Mysterious country

Chapter 1179 Can't Stop

Chapter 1179 Can't Stop
Hearing the man's words, Xia Qi squeezed his chin pretending to be hesitant, and then said:
"You really slapped me in the face for being so cruel. Besides, did I ask you to do anything to her!"

At the end, Xia Qi had already made no secret of his murderous intentions. Seeing this, the man hurriedly explained:
"As long as you let me go, I'm willing..."

Before the man finished speaking, Xia Qi moved his head from his neck impatiently.

"Even the woman who is in bed with me can kill at will, how can I believe your promise?"

Looking at the man's staring face, Xia Qi smiled sarcastically, and then left the house directly.

It can be said that if it wasn't for Hongguo, he didn't need to kill the two of them, but obviously he did it anyway.

Doing anything for a long time will form a habit, and killing people is the same.

If you kill more people, and see more people die, you will naturally get used to it.

Become indifferent to life and become extremely cruel.

Xia Qi doesn't like the current self, because it is too ruthless, which makes him a little strange.

But this is the reality. In the face of reality, everyone will change, even Leng Yue will be changed, let alone him, a layman.

From the man's understanding, he knew that there were 35 powerful people in this small town. Of course, there were 34 people now.

The leader among them is a great celestial master from the Exorcist Guild, who is at the same level as him, so he doesn't need to hide and dodge, just face them directly.

As for those who only have the strength of a wizard, or even a wizard, he doesn't need to worry at all.

Because these people are not aware of the existence of the ghost domain at all, so it is easy to kill them.

Instead of looking for other powerful people, Xia Qi came to the area occupied by the living dead that Hongguo mentioned to him.

He said it was occupation, but he didn't see even a living dead when he walked on the street. He tried to release the ghost domain, and then went to cover the house on one side.

As a result, as soon as he released the ghost domain, he saw through the ghost domain that the dead body that had fallen on the ground in the room suddenly got up from the ground or a corner as if sensing something, and then looked at it with scarlet eyes. Walking along the edge covered by his ghost domain.

Then they began to nibble on his ghost domain together.

"It really is these things!"

Xia Qi cursed secretly in his heart, but soon he didn't know what to think of on his originally angry face, and gradually revealed a sly smile.

These living dead have the ability to devour the ghost domain, so in turn, if he devours these ghost things, will he also gain this ability?

He had tried to devour some undead before, but he didn't feel the existence of this ability to devour the ghost domain, so he wondered if he devoured too few undead.

No matter what, he would not let these living dead go. Even if he couldn't acquire the ability to devour the ghost realm, at least he could improve his own strength.

He needs to improve his strength very much now, even if he is trapped here now, he can't stop growing.

Thinking of this, Xia Qi floated into the room like a ghost.

It wasn't until the day gradually dissipated and the darkness enveloped the land again that Xia Qi returned to Hongguo's residence a little tired.

For almost a whole day, he devoured the living dead, enduring the great pain caused by the backlash.

It stands to reason that swallowing these ghost things with his strength shouldn't be too strong backlash, but in fact it's just the opposite. Although the strength of these living dead is average, their thoughts are extraordinarily powerful.

Speaking of it, it means that he is so determined that he can endure this kind of pain that ordinary people cannot bear, otherwise ordinary people would not dare to do so.

Because the backlash would crack the skin all over his body, and the violent ghost aura would severely oppress his internal organs. However, the most painful thing is not these, but the mental torment.

The headache was so bad that he almost wanted to knock his head in half.

But in order to become stronger, in order to enrich his abilities as much as possible, he can only bite the bullet and persist.

After all, there is not much time for him to waste in vain. He must become strong as soon as possible, so as to protect his friends, explore his life experience, and all kinds of secrets.

Devouring consumes a lot of spirit, because not only the ghosts are devoured, but also the souls of ghosts.

So he has no way to devour it blindly, and can only continue after his mental exhaustion disappears.

Because he has to guard against dark people who may attack him at any time.

The dark man has always been a heart problem for him. Right now, the dark man was severely injured by the man in the mask. It was a great opportunity for him to fight back, but since that day, he has never entered that mysterious world again.

Otherwise, even if there is a greater risk, he will try to swallow the consciousness of the dark man.

After all, devouring is his most commonly used and best solution. If the dark man can swallow his consciousness, then in turn, he will definitely be able to swallow the opponent.

It's just that he hasn't gotten the chance yet, and there's no way to re-enter that world.

This situation also made him a little depressed. When he didn't want to enter before, he would enter inexplicably even if he was sleeping, but now when he wants to enter, he has no way at all.

But temporarily being unable to get in touch with that world does not mean that he will never have a chance in the future.

Therefore, he must make sufficient preparations, continue to strengthen his soul, and strengthen his will, so that he can gain an advantage in the future physical battle with the dark man and win the final victory.

The reason why Xia Qi dared to devour it recklessly and killed it so decisively, and the consciousness of the dark man was in a coma, was a large part of the reason.

In the past, the madness of the dark man was due to his own will being affected by various negative emotions such as killing, but once there was no such threat, even if he was affected, he still had time to adjust.

Seeing Xia Qi coming back, Hong Guo said to him excitedly:

"Brother Xia, that friend of yours woke up just now."


Hearing the news of Wu Di's waking up, Xia Qi was greatly excited, but when he was about to go in to have a look, Hong Guo added:

"I woke up, but now I passed out again."

While talking, Hongguo noticed that there were several blood-soaked places on Xia Qi's body, and then asked cautiously:

"Brother Xia, those two people... have you let them go?"

"They are dead."

After answering Hongguo, Xia Qi didn't look at her expression, but walked directly into the room where Wu Di was.

Wu Di was still sleeping deeply, and the situation didn't seem to be getting any better, which made him very worried.

Hongguo also came in at this time, Xia Qi turned to her and asked:

"Did he say anything when he woke up?"

"Yes, if Brother Xia hadn't asked me, I would have almost forgotten about it."

(End of this chapter)

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