Mysterious country

Chapter 1181 The connection with the witch god

Chapter 1181 The connection with the witch god

With the return of the soul baby, Xia Qi regained consciousness again, and then rushed to help Wu Di who was about to fall.

Looking at Wu Di who was still unconscious, Xia Qi's face was gloomy and terrifying.

He really didn't expect that he escaped from the masked man's pursuit, but he didn't escape from the damn witch and god department.

Wu Di was obviously the same as those wizards, only a trace of remnant soul remained.

Although there is still a trace of remnant soul that can still live, but the soul is not complete after all, it is almost impossible for Wu Di to become stronger.

Unless he also learns to strengthen the ability of the soul like those wizards in the Ministry of Wizardry and God.

But compared to those wizards who are willing and risky souls, Wu Di is obviously passive. Besides, he is not a foreigner, and it is impossible for him to join the Ministry of Wizardry and God.

As for what happened just now, he knew very well in his heart that it must be that a remnant soul of the witch god entered Wu Di's body, which was obviously the same as what he was most worried about before. For that mysterious witch god, all wizards They are all his avatars.

He can easily enter the bodies of these people related to him, and then control their bodies.

Although the soul baby swallowed up a part of the soul of the witch god, as long as Wu Di exists, he can reappear in the body anytime and anywhere.

Even in this ghost town known as the God's Forsaken Land.

The anger in his heart could not be calmed down for a long time, and what troubled him was not only Wu Di's situation at this time, but also the familiarity of the shaman's soul at that time when facing his soul baby.

This is what really makes him feel chilly, and even scares him so much.

Because it proved that the witch god knew his soul baby.

But how is this possible!

The soul baby was transformed by his soul, not a real person, how could the witch god from a foreign land know him!
All dangers from the outside world are not real dangers to Xia Qi, because he can't resist, and he can try to escape.

Only the threat from inside the body is the most disturbing thing for him.

Because no matter where you go or where you flee, all the time, the uneasy factors in your body are likely to explode suddenly, and then engulf you completely, maybe in the end, you don’t even know how you died.

And the pain he is suffering right now, everything he is doing with all his might is making wedding dresses for others in vain.

A dark person in his body, a ghost baby is enough for him, if even his soul is in trouble, then what is left of him?
Although he knew that his soul was weird, the possibility of something going wrong shouldn't be too high.

Because the soul is linked to his own will, all the output of his consciousness comes from the soul, if his soul is weird, then his consciousness will no longer exist.

It's just that he can't understand it, it's obviously his own soul, but why would a witch god from a foreign land recognize it?

Isn't it all your own soul?
Xia Qi couldn't figure this out. Speaking of which, since he came to this foreign land, some mysteries began to appear one after another, which once again made him have great doubts about the world and himself.

Suppose, his conjecture is correct, his soul is not entirely his own, maybe it was tampered with by someone, so there will be a soul baby.

Then, perhaps he could find an explanation for the call he heard every so often.

There are two kinds of answers, one is the strange soul from his body, although it has no consciousness, it may still have obsessions.

As for the other kind, it comes from the soul's former friend, who is constantly calling through the barriers of time and space, trying to wake it up.

But if he thinks this way, a bigger question arises, whose soul did he fuse with?

And why fuse that person's soul?What is the point of doing this?
His head began to ache violently again, as if there was an iron hoop on his head that was tightening rapidly at this moment, fiercely stimulating his weakest nerves.

He couldn't think anymore, because the more he thought about it, the more his head hurt, and the more questions he had.

It was like this almost every time, after he figured out a problem that bothered him before, one, two, or even more problems would appear next.

As if all kinds of mysteries are endless, it seems that he will never be able to clear the clouds and see the fog, and tear off the cloth strips covering his eyes.

So what should I do now, and what should I think about?

Xia Qi kept asking himself in his heart, and finally he chose to stick to his heart and not be troubled by these fogs.

After all, no matter whether it is the witch god, the man in the mask, or those who are hiding behind the scenes and controlling everything, he can only accept it in a short period of time, and there is no room for resistance at all.

So is it important to worry about yourself?
Like a poultry locked in a cage, looking at the butcher who is sharpening his knife outside the cage, does his life and death depend on himself?Obviously only depends on the intention of the butcher.

The world is beautiful to the ignorant, but cruel to the informed.

Conversely, for a person like him who is both well informed and deeply involved in the situation, he can only be described as helpless and powerless.

But he will never give up, never despair, even if there is darkness in front of him, he can burn himself to be the last light in the darkness.

Taking out the last crumpled cigarette from the cigarette case, Xia Qi lit it and took a deep breath, then looked at the sleepy Wu Di, and murmured:
"Don't worry Angkor, as long as I'm here, no one can hurt you.

I will definitely find a way to take you away from here. Losing the ability to continue to grow may not be a bad thing for you. After all, you are a casual person and should not be bound by these damn rules. "

These words are not only for Wu Di, but also for Xia Qi to himself, since the reality is already so difficult, why not let yourself live a little more freely.

He used to be a free and easy person, he would intersect when he saw something pleasing to the eye, and he would spray when he saw something that was not pleasing to the eye.

If a friend is in trouble, even if he risked his life, he will help. If the enemy threatens, no matter how strong the opponent is, he will find a way to destroy it.

This is the one who never forgets his original intention.

After smoking a cigarette, Xia Qi carried Wu Di on his shoulders and sent him back to the house.

It's just that the night suddenly became long, as if it would never end.

The next day, when Hongguo woke up and found that Xia Qi hadn't slept yet, she rubbed her eyes and couldn't help asking:
"Brother Xia, are you already awake, or haven't you slept?"

"I'm awake."

Xia Qi reluctantly squeezed out a smile at Hongguo, Hongguo saw this, and asked something wrong:
"Did something happen last night?"

"It's nothing."

Xia Qi looked at the pale red fruit, then shook his head and walked out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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