Mysterious country

Chapter 1146 My Heart Has Been Determined

Chapter 1146 My Heart Has Been Determined (Part Three)

"Looks like God wants me to stop you."

Seeing Xia Qi, Mu Zixi felt that his heart, which was stuck in his throat and might jump out at any time, finally gradually returned to its original position.

The golden dragon under his feet turned into a cloud of mist and dissipated. Mu Zixi jumped down from above, and then pulled Xia Qi to his side and said:

"Wu Di was caught, I already know that the man in the mask used him as bait to get you hooked.

Min Minbing and I split into two routes just to block you and let you go back.

The masked man’s words are not credible. He may be telling you that as long as you come, he will let Wu Di go, but based on what I know about him, he may not let Wu Di go.

So in the past, not only could you not save Wu Di, but you would also get yourself involved, do you understand? "

"I see."

Xia Qi nodded, then smiled wryly:
"I came here, maybe Wu Di still has a chance, if I don't come, he will die.

He has helped me a lot, and he can be regarded as my half master. I can't just watch him die. "

"Then do you think I can watch you die? Xia Qi, let me tell you the fuck, unless you beat me to death today, I will never let you pass here!"

Seeing that Xia Qi still insisted on doing so, Mu Zixi suddenly changed his face, and there was an extra brush in his hand that looked like a paintbrush.

"Since I'm here, I won't go back. We haven't seen each other for a long time. We should have a chat."

"What are you talking about! Although I know that you have a lot of secrets, the man in the mask is not a cheap lamp. He knows things far beyond our imagination.

Did you know that the three major ghost kings of the Rebel Alliance often listen to his orders.

The first underworld of the second domain also has a close connection with him.

He has been searching for the passage to the third domain all over the second domain, looking for the disappearing area that no one has ever heard of.

What he wants to do, no one knows.

But he has always been secretive in doing things. Since he is eyeing you, he must have his reasons. It is very likely that you have someone or something he wants on you or around you.

But you don't know what it is at all, so naturally you can't give it to him, so will he give up?
So go back to Tianqi, find a place to hide, maybe you will be able to compete with him in a short time with your potential, and then you will settle the old and new scores together.

You are so impulsive now, and it is not worth it. "

"From a rational point of view, it's really not worth it. The probability that I can escape unscathed and rescue Wu Di is not even [-]%.

However, not everything in this world is done because it is right.

It's because we think he's right that we do it.

You know more about the truth than me, and your brain is easier to use than mine, but you can’t persuade me about this, because my heart tells me that if I don’t go, I will always live in self-blame and guilt for the rest of my life middle.

I will always tell myself that I am a person who does not deserve help from others.

Do you want to see me like this? "

Mu Zixi stopped talking, and because he couldn't persuade Xia Qi because he was so angry, he convulsed uncontrollably:

"Then have you thought about Yueyue, Jingshu and the others?
What will happen to them if something happens to you? "

"Isn't there still you?"

Xia Qi smiled, then put a hand on Mu Zixi's shoulder, and said:

"Let's go, let's go see Minmin, we haven't seen him for a long time."

After some persuasion to no avail, Mu Zixi had already given up the idea of ​​saying anything else, and then he and Xia Qi found Liu Yanmin.

After the two met, Liu Yanmin showed a look of shameless goodbye, but Xia Qi didn't care, and punched Liu Yanmin directly, cursing unhappily:
"If Mu Zixi hadn't said that you were still alive, I'd have to burn some paper for you during the holidays! Grass!"


"Don't talk about those useless, there is no right or wrong between brothers, everyone is trying to survive in the second domain, some choices are inevitable.

But Minmin has a word that I need to tell you on behalf of Lengshen, that is, whenever you feel lonely or tired, you will come back to us. We still live in a big villa like before, and we usually quarrel. Noisy, let's take care of things together.

Everyone misses you very much. "

"Do you want to be so touched by your mother! You bitch!"

Liu Yanmin's eye circles were a little red, and he punched Xia Qi hard.

It seemed that at such a moment, all the gaps between the two people's hearts in the past disappeared.

Mu Zixi kept sighing beside him, and couldn't help but interrupted:
"I can't persuade this bastard. If you have the ability, you can persuade him."

"Do you really have to go?" Liu Yanmin asked Xia Qi after hearing this.

"Well, I know both you and Mu Zixi's worries, but even if you know that there are no results, you still want to try to do some things.

This time I can see you again, I am really happy in my heart. To put it mildly, I often think of the time when we first met. Surviving the incident was frightening.

We racked our brains not to be the oil bottle.

I thought it was the worst time at that time, but looking back now, I realize how happy that time was.

There are a lot of things that I can’t explain in a few sentences. If you have the opportunity, you can go to the Guangying Street in Outland and look for Chen Sheng, or go to Qinghai Street to find Fangshan, or Tongzhou Street to look for Ye Yang.

As long as you tell them you are my friends.They will settle you down, Lengshen and the others are also there.

If I don't come back this time, you must tell them to develop the outer domain for me, and then increase my strength, destroy the Rebel Alliance and the three Hades, and then take off the dog's head of the masked man. Take revenge on me.

Vengeance must be reported.

Of course, the premise is that I really can't come back. "

"Can you fucking say something good, tell you, no one has sent you a message, and if you want to say that you go back and talk to them yourself!"

Mu Zixi scolded unhappily from the side.

"Just in case, after all, a lot of words have been said, and it may be the last sentence. If you don't say it, you won't be able to say it again."

When Xia Qi said this, the three of them suddenly fell silent.

The sky was completely dark, dark clouds covered the moon, and the air seemed to be filled with a pungent blood.

"That's it. I'm leaving. Take care."

"and many more!"

Mu Zixi and Liu Yanmin suddenly called Xia Qi to stop.

"We'll go with you."

The two spoke in unison.

"Don't make me owe any more debts. Human debts are too expensive. I can't pay them back. Take care."

After Xia Qi finished speaking, the smile on Mu Zixi's and Liu Yanmin's eyes gradually became blurred, and then completely disappeared.

"You must come back alive for me!!!"

The two shouted at the top of their lungs in the direction where Xia Qi disappeared, but what they heard was only their voices echoing around.

It took a long time for the two of them to stop screaming, and sat down on the ground as if they were exhausted, with their heads down and no further words.

That's right, apart from praying for Xia Qi, what else can I say.

After separating from the two, Xia Qi rushed to the place where the masked man was without stopping.

It was a large courtyard, and the masked man was sitting on the steps in front of a house, and not far from him, his whole body was covered with dense silk threads, like a blood man, and only one was left. Wu Di with his eyes was wrapped in a dense black mist, and he was already on the verge of death.

"You are still here."

(Ask for a monthly pass. There are really too few monthly passes this month. I hope everyone will help.)
(End of this chapter)

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