Mysterious country

Chapter 1188 Same Purpose

Chapter 1188 Same Purpose

After waking up, he came to this ghost town where he could not see the sun, the moon, and even less hope of escape.

He didn't know at the time that this was the legendary Abandoned Land of the Gods, but after trying countless times to escape from verification, he was finally convinced.

He was very terrified and desperate at the time, not only because he couldn't find a way to escape, but also because he was very helpless to those dead people who were possessed by the remnant souls of the demon gods. The soul attack he was good at was useless. Ordinary people are good, apart from adapting to the cruel living environment faster, there is no other advantage.

Fortunately, he met some wizard leaders here, as well as the celestial masters of the Exorcist Guild.

The wizard's soul attack, if described by the celestial master of their rival exorcist guild, is vicious and evil.

They are all vicious attacks, such as sacrifice, destruction, imprisonment and so on.

The exorcists of the exorcist guild mainly purify the soul and ghost aura, and most of them use relatively mild attack methods.

It has a good suppression of ghosts, but it has no advantage against wizards of the same level.

This is also a major reason why the Exorcist Guild was able to be replaced so quickly after the Ministry of Wizardry and God's rapid rise.

After all, the Exorcist Guild is a group organization with scattered people.Coupled with the disappearance of some absolutely high-level people, the rest of the people can't bring it up at all.

The Ministry of Witch Gods is different. The Ministry of Witch Gods can also be called the Witch God Sect. It has its own mansion, and this mansion is the Witch God.

Although they sacrificed their souls, after becoming great wizards and having believers, they can also obtain soul supplements from the sacrifices from believers. Of course, all great wizards are actually doing things secretly, merging souls.

Although it is not easy to make up for the incompleteness of the soul, as long as enough souls are obtained, over time, the soul can be completely rebuilt.

This is also a secret thing in the Ministry of Witch Gods, and it is only spread among the great wizards, and even the head wizards below don't know about it.

And they want to continue to become stronger, relying on the strengthening of participation in solving incidents in the early stage is one aspect, and after becoming a great wizard, they will be able to have a little relationship with the witch god, and they will also benefit.

The Ministry of Sorcerers and Gods believes so much in the existence of the Sorcerer God, and if no one can sense the Sorcerer God, it is naturally impossible for the power to remain so strong.

However, although he is as strong as a great wizard, he only saw the phantom of the wizard god when he became a wizard and sacrificed his soul to make a contract with the wizard god.

It's just that he couldn't see the appearance of the sorcerer at all.

The initial followers of the witch gods were the eight great witch guards, and then they spread out and developed the followers of witches, and gradually grew up to this day.

As the messengers of the witch gods, the eight witch guards, in addition to guarding the five capitals, are also responsible for finding space passages leading to foreign lands.

This matter is also one of the missions of all great celestial masters. Although the people below don't know, they all know that the continent they are currently living in is only one end of the world, or it can be said to be a part.

Legend has it that it was a battle between the gods and the invading demon gods. Because the demon gods were too powerful, the gods could not completely destroy it, so they only severely injured its soul and scattered its soul.

One part was sealed in the God's Abandoned Land, and the other part was escaped by it.

The body, head, and limbs of the demon god were suppressed in the five capitals respectively, and the body was sealed in a foreign land.

Because he was afraid of the resurrection of the Demon God, he also separated the original world into two parts and completely cut off all connections.

He had some doubts about this legend before, but after entering here, he was very convinced that there was definitely a battle of gods that year.

This ghost town is the place where some demon gods' remnant souls are sealed.

So after knowing that what he was going to face was the remnant soul of the demon god, he even gave up resisting. After all, even the gods couldn't do anything about the demon god, so how could he be able to deal with it.

In fact, these people have been trapped for a long time, and they don't have the idea of ​​desperately trying to escape.

After all, no matter who it is, if countless attempts are unsuccessful, there will be a day when the energy is completely exhausted.

As it is now, they can escape as long as they can, and they can't do it on their own. They can only pray for the favor of the witch god and wait for the day when a miracle will happen.

He also prayed every day and tried his best to get in touch with the witch god, but the witch god didn't give him any feedback. It can be seen that even the witch god couldn't help him escape, otherwise it wouldn't be like this.

Some people in Ingil crowded into the tunnel, all of them with livid faces. This passage was dug by them to avoid the "time of death".

Because there are too many living dead, those who just escape are easily surrounded, and they are far less safe than hiding underground.

The first two times, they survived like this.

"After the invasion of the living dead this time, I don't know how many survivors will be left."

Ingil said something to himself, and then he turned his head to look at Hong Kong Feng Ningci and the others behind him and said bluntly:
"We'd better be more vigilant to each other, because even if we were killed, we wouldn't remember it at all. Only some traces on our bodies that are difficult for us to notice can explain some problems."

After hearing this, Hong Kong Feng Ning said to comfort Yinger:
"These of us are together almost every night, it's impossible for someone to be killed."

"Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Those who come back from the dead, although they still have their own sanity, just forget the process of death, but their minds must also have got into the demon god's remnant soul.

Although the demon god's remnant soul is unconscious and will not take the lead, Bao Buqi will explode at any time, and then stab us fiercely in the back without our knowing.

I don't think anyone would care. The person who sleeps next to him every night will insert a sharp knife into his throat after he is asleep, right? "

"Master Ingil, you really think too much, even if some of us are really remnants, but if we want to become the living dead, we have to die at least a few times before our consciousness is completely obliterated.

We have no chance of dying. "

Ingil didn't speak, his hand subconsciously placed on his chest at this time, but he couldn't feel even the slightest beating.

Perhaps, he died a long time ago.


The second floor where Xia Qi and Hong Guo were located was almost covered with corpses of the undead. In the past two hours, several waves of undead invaded, but they were all wiped out by Xia Qi. up.

Every time these undead were eliminated, remnant souls would emerge from their bodies, and then quickly disappeared.

Xia Qi opened the window and looked at the street outside and the alley behind. A large number of undead had already gone to the other side, but occasionally there would be sporadic undead, as silent as a review come out.

But there were only the living dead, and I didn't see any other ghosts.

"Hongguo, what do you mean by being stronger than the living dead?"

(End of this chapter)

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