Mysterious country

Chapter 1176 Experimental field?

Chapter 1176 Experimental field? (seeking a monthly ticket)

Although there is a bit of ghost energy in this kind of meat, for a person of his level, it is almost negligible. No matter how much he eats, he probably won't get any improvement.

But the problem is that not only he can eat these ghosts, but the survivors here can also eat them.

You must know that ghost qi is a very violent existence, not to mention that ordinary people cannot swallow it, even spell owners like Leng Yue are absolutely incapable of swallowing it.

But having said that, he has never heard of anyone who can chop up ghosts and stew them.

So it is impossible to swallow it raw, but maybe this stewed one is not included.

The ghost aura contained in the flesh is also relatively calm, without any violent aura, but if you inhale this ghost aura over time, your body will easily be transformed, not to mention transforming into a ghost body, at least in terms of physical fitness, it will surpass ordinary people a cut.

This also made him think that for a weak girl like Hongguo, who can survive here for so long, besides being very clever and possessing absolute belief in survival, would these pieces of meat also play a big role in it? What about the role?
"Do you always get this kind of meat?"

Xia Qi looked at Hong Guo who was still a little at a loss and asked.

"Ordinary people rarely eat these pieces of meat, only those who can fight against the living dead are eligible to eat them.

Only when I'm lucky can I eat two pieces after I find it. "

"Is there a lot of this kind of meat?" Xia Qi asked after thinking about it.

"Not many. Because a large part of the area is occupied by the undead, the survivors usually have a small range of activities."

Hearing what Hongguo said, Xia Qi suddenly had a very terrifying thought in his heart. Could this completely closed town function as a laboratory-like existence?
Someone is experimenting with these people, and these stewed ghost pieces!

But if that's the case, the experiment has likely failed, and the place has been completely abandoned.

Because if you want to do experiments, you need at least a large number of test subjects, but according to Hongguo, the number of people who entered here by mistake is not many, and there are more survivors who died than newcomers who came in.

So now there is no one left here.

Of course, the possibility that this experiment is still going on is not ruled out, but it doesn't look like anyone is interested anymore.

"Brother Xia, what's wrong with you? Is there really something wrong with the meat?"

"The meat is the meat of ghosts."

Xia Qi didn't hide anything, and directly told Hongguo the truth he had discovered.


Hongguo opened her big eyes in disbelief, apparently in disbelief.

In fact, it's no wonder that Hongguo was surprised, because in her cognition all the time, ghosts kill and eat people, but she never dared to think that such terrible things would become human rations.

Xia Qi was no less shocked than Hongguo. After all, if this place was really a place for experiments as he thought, then the person who did the experiment would be too crazy.

Obviously trying to find a way to make ordinary people have super physical fitness, and be able to fight against ghosts to the greatest extent.

and many more!

Xia Qi thought of this, and suddenly realized a very terrible thing.

Could this experiment have been successful?

That's why ghost matter appeared in the world!
Speaking of ghost matter, he once questioned it, because everyone believed that ghost matter was the soul of a ghost and the body of a human being.

But if the soul is a ghost, then even if the body is human, it cannot be called a human.

Moreover, the human body cannot compare with ghosts in terms of strength and other aspects.

So he felt that the normal logic should be that the human soul should be closer to the body of a ghost.

What happened to Hongguo was closer to his guess.

It's just that he couldn't figure it out at all. Could it be that so many people with ghost physique are all because they ate ghost meat?

Although this idea is a bit unrealistic, but considering the supernatural powers of the underworld, if you want to do it, it is not impossible.

Not to mention, the experiment will be divided into many steps, and the purpose of each step will be different.

If the ghost matter existed long before it appeared here, then the experiment that took place here may be an attempt to create another kind of thing.

In short, there are still many possibilities.

Xia Qi felt that he should really find the old man who lived here for a long time, and then asked in detail. After all, the longer he lived, the more things he would know.

"Eat when you're hungry, don't worry about anything."

I don't know if I heard Xia Qi say that these are all ghost meat, so the red fruit heart began to feel disgusted, and it no longer just stared at the meat in the pot as before, but ate several other meats. vegetables on a plate.

As for Xia Qi, he just ate a few pieces of ghost meat without any appetite. He didn't care about it, after all, he had swallowed many raw ghosts, so he didn't think it was disgusting at all.

On the contrary, I feel very happy, because human beings have always been at the bottom of the food chain of ghosts, but now they are stewed into the pot like ordinary ingredients.

After Hongguo simply ate some, she took out a tattered bag from her clothes, and then put all the food in it.

Xia Qi didn't stop her either. After all, it was different from him eating and drinking outside every day. For the people here, not to mention having a full meal, being able to eat is already a great luxury.

But just when Hongguo started to "pack", Xia Qi learned through Huangquan that two white men had already arrived outside the door.

Not long after, a shout was heard:
"You really don't want to live anymore, how dare you come here to steal food!"

Unlike the red fruit, which is covered with bones, the two white men who came here suddenly looked very burly.

In fact, including the few people who were killed by him last night, they did not appear to be thin at all, obviously they were not part of the starvation.

"Have you met these two people?"

Xia Qi asked Hongguo.

"Yes, they are subordinates of those people."

Hongguo nodded and said to Xia Qi.

"Foreign bastards, what the hell are you talking about!"

"Whatever he says, that chick from a foreign race is quite nice. I've seen her a few times before, but she ran away. This time, our brother will have fun."

One of them, a white man whose hair was almost as long as a woman, smiled maliciously behind the red fruit behind Xia Qi.

At the same time, Xia Qi also laughed.

It's just that the smile looks very cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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