why bother to talk so fast and say those things What about insincere words? "

Wu Di's voice didn't sound again, presumably it was blocked by the masked man.

After Xia Qi took a few deep breaths, he gritted his teeth and said:
"Will you let Wu Di go as soon as I go over?"

"This is natural. After all, killing him or not killing him is meaningless to me."

"Okay! Tell me where you are, I'll go find you now!"


After finishing the call with the man in the mask, Xia Qi slowly squatted down, pulling his hair vigorously with both hands, and then roared angrily.

The sound turned into bursts of surging sound waves, causing some cracks in the doors, windows and even the walls.

This also frightened Liang Ruoyun and the others who were chatting in the living room downstairs.

But soon, Xia Qi's roar disappeared, and then he appeared in the living room with a serious face, and said to Liang Ruoyun and Chu Mengqi:
"You will leave in a while, and I will ask Chen Sheng to arrange for you to go to a nearby block."

Seeing Xia Qi's expression and hearing what he said, both Liang Ruoyun and Chu Mengqi guessed that something must have happened, and hurriedly asked:
"What happened?"

"Don't ask me the specifics. When the time comes, you will spread out and I will leave for a few days. If you find something is wrong after I leave, you should quickly hide in the area where reality is connected to the second domain."

"Did the Rebel Alliance or the Second Hades detect anything?"

After Liang Ruoyun asked this sentence, Chu Mengqi said directly:

"What else can you not say to us? If you tell us something, even if we can't help you, at least we can help you find a way together?"

Hearing Chu Mengqi's words, Xia Qi hesitated for a moment and said:
"The man in the mask knew through Shi Qiong that I was the one who destroyed the cooperation between the Rebel Alliance and the Second Underworld, so he captured Wu Di and took me as a hostage to let me go there."

"Mask man? What does he have to do with the Rebel Alliance?"

"I don't know. But this matter is only one aspect. His target is actually me, although I don't know what he wants to learn from me."

"can not go!"

After hearing this, Chu Mengqi stopped her without thinking.

"Are you crazy? You still go even though you know that the man in the mask has bad intentions for you. Isn't it different from sending you to death?"

"If I don't go, Wu Di will die!"

Xia Qi spoke resolutely, and Chu Mengqi stopped persuading him when he saw this, but said directly:

"Well, I'll call my senior brother now. It's not you who go by yourself, we will go together."

"Don't fool around."

"Why did I mess around, didn't we also save Liu Yanmin at the time, why can't we do it now?
Xia Qi, I admit that you are very powerful now, we are all short of you, but we are a whole, and we are not as useless as you think! "

"The man in the mask is at least at the director level, what are you going to do?"

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to save people."

"We are also going to save people."

"Chu Mengqi, what on earth are you thinking? Why are you so stubborn now? If something happens to you, who will take care of the power I have worked so hard to build up?

Besides, haven't I always been able to perform miracles?
It worked before, and it does this time.

Maybe the man in the mask wanted to talk to me about something, and he wouldn't do anything to me. "

Speaking of this, Xia Qi couldn't help sighing, and said with some emotion:

"I know you are worried about me, but it has happened and we can't solve it, so there is only one person to bear it.

This person is me, not because I want to be your hero, but because of me. Only when I go can Wu Di be saved.

Don't tell Lengshen about this, if you treat me as a friend. "


"Don't stop me, do as I tell you, if you really believe me."

After Xia Qi finished speaking, after he glanced decisively at Chu Mengqi and Liang Ruoyun, his figure disappeared again.

After leaving the villa, Xia Qi called Chen Sheng and Fang Shan again, and after explaining some things, he rushed towards the place where the masked man was.

The place where the man in the mask is located is very close to the junction of the inner domain and the outer domain. He didn't explain the location to Liang Ruoyun and the others, just because he was worried, no, he just didn't want them to follow him.

Because he believes that if the same choice is placed in front of them, they will make the same choice as him without hesitation.

Xia Qi always felt that he was very afraid of death, but he was more afraid of living with guilt forever than he was afraid of death.

When faced with the choice of skills, it was Wu Di who gave him a lot of advice.

At that time, when he was confused about Huangquan and Guibing, it was Wu Di who taught him.

When he was facing the first underworld, it was Wu Di who wanted to help.

After arriving in the second domain, after learning that he needed it, Wu Di kept helping him and inquiring about the developments of the Rebel Alliance without saying a word.

Perhaps as Wu Di said before, he was just paving the way for the future, but he saw and remembered everything Wu Di did.

Now that Wu Di was coerced by the masked man because of his involvement, how could he let him go and run away in despair.

This is not his style, and his principles will not allow it.

At the same time, in a courtyard.

Wu Di was suspended in mid-air, his whole body was shrouded in a cloud of black mist, his eyes glared at the masked man sitting in front of the house.

The masked man completely ignored this, and then saw Liu Yanmin walking in from the outside suddenly. When he saw Wu Di, his body trembling as he was walking forward, but he still tried his best to pretend not to care and asked the masked man:

"Are you looking for me?"

"Well, let them all withdraw from here, and besides, let you take a look at your old friend.

Oh no, it's taking one last look at your old friend who is still alive. "

Hearing the masked man's words, Liu Yanmin's body trembled again, subconsciously looking towards Wu Di in mid-air.

(End of this chapter)

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