Mysterious country

Chapter 1185 Red Night

Chapter 1185 Red Night
It is not Xia Qi's life motto to seek wealth and wealth, but it is the madness that he will reveal every time he is cornered.

All-or-nothing madness.

Xia Qi couldn't help but pay attention to the sky that was turning red visible to the naked eye, he hesitated for a while, and then agreed:

"Okay, I'll recite Wu Di now, let's find a relatively safe place."

Afterwards, Xia Qi carried Wu Di on his back, and he and Wu Di rushed towards the direction where Ingil and other wizards gathered.

If the living dead came in large numbers, these people should be able to share some of the pressure for him. Of course, he would not take the initiative to jump out and take care of everything.

He has sympathy for the people in the town, but sympathy does not mean that he has to bear anything for them, let alone how many of the so-called survivors in this town have been killed once, but still Totally ignorant of the matter.

Subconsciously looking at Hongguo, Xia Qi actually had doubts after witnessing the resurrection of Hongguo Ningci and what Hongguo said to him. Is Hongguo already a dead person?

After all, a dead person will forget about his death, and behave like a living person in all aspects, so just judging from some of Hongguo's performances, it is not certain that she is a living person.

But rather than doubting, he is more willing to believe that Hongguo is still alive and well.

After all, the girl's perseverance, optimism, and yearning for freedom can be said to have shocked him extremely.

"Brother Xia, let's hide here."

Hongguo stopped a few hundred meters away from the quadrangle-like house where Yinger and the others were, as if they didn't want to get too close to them.

Xia Qi looked up at the two-story building in front of him, nodded without any objection, and then followed behind Hongguo, walking in with Wu Di on his back.

Putting Wu Di on the ground temporarily, Xia Qi moved his ears, and suddenly heard a series of footsteps getting closer and closer to them.

The footsteps sounded a bit hurried, and there were not more than one footsteps, it should be six or seven people.

Xia Qi released the ghost domain, and through the ghost domain, he saw 6 survivors running towards Yingjill's position with terrified faces.

These few people just ran past their house, and soon, from another alley, three more black people came out, apparently planning to go to Ingil and the others to take refuge.

"These people outside seem to be seeking asylum."

Xia Qi turned his head at this time and said something to Hong Guo behind him.

"At first I would be like them, hoping that those people would protect us. But in fact, they won't. They will only make these people their main tool to attract the living dead. As for them, they will flee to the living dead. place, and then make some resistances that seem to protect others, but are actually for self-protection."

"If a large number of undead invaded, how many would there be?"

"I think there will be at least [-] to [-], because you can see them almost everywhere you flee."

Xia Qi did not speak after hearing this. The area of ​​this ghost town is actually not small, and there are many houses inside, so it is very dangerous for ordinary people to be chased by [-] to [-] living dead, but it does not mean that there are no survivors. possible.

As long as you stay away from the group where the living dead gather the most, and if you are smart, you still have a chance to escape.

Although Xia Qi was not afraid of these undead, he didn't want to be entangled by them at all, because the blood ghost soldiers didn't have much effect on these undead.

It's not that the blood-fiend ghost soldiers can't destroy them, but even if they are destroyed, they can't make the blood-fiend ghost soldiers get even the slightest bit of blood-fiend energy.

And the ghost domain is useless to these living dead, because as long as the ghost domain is released, they will devour them.

As if out of instinct, this also made Xia Qi feel that if the demon god was still there, he might really be able to eat up the whole world.

Because the world is plainly made up of space, and the ghost domain also belongs to the space, so if the remnant soul of the demon god can eat the ghost domain, it must also be able to eat the real space.

I just don't know why those remnant souls didn't eat the ghost town. Is it because the remnant souls are not strong enough, or because they are too weak to feel the spatial fluctuations of this ghost town.

Speaking of which, he could only vaguely feel some space fluctuations from this ghost town.

After all, his current strength is only a senior executive, and his perception of space is far lower than when he was in the second domain.

But because of the relationship between the ghost town, he can feel a little bit, but he can't feel it at all, the end of the space in this ghost town.

When this happens, either the space in this ghost town is too large, or it is blocked by some kind of force.

He felt that the problem should be in the latter, that is, the lingering fog in the sky.

He tried to turn the ghost domain into a pillar, and then tried to touch the sky, but was blocked by an invisible barrier.

He couldn't penetrate that layer of barrier, so he couldn't make accurate perception.

But from this, he knew one thing, that is, this small town was sealed by some kind of power.

It's not a town in itself that you can't escape from.

His previous conjecture that this is a place for experiments may exist, and moreover, he is afraid that those remnant souls will escape from here.

After all, these remnant souls cannot be eliminated at all, so they can only be simply sealed.

After Xia Qi observed the situation outside for a while, he carried Wu Di and Hong Guo to the second floor.

Behind the small building where they were located was a narrow alley. If there were too many undead intruding in, he could carry Wu Di on his back and jump down to the alley below with Hongguo from the second floor.

It would not be blocked here by the living dead.

One after another, the survivors rushed from all directions of the town towards the location where Ingil and the others were.

As far as Xia Qi saw through the ghost domain, there were nearly a hundred people. Obviously, there were many people like Hongguo. They didn't believe in Yingier, so they still hid in places they thought were safe.

Xia Qi had been in this ghost town for some time, but even during the daytime, he didn't see many survivors, not as many as the ones he saw just now.

Originally, there was only a red corner of the sky, but in just over an hour, it completely turned into a dark red that made it difficult to breathe.

The ghost town, which was already dead, became extremely weird at this time, as if there were only three living people left in the whole ghost town.

There were no more footsteps outside, and even the sound of the wind disappeared. Even an experienced person like Xia Qi couldn't help feeling a little more uneasy in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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