Mysterious country

Chapter 1153 Looking for the Exorcist

Chapter 1153 Looking for the Exorcist

"They can't understand what I'm saying, but why can I understand us?"

Xia Qi didn't know when he had a talent for language, but he could understand it, but he wanted to say the same thing, but he didn't know where to start.

So he stood up straight from the ground like a carp, then patted the dust on his buttocks, covered the key parts with one hand, and gestured to several people with the other hand:

"What is this place? Can you help me find a pair of pants?"

"He seemed to be asking us where this is?"

"No way, why do I think he is asking us if his place is big or not?"

"Is he a pervert?"

"Otherwise, why don't you wear clothes and hang them on the tree? It's probably a pervert."

Xia Qi listened to the conversation of the three women, and suddenly had the urge to find a crack in the ground and sneak in. He is not a pervert, okay, it was just an accident.

On the contrary, the tall white man, with more than enough head, said to the other three women a little speechlessly at this time:
"He was asking where we were and asking us to help him find a pair of trousers.

The three of you are really enough. "

Hearing what the white man said, Xia Qi hurriedly gave him a thumbs up, indicating that he was right.

But the white man saw this and asked in surprise:

"Can you understand us?"

Xia Qi nodded.

"If you can understand, you should be able to speak, right? Are you dumb?"

"Give me some time, let me study and study, and maybe I will say, I am not dumb!"

Although Xia Qi knew that it was impossible for the other party to understand, he could only see him shaking his head, but he couldn't help but complain.

Language talent is one of the unique talents of human beings. Although Xia Qi doesn't know how he was born with the ability to understand foreign languages, but as the white man said, as long as he can understand It is not difficult to say.

It's just that he needs some time to explore.

Following the tone of the white man, he said something awkward, and the white man replied helplessly:
"Brother, look at our outfits, there is no extra clothes for you. We still have something to do. If you have nothing to do, we will leave."

"You haven't said where this is?"

Seeing that the other party was about to leave, Xia Qi hurriedly asked a question.

"This is Mississippi Mountain outside the town of Hysteria. My name is Tifada, and this is Mattie, Rufael, and Joshna."

"Mount Mississippi?"

Xia Qi had never heard of this place, hesitated for a moment, and asked in an awkward foreign language:
"Have you heard of the second domain?"

"Where is that place?" The four of Tifada shook their heads in unison.

"The Rebel Alliance?"

"Three Hades?"

The four still said they didn't know.

In Xia Qi's cognition, the world is only divided into the following realities and the second domain.

If these people don't know the Second Domain, is this in some reality down there?
But if it is, his honor table will lose its function for no reason, and the communication number will not be canceled.

"Am I already dead? Is it just consciousness right now?"

Seeing this, Xia Qi quickly squeezed his face, and then tried to sense his soul baby, only then did he confirm that he was not a conscious body, but a real existence.

"Is he playing cute with us?"

"Speaking of which, I've never seen a naked buttocked person."

"What are you doing, Joshna, why are you rubbing your own breasts?"


Xia Qi looked at these people opposite him speechlessly, especially the three women, he really wanted to ask them aloud, are you a funny match invited by a monkey?
"Forget it, since there are obstacles in communication now, and some things cannot be explained in a sentence or two, where are you going to take me, okay?
I am very powerful, I can kung fu, oh~~~"

As Xia Qi said, he covered his crotch with one hand in a funny way, and gestured a few times with the other hand as if performing a kung fu, and let out strange screams from his mouth again and again.

"Is he imitating a monkey? Not very much."

"Actually, I think he should be normal. Speaking of which, I can no longer face him. He is so strange."

Xia Qi didn't say a word, and every time he made a gesture, the three women would comment.

Therefore, he has always selectively ignored these three nervous women. Fortunately, the white man is relatively normal, but the other party does not want him to follow:

"As much as I'd like to help you, there's nothing we can do because we still have things to do.

Going down the mountain from here, you can see the hysterical town in a short distance. There should be someone in the town to help you. "

"With his black hair and black eyes, the people in the town will only regard him as a devil, and if he is discovered by a wizard, he will be burned to death."

Joshna, who has blond hair and a hot figure, didn't know if she was interested in Xia Qi, so after hearing Tifada's words, she gave him a hard look.

In the end, under Xia Qi's sincere request and the joint intercession of the three women including Joshna, Tifada was extremely reluctant to take Xia Qi with him.

On the way, Xia Qi didn't ask any more questions because it was too difficult to communicate with them.

Instead, Tifada took the initiative to talk about the destination of their trip:

"We are going to the town of Alinda to find the exorcist in the town. All the exorcists in our town have been killed by ghosts. Now the people in the town are very panic, because there is no exorcist, wizard Then he ran out to confuse people's hearts and burned several young girls to death.

If this continues, more innocent people will be burned to death. "

"What age is this? How can there be people burned to death? Don't they have police?"

Xia Qi couldn't figure it out in his heart, but each place had a system, and he couldn't apply the reality he was in, or the rules of the second domain, into it.

He didn't ask too much, and planned to follow along first before talking. Of course, the most important thing is to find a pair of pants to wear as soon as possible. After all, like him now, it is no different from running naked.

Of course, another point is also very important, that is to find Wu Di.

Since he was able to live, Wu Di should also be alive. I don't know if he is in the town below.

What makes him a little puzzled is that the ghosts he swallowed with the ghost gate before have successfully become the nourishment for him to become stronger, but why he passed the ghost gate and came here now?
Could it be that the ghost gate is actually like a space channel, connecting many spaces?
And there is another one connected to his body?

Xia Qi really can't understand this question, but he still understands the principle that if you come, you will be safe. Although he really wants to find Wu Di immediately, and then the two of them will go back, but the more important thing right now is to find out where he is. Let's talk about the environment.

After all, he has never heard of it from anyone, and there is a foreigner living in the reality below.

(The third update is later.)
(End of this chapter)

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