Mysterious country

Chapter 1151 Dead?

Chapter 1151 Dead? (seeking a monthly ticket)
The black flame instantly engulfed Xia Qi, and the figure of the man in the mask moved towards the far end again and again until he came to a position [-] meters away from the explosion. Looking at the sky at the far end, under the influence of the explosion of the ghost domain fragments, a cloud formed. Red clouds like the setting sun.

The dense fog gradually dispersed, revealing Xia Qi who was almost smashed into pieces. Although his body was still recovering, the speed of recovery was no longer as fast as it was at the beginning.

The masked man kicked his feet, and the figure reappeared beside Xia Qi, then stretched out his ghost claws, grabbed his head, and lifted his broken body up.

"Although the breath is similar to that of the ghost emperor, the body is not as tough as the ghost emperor, and there are some problems with the soul."

The masked man suddenly thought of himself, because his body was also different from other ghost-like people, and he could also fuse the residual limbs of the ghost king and devour other ghosts.

But in terms of soul, it is not like Xia Qi, who can be separated from the body.

Moreover, his body is not a ghost.

"The current you should be unconscious, purely out of physical instinct, and it seems that people who play chess hope that one day, you can grow up to swallow that part of yourself that shouldn't belong to you.

But he miscalculated, because you can't wait until that day. "

As the masked man said, he planned to crush Xia Qi's head directly, but at this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared on his chest, and then a golden circle appeared.

The masked man subconsciously let go of his hand. At the same time, Xia Qi, who was sinking into extreme weakness, vaguely heard his mother's call.


Xia Qi opened his eyes in a daze. At this time, he was a little surprised to find that he had entered that mysterious space again.

And next to him was the dark man who was on the verge of being broken. It seemed that he had been beaten so badly by the man in the mask that he lost his consciousness.

Xia Qi seemed to have heard his mother's voice just now, but when he tried to find it, he couldn't find the source.

But just when he was about to ask a question, his head suddenly felt a pain, and then his body felt numb, a feeling that he was so weak that he was about to die, and it directly enveloped him.

Reluctantly opening his eyes, what he vaguely saw was the dazzling golden light on his chest, and his mother who was walking towards him a little weakly.


Xia Qi called out subconsciously, but before the woman even had time to respond, she was sucked into her body again by the round wheel on his chest.

"Raising ghosts with ghosts!"

The masked man's startled voice sounded again at this time, Xia Qi wanted to try to move his body, but he couldn't do it at all.

His body was already numb, and he couldn't even try a little bit of strength.

The sound of footsteps came from far to near, and not long after, the masked man stood in front of him again, looked down at him, and then stepped heavily on his face with a big foot.

Obviously humiliating him.

"This time, let me see what cards you have!"

The man in the mask was almost attacked by Xia Qi's mother just now. Fortunately, the other party was severely restricted and returned to the seal after being injured. Otherwise, it would have taken a lot of effort.

He originally wanted to use Xia Qi to lure out a few other people, but the person he wanted to lure didn't come, instead he learned some other secrets.

But counting it, it also belongs to the realization of his previous ideas.

So this somewhat boring battle should come to an end.

"Even...death...I will drag you..."

The round mark on Xia Qi's forehead suddenly jumped, and then behind the masked man, a huge ghost gate slowly appeared.

The masked man turned his head subconsciously, and saw that the door was opening very quickly, and a terrifying aura came out from it.

Even like him, he sensed great danger.

Without even thinking about it, the man in the mask quickly moved aside, Xia Qi had a miserable smile on his face, at this time he controlled the ghost gate with his mind, and came directly behind Wu Di, and then sucked Wu Di, who had already been unconscious, into the ghost gate middle.

Xia Qi doesn't know where the back of the ghost gate is connected. It may be connected to a mysterious space, or it may be connected to his body.

But the matter has come to this point, he can be said to be out of the box, and there is nothing he can do about the man in the mask. Instead of letting Wu Di continue to stay and be humiliated, it is better for him to be a living horse doctor and make the last fight.

That is to suck Wu Di into the ghost gate. Whether he lives or dies depends on his own luck.

After Wu Di was sucked into the ghost gate, Xia Qi controlled the ghost gate and came to him, and then he also relied on the huge suction of the ghost gate to enter the gate.

Seeing this, the man in the mask roared furiously, and then scattered the ghost domain covering himself, turning into an invisible big hand, as if trying to resist his entry.

But when fighting against the suction of the ghost gate, Xia Qiren was completely sucked in by the ghost gate.

Following Xia Qi's entry, the ghost gate made a heavy noise, and the originally opened gate also closed.

The masked man then took out the ghost soldiers and bombarded the ghost gate several times in a row, but he still couldn't stop the ghost gate from dispersing.

The space once again returned to the quietness it should have at night, but it left a piece of irrecoverable ruins around.

The masked man frantically used the ghost soldiers in his hands to destroy the surrounding space, but he couldn't dig out the ghost gate, or the shadows of Xia Qi and Wu Di.

Disappeared, from the appearance of the ghost gate to the disappearance of the ghost gate, he did not feel the change from the space at all.

I don't know where the ghost door came from, let alone where it leads behind.

The only thing he knew very well was that if Xia Qi didn't die this time, it would be very difficult to find him later.

"You are a chess piece, and I am also a chess piece, no, maybe I am just a spare chess piece. Haha!!!"

After the man in the mask muttered, he laughed out loud at himself.

Except for a few people, no one knows how this great battle, which is enough to change the situation in the second domain in the future, started and ended.

For the next 3 days, Liu Yanmin and Mu Zixi were waiting for Xia Qi's news, and Leng Yue and the others, who were arranged by Chen Sheng to enter various neighborhoods in the outer domain, were also waiting for Xia Qi's return.

However, 3 days, 7 days, 1 month, 2 months passed, Xia Qi still did not come back.

Neither Chen Sheng nor Ye Yang knew where Xia Qi was going, and Liang Ruoyun didn't tell them the truth of the matter, but only declared that Xia Qi had gone out on business, and would not take care of the foreign affairs for the time being.

But only they know, perhaps, Xia Qi will never come back.

Leng Yue has completely entered the mode of retreat, seeing no one, and solving the incident outside every day.

Chu Mengqi cried secretly for many days, as for Wang Sangyu, he was often sad. Everyone seemed to have become a lot colder after Xia Qi's sudden departure.

Although in everyone's heart, they still hoped that Xia Qi was only recuperating because of his serious injury, but the disappearance of his communication number had already given the answer.

(Call for the monthly ticket, let the monthly ticket make up for my exhaustion.)
(End of this chapter)

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