Mysterious country

Chapter 1161 Disguised Copy

Chapter 1161 Disguised Copy
If this is the case, how powerful will the soul of the witch god be?

Xia Qiyue thought that his heart was getting colder and colder. He only hoped that he would not have any interaction with the other party. He had already thought about it. When he found Wu Di, he would immediately open the ghost door and go back with Wu Di.

This world is so strange to him, it is simply out of place.

Although the second domain is indifferent, they are all people who look similar to him, but this is obviously not the case here.

After recovering, the bald man looked at Xia Qi in fear, and asked in a trembling voice:
"What did you do to me just now?"

"Don't be afraid, I didn't do anything to you, but there is one thing I'm very curious about, where did your soul go?"

"What soul?"

"It seems that you are really stupid, but that's it, well, you can go."

Speaking of Xia Qi, he waved his hand at the bald man. Before the bald man could say anything, his body exploded with a bang.

"Don't blame me, I really don't want to tell lies, but Naihe has a tongue that loves to tell lies."

After destroying all the Witch God branches in this hysterical town, Xia Qi found a wallet and a mobile phone on the shattered clothes of the bald man.

Holding the mobile phone, he tried to call Leng Yue's mobile phone, but the phone directly told him that it was an empty number.

So instead of trying a second time, he just gave up and put the phone in his pocket.

Opening the wallet, there was some money in the wallet, which was enough for him to eat a few meals. As for the bank cards inside, he threw away all of them.

Because a person with black hair, black eyes, and yellow skin like him is definitely an outlier in this small town, just like a black man suddenly appeared in the second domain, and the degree of attention is absolutely 100%.

So the first thing to do is to get a hat and a mask, preferably a big black cloak.

Coming out of the church, Xia Qi began to wander around the town, just as he thought before, although it was called a town, it was a city in the upper outer domain block that was definitely the largest in terms of area.

It's just that there are not many people, far less crowded than the second domain.

After wandering around, I wandered around for a long time in places that sell knitwear and clothes, but Xia Qi couldn't find any that sold headgear, so I had to buy a bigger peaked cap and a mask. Cover yourself tightly.

Standing in front of the mirror of the public test sink, looking at the way he is dressed, he looks like a star who is afraid of being recognized while walking on the street.

After solving the problem of dressing up, Xia Qi then found a western restaurant to have a meal. He said it was a western restaurant, but in fact there are western restaurants everywhere. After all, he has truly gone to the west.

It's just that he ate the steak here, and the more he ate it, the more he felt that it was not as authentic as he used to eat.

After eating and drinking enough, he didn't delay any longer. After making a map of the area that was loyal to Kansan City, he used teleport non-stop and rushed towards Kansan City.

Speaking of which, he was still a little uncertain. After all, according to what the bald man said, Kansas City is one of the five major cities, and its defense strength must not be much worse.

He doesn't understand those witchcrafts yet, so it's hard to say that he won't suffer a loss if he rushes over rashly.

But if they don't hurry there, Wu Di's side will be very dangerous. They finally escaped from the masked man's clutches, and they don't want to die here without knowing why.

"It would be great if I could get in, but it's a pity that I can't help it like this..."

Thinking of this, Xia Qi couldn't help but slapped his head, and suddenly thought of the ghost with the ability to replicate and disguise that he had devoured when he first arrived in Zi'an City.

It is said to be a copy, but it is actually more like an imitation, because the power cannot reach 100% at all, like the ghost at that time once turned into his appearance, and in turn used the devouring ability on him, but the power is quite ordinary.

As for the camouflage ability, Xia Qi felt that it was very useless, so since he acquired these two abilities, he never used them once, and later completely forgot about such a thing.

Right now, he suffers from the fact that his appearance is too obvious, and there is no way to mix into the Department of Witch Gods.

But if you use this ability and pretend to be a bald man, then maybe this thing will work.

Recalling the appearance of the bald man, Xia Qi's eyes suddenly turned from black to taupe, and then he saw that his figure shrunk significantly, and his appearance gradually changed from a handsome guy to a rather wretched bald man .

Xia Qi then took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera and looked at himself, the smile on his face became brighter and brighter.

The ability to copy is useless, because not only can one copy only one ability, but it must also become the appearance of the other party, and it can only be copied when the other party casts it.

So this ability, as early as when he first obtained it, he thought it was completely used for jokes, and even now, he still thinks it is.

It was this camouflage ability that helped him a lot.

Speaking of which, if the masked man hadn't suddenly used Wu Di to coerce him, according to his original plan, he might have already started undercover in the Rebel Alliance by this time.

But the reality is that the speed of planning can never keep up with the speed of change.

No one knows what will happen tomorrow.

Meanwhile, in a reality below the Second Domain.

The owner of the entertainment city, Jue Dai, and another bald man Xia Qi had seen before, and a man with glasses and a very gloomy face, the three of them were sitting in a restaurant with a large area but a good business .

"I can't sense his existence at all."

"Just die like that? Damn, don't you all say he is very important."

Hearing what the man wearing glasses said, the bald man suddenly cursed unhappily.

"I don't think it should be that simple." The owner of the entertainment city shook his head and said something seriously.

"I can't sense it, how can I still be alive."

"Don't forget, we also can't sense people from foreign and third domains."

"You mean that kid has entered a foreign land?"

"It is very possible. But what is beyond our scope, it has nothing to do with us.

Besides, according to what I have learned, he is not the only one chosen. "

When the owner of the entertainment city said this, he suddenly smiled mysteriously.

Seeing this, the bald man curled his lips in dissatisfaction and cursed:

"Did the wind and rain tell you something? Why didn't that kid tell me anything?"

"Who told you that the fourth brother told me these things?"

"Then how did you know?"

"Think with your head, basically few people will put all their eggs in one basket, right? There will definitely be someone behind, so we have to reserve one for ourselves too. Do you know what the fourth brother is looking for when he is traveling around recently?"

"What are you looking for?" This time, it wasn't just the bald man showing curiosity, even the man wearing glasses looked at it suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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