Mysterious country

Chapter 1159 Clues

Chapter 1159 Clues
It's just that this world is quite different from the second domain, and even the many real rules under the second domain.

But in the final analysis, all changes are inseparable. What changes is only the form, and the essence is still the same.

It is entirely possible to regard the Exorcist Guild as the three great underworlds of the second domain, and the wizard department that came later as the Rebel Alliance.

As for whether there are still small forces like Outland, it's hard to say.

"Are there any other wizards in this town?"

"No, it's just me."

"Where are the other wizards?"

"They were all killed just now."

When the bald man said this, the tragic scene just now appeared in his mind again, and his body shivered uncontrollably.

"Those people count as wizards?"

"Yes, they are wizards."

The bald man could naturally hear Xia Qi's contempt for them.

Speaking of it, it's not that Xia Qi is pretending, but that in the second domain, the lowest level he comes into contact with is senior executives. As a result, even the small staff with ghost level have become wizards that people fear. Naturally it would feel weird.

As for this bald man, although he is regarded as the head wizard by the wizards, in fact, he only has the strength of a supervisor level, and he is simply a weak chicken.

But there is great suppression in this world. After all, people like him who have entered the senior manager level are directly compressed to senior executives here, and they are directly suppressed by two levels.

Thinking about it this way, if the bald man gave him two levels of strength, he would be the manager level.

A small town has a manager and nearly 200 senior executives sitting in the town. Thinking about its strength, it is quite scary.

With such a conversion, Xia Qi began to pay more attention to the power of this world in his heart.

Because if you look at the neighborhoods in the second domain, or even the towns in the inner domain, it is nothing more than a manager plus a dozen senior executives.However, here, there is a manager plus hundreds of senior executives. Such a comparison, it seems that the overall strength of this world is obviously stronger than that of the second domain.

Fortunately, this side has been blocked, otherwise, if the two are opened up now, the second domain will become even more chaotic.

People with the same skin color and race are still fighting each other, let alone foreigners who are different inside and out.

"What is a witch god? Is it a person? Or?"

"The witch god is the witch god, he is our belief, he is a god, not a human being!"

Although the bald man was greedy for life and afraid of death, when he mentioned the witch god, the fear on his face became a bit more pious.

"Has anyone seen that witch god?"

"Of course someone has seen him, but the people who have seen him are only his eight great witch guards, and small characters like us can't see them.

But I have heard that the avatar of the witch god once came, but unfortunately I didn't catch up. "

Although the bald man has always insisted that the witch god is not a human being but a god, Xia Qi doesn't think so at all in his heart. If he didn't go to the second domain, he might think that a god is a god, a completely different existence from human beings.

But after going through so much, he feels that gods are nothing more than people with a certain level of strength.

In fact, he would think so, and it is easy to understand.

The biggest difference between gods and humans is that gods are omnipotent. People believe in him and hope to get his protection, solve difficulties, protect peace, and make things they do easier.

And powerful people can do this easily, whoever wants to live can live, and only one thought is needed for whoever wants to.

So what's the difference?
Apparently there is no difference at all!
So the witch god that this bald man believed in was probably a very powerful person.

And this person should also have the ability of the soul, or some terrible secret techniques.

But in this way, some of his original speculations were not right again.

He always thought that the three Hades were created by the Hades Boss, and the Hades Boss is also the god of this world.

But there is no underworld here, instead a witch god popped up, that would be strange, would the god create two, or multiple completely different systems?

After all, in addition to the three great underworlds, there is also a group of pioneers, and here, two more emerged.

Moreover, the Exorcist Guild and the Ministry of Witches and Gods, no matter how they look at it, have the same functionality as the three Hades, which are purely for dealing with ghosts.

Even if this side is separated from the second domain, as long as the existing underworld system is used, why bother?

Could it be that there are two gods in this world?

Because the two are fighting, so the second domain will be split?
Some bold conjectures could not help appearing in Xia Qi's mind, he pinched his temples feeling a little headache, and asked again:

"You said just now that some powerful exorcists suddenly disappeared, didn't you?"


"Have you heard anything about the reason for their disappearance?"

"There are some rumors that they were killed by the Lord Sorcerer God, but this is impossible, because it is also a witch guard who wants to do it. How could the Sorcerer God take action against humans?"

"When did they disappear? How did you know that they disappeared?"

"Because just like the current exorcist guild has placed undercover agents in our Ministry of Witches and Gods, they also have our people there, so the news is not bad.

They have been missing for almost a year. "

The bald man thought for a while and said.

"Year 1?"

Xia Qi has some doubts, will these exorcists who suddenly disappeared also enter the third domain?

Since he has a way to come here from the second domain, then perhaps the third domain is not impenetrable.

Of course, these are just speculations he made at this moment, and there is no evidence to confirm it right now.

"Is there a branch of the Witch God Department in the nearby town?"

"Yes, but they were attacked by the Exorcist Guild just now, and everyone died.

Recently, the members of the Exorcist Guild dare not make big noises, but small noises keep coming. "

"Can I become a member of the Wizard's Guild?"

"As long as you are willing to sign a contract with the Sorcerer God, I can help you summon the Sorcerer God."

"Is it a witch god?"

"Yes, it is the statue of the witch god descending."

"If I don't sign a contract with the witch god, can I become the wizard leader?"

Xia Qi looked at the bald man, then glanced at the scepter in his hand and said:

"This scepter should be the identity proof of the head wizard, right? There are so many branches and so many wizards in the Ministry of Sorcerers and Gods, so not everyone knows each other, right?"

"Yes, not all wizards are familiar with it, and most wizard leaders don't know it either."

The bald man didn't dare to hide anything, he nodded and replied.

Xia Qi didn't continue this topic after hearing this, but asked about Wu Di:

"Did you get any news in the past two days that a person with black hair and black eyes like me appeared in the town?"

"There is indeed one."

(End of this chapter)

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