Mysterious country

Chapter 1183 Wu Di Awakes

Chapter 1183 Wu Di Awakes

Xia Qi didn't continue to ask, but let Hongguo stay here, and he disappeared from the room directly, using teleportation to catch up with the two resurrected living dead.

The man and the woman walked quickly, Xia Qi was hiding in the dark and was observing them all the time, they didn't seem to be deliberately pretending to be anything, this can be seen from the anxious expressions on their faces.

They are afraid that the living dead will suddenly appear.

After following the two people for a long distance, the two stopped in front of a house with a large yard.

There was a little fire in the yard, Xia Qi looked over and found more than a dozen people inside, talking and laughing, the voices were not low at all.

In his mind, it was probably the place where wizards and exorcists gathered.

Because he remembered Hongguo said that these people usually rest during the day when the living dead are not active, and at night they will gather together to prevent the sudden invasion of the living dead.

"Ning Ci, how is the person you are looking for? Do you want me to send a few people to search in a wider area?"

As soon as the two of them entered, they heard a very rough sound from the yard.

"No need for Ingil, I just met him, but the other party ignored me and sent me away."

"Grass, you have such a big temper. I really don't know who is the master here. Let's do this today, and tomorrow we will go find him together.

I want to see how powerful he is. "

"There is really no need for us to be an enemy of him. He is very powerful and can use space to imprison me, making it impossible for me to escape. If we can win him over to join us, maybe we can take advantage of his sensitivity to space. Find the location where the crack appeared, and escape from here.”

"Sensitive to space?" The man named Ingil hooked the fire in front of him with an iron hook at this time, then thought for a while and asked again:

"You said last time that he is from a foreign land, right?"

"That's what he said at the time."

"Wang Quan, come out, aren't you and Zhang Can from a foreign land?"

Hearing Yingier's words, two more men came out of the house. Both of them looked very young, about 24 or [-] years old. When they came out, they looked at Hong Kong Feng Ningji with some dissatisfaction, and said to him:

"I said Neji, didn't you explain it to that person? I think as long as you are not a fool, you should join us."

"Perhaps the other party is very strong and doesn't bother to join us?"

"If the person is really from us, how can he be stronger? If you don't understand soul attack at all, you will be instantly killed by Yinger casually."

When Wang Quan said this, he was interrupted by Zhang Can who came out with him:

"Can you stop talking nonsense?"

"What nonsense did I say? Now this is where we live, even if we go out, we can't go back."

"Okay! You foreigners know how to fight in the nest. I didn't ask you to come out to listen to your quarrel!

Lai Ningci, you have the most ideas, tell me how we should deal with that outsider?
Killed, or what. "

"Well, let Zhang Can and Wang Quan come with me tomorrow, and you, Ingil, will go with us. We will try our best to persuade him to join. After all, with one more person, our mutual safety will be more guaranteed."

"Then listen to you. Come, come, call everyone out, and eat barbecue."

Xia Qi did not release the ghost domain, but hid tens of meters away from them. With his hearing and eyesight, it is not difficult to see clearly.

He counted the people in the yard, and there were almost 40 people in total, almost filling up the entire yard, and they seemed to be getting along very well, and no one noticed anything unusual about Hong Kong Feng Ningci.

Xia Qi lowered his head and pondered for a while, and suddenly thought, could there be some people who were killed a long time ago among these people?

If you can continue to live after death, is it still alive, or is it already dead?
Now that he already knew the lair of these people, Xia Qi didn't intend to show up, because he heard these people said that they would go to him tomorrow.

Right now, because he was more worried about Hongguo and Wu Di, he used teleport again to leave.

Back at the residence, Xia Qi found that Wu Di was in a state of sobriety. He hurried over and asked Wu Di:

"How are you feeling? Are you better?"

"It feels as empty as masturbating for more than a dozen rounds in a row."

Wu Di replied to Xia Qi in a very low voice, apparently joking with him.

Wu Di woke up a few times before, and fell asleep again without even saying a few words, but today he looks pretty good.

"I suggest you quit in your current state."

"You kid is still so poor. Speaking of which, how did you save me from those bastards?"

Wu Di suddenly asked about this.

Xia Qi talked roughly, and Wu Di grabbed Xia Qi's clothes after hearing it, and said to him:
"I really want to die like this right now, look at my current virtue, I can't help you, it will only implicate you.

I implicated you in the second domain, and I still have no improvement when I come here..."

"What are you talking about, it would be too alien for us to talk about this.

We are now dependent on each other in this foreign land, and you are my spiritual pillar. "

"Also a spiritual support, don't think I'm a fool. I can feel that my soul has almost completely disappeared. At that time, those people used some dirty tricks on me, and as a result, I felt like my head exploded Same, I don’t remember anything after that.”

"Angkor, there is only a remnant of your soul left. Although your life is safe, I'm afraid your strength will not improve any more."

Xia Qi knew that Wu Di was a man, and his heart was not fragile. As a friend, he didn't want to hide anything, after all, even he himself had noticed something wrong with his soul.

"That's the strength. I don't really feel anything. It's just that at the critical moment when you need help, I can only cause you trouble and can't help you. This is what makes me feel very disgusting."

"Okay, Angkor, don't be hypocritical with the two of us here, even if your strength is stagnant, you are still at the level of a wizard here, and you are still a manager when you return to the second domain.

It's not considered weak at all, not to mention that everyone here is majoring in soul, even if your strength can be improved, Huangquan can't stop them at all.

So you just rest and recuperate without distractions, and being able to chat with me and talk nonsense is the greatest help to me.

As for the next thing, I will find a way to solve it. When my strength is improved and the coverage of the ghost domain is larger, I will try to find the cracks in this space, and then I will take you out. "

Wu Di woke up in a very good state today, which was a reassurance for Xia Qi. Speaking of which, the reason why he fought the masked man again and wiped out the great wizard of the basketball city was to help his friend Wu Di.

If Wu Di didn't keep it, he would not only blame himself but also feel that his efforts were useless.

So now Wu Di is recovering well, which can be regarded as a knot in his heart.

Although there are some regrets, such a result is not unacceptable.

After all, being alive is better than anything else.

(End of this chapter)

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