Mysterious country

Chapter 1169 Absolutely Closed

Chapter 1169 Absolutely Closed (Third)


Seeing that the white man was thrown out by Xia Qi effortlessly, the girl was speechless in disbelief, but Xia Qi smiled at her and said:

"Your difficulty is that you are afraid that others will trouble you, but the only thing I am good at as a person is to clean up those who don't know how to live or die.

So we are very compatible and very complementary, so I suggest you consider letting me live here for the time being.

We are not familiar with each other, many things are unclear, and you also need a man who can protect you, don't you? "

Although Xia Qi only chatted with the girl for a few short words, the girl's seemingly ordinary words were full of her helplessness and powerlessness towards her own situation. However, some paradoxically, she wanted to continue living with great desire .

"Okay, as long as you have the ability to solve the troubles, you can live with me as long as you want. Living with you is at least much better than staying with those foreigners."

Girls don't care about such things. In the final analysis, life is the most basic guarantee for human beings. If life is lost, then for most people, any dignity and any so-called principles will no longer have any meaning.

"One thing, you can rest assured that I belong to the bad guys among the good guys. So I won't do anything to force you."

"The bad guy among the good guys?"

After hearing this, the girl blinked her big watery eyes, and then she didn't know what to think of, and suddenly burst out laughing:

"Why do I think you are a little naive? There are no good or bad people in this world, but some are just human skin wrapped in desire."

After the girl smiled, she went to the door and picked up the fruit on the ground, then wiped it and ate it directly, and quickly finished eating the palm-sized fruit.

"I haven't eaten for almost 3 days, so I won't give it to you."

"What it is?"

"It doesn't matter what it is, the important thing is that it can be eaten, and that it doesn't kill you.

You may not know how important food is here. "

"Is there nothing to eat?"

"Yes, but the food is in the hands of people with combat power, or it is in a very dangerous place.

Where is it so easy to get. "

Hearing what the girl said, Xia Qi became more and more curious about what kind of place this is.

After all, whether it is the second domain or a foreign domain, it seems that there is no town that is so poor that it does not even have food.

"If there is no food here, you can leave and go to another place?"

"If you can't get out, no one has ever been able to get out of here alive."

"Is this a closed town?" Hearing this, Xia Qi's heart suddenly "thumped", and the expression on his face became serious.

"Can you tell me what's going on here?"

"There's nothing you can't say, but even if you're pretty good, you'd better be mentally prepared.

The reason why this place is called the town of the living dead is because every dead person will be resurrected again, and then continue to live here as if nothing happened before.

To put it simply, even if you want to die, you can't die, but in fact you are dead, but you don't even know that you are dead.

do you understand? "

"That is to say, after death, everyone will be resurrected as a ghost?" Xia Qi asked uncertainly.

"Yeah, that's pretty much what it means.

And the most important thing is that these resurrected people are just like zombies. They feed on living people and kill them everywhere.

However, this is not the worst. What's worse is that there are countless evil spirits and ghosts here, and many people were killed in their sleep.

Every day, people came in out of nowhere, and every day someone was killed, and then turned into a living dead, continuing to hunt down the survivors.

And you keep running towards one end, and when you run to the end, you will find that you have come from the west to the east.

It's like a closed sphere, no matter which direction you flee to, because it's closed, you can't get out.

Because there are too many living dead and too few survivors here, there are many undetectable ghosts and ghosts, so few people dare to go to the mountains to find food.

However, if you are lucky, you can still find inventory in some houses during the day.

Because the houses here are changing every day, just like the alternation of morning and evening, very regular.

For example, if I eat this fruit today, then tomorrow, this fruit will appear in the place where it originally grew.

Can you understand me when I say that? "

"The scene keeps going back in time, but the people inside are not affected?"

"Yeah, almost like that.

Some survivors who have lived for a long time say that this is a place abandoned by gods, but who knows. "

Xia Qi didn't speak, but carefully inspected his body, and found that he was still at the level of a senior executive, which also showed that he was still within the scope of the foreign land.

But how could there be such a ghostly area in a foreign land?

Xia Qi tried to release the ghost domain, but he was a little surprised to find that his own ghost domain seemed to be attracted, and it was a little out of his control, which also scared him to quickly take the ghost domain back.

It's like there are monsters here that can swallow the ghost domain.

"Is there anyone here who can deal with the living dead?"

After being silent for a while, Xia Qi asked curiously again.

"Those who can compete with the living dead are the gods here, and they are regarded as saviors."

Although the girl spoke loudly, her tone was clearly disdainful.

"What kind of people is that? How many people are there?"

"I heard that he is a wizard, and he is also said to be an exorcist, in short, he is not a good person.

In fact, they are the most insignificant things here. They take the food we give them, but they rarely care about our life or death.

But there is no way, if you encounter a riot by the living dead, you need their help to resist, otherwise it will be difficult for ordinary people like us to survive. "

Although I haven't experienced it personally, but if it is true what the girl said, this place is no different from the end of the world.

But hearing is believing, seeing is believing, although the girl said that she couldn't get out here, but there are some things that cannot be confirmed unless she tries it herself.

Wu Di needs time to recuperate, and he also needs to take a good rest. After all, he hasn't had a good night's sleep since the fight with the masked man.

Although this place is not a good place, at least there is no need to worry about Wu Di's safety.

Xia Qi jumped off the bed, and then walked towards the outside of the house. During the process, the girl followed quickly, as if she was afraid that he would run away.

Xia Qi came out of the house, and outside was a not-so-big yard.

The sky outside was gloomy, and the sky above was shrouded in a hazy mist.

"Has it always been like this?"

Xia Qi pointed to the fog above and asked the girl behind him.

"Well, even in the daytime, the surrounding area is filled with fog, so there is no time to disperse."

As soon as the girl finished speaking, Xia Qi heard a series of hurried footsteps coming from far and near.

He subconsciously looked towards the door, and saw that the courtyard door was kicked open, and then he saw the big white man who was thrown out by him before rushing in angrily with six white friends. Pointing at Xia Qi's nose and cursing:

"It was this foreign bastard who hit me just now!"

(Continue to ask for the monthly pass, if you have it, don’t hide it.)
(End of this chapter)

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