Mysterious country

Chapter 1210 Break the seal!

Chapter 1210 Break the seal!

The ghost fire is burning in the sky, and the phantom is devouring non-stop, and now Xia Qi is holding the ghost soldier and coming to melt and slash.

The fusion of three crazy methods finally caused an extremely long crack to appear in that indestructible sealing power.

The sky is about to break!
Xia Qi felt that his physical strength was almost overdrawn, so he hurriedly drank another bottle of spell potion, and the ghost domain condensed for the second time, obviously intending to use the explosion of the ghost domain again to completely smash the seal power.

But at this moment, the sound of thunder suddenly came from the sky.

All of a sudden, the clouds and mists that had been dissipated by his bombardment floated over very quickly again, covering the sky and the sun again in the blink of an eye.

And what made Xia Qi feel bad the most was that from the crack, the huge beam of light that suppressed the phantom appeared again.

The beam of light fell again, and this time it was not directed at the phantom, but directly at him.

Although Xia Qi had never personally experienced the horror of this beam of light, it could shatter the shadow of a demon and temporarily collapse the will of a demon god, especially one that was easy to deal with.

So Xia Qi didn't even think about it, he just flicked his ghost wings and fled to the side very quickly.

However, the area of ​​the beam of light expanded rapidly, and it caught up with him in the blink of an eye, and then began to slowly press towards him.

There is no way for Xia Qi to retreat, seeing that the sealing power is about to collapse, seeing that he will soon be able to wait for Wu Di and Hong Guo to escape, how could he be suppressed by this damn beam of light.

He was not affected by the demon god's will, he was not cowardly by the pain of backlash, and he would not let him give up the freedom he was about to get because of this damn beam of light.

Wu Di and Hongguo are still waiting for him to take them out, Leng Yue, Chu Mengqi and the others are still waiting for him to go back properly.

So he will never lose here, and he will never fall here.

The demon god who has lost his will will not give up, let alone him.


Seeing the beam of light fall, Xia Qi controlled the phantom to temporarily give up swallowing the sky. At this moment, he suddenly swung his claws and slammed it hard on the beam of light.

The beam of light dimmed for a moment, but then burst into a burst of strong light, directly blasting the phantom away.

Then, it moved towards Xia Tianqi at an even faster speed.

Xia Qi had already landed on the ground at this time, looking at the beam of light that was becoming larger and larger in his sight, he grinned miserably.

The circular mark on his forehead began to dance, but what emerged was not his swallowing mouth, but a ghost gate that seemed to connect time and space.

The ghost gate burst out of the sky, and then it collided fiercely with that beam of light.

Then what Xia Qi didn't expect at all was that the originally closed ghost gate slowly opened a gap, and then saw the beam of light being sucked in very quickly.

Immediately, the ghost gate also became bright white, and the gap that was originally opened and closed was closed again heavily.

Seeing this, Xia Qi's heart was settled, and there was no time to think about it, the ghost wings flickered, Xia Qi came to the sky again, and then released the ghost domain again.

"Ghost Domain Burning Heaven!"

The ghost domain exploded again, and the phantom also urged its last strength, causing the world to shake again as if the earth was turning and mountains were shifting.

The cracks were getting bigger and bigger, and gradually it was no longer just one, but dense cracks appeared in an instant like the branches and leaves of a tree.

Obviously the power of the seal is about to be completely broken.

Seeing that the final blow was still missing, Xia Qi looked at the ghost gate floating above it like a stone tablet, and then controlled the ghost gate, and smashed it into the sky.


At this moment, the seal of the ghost town was finally broken.

A large number of crystal light spots fell like rain, and the round moon hung like a bright mirror in the distance.

The moonlight shines on the earth, revealing the real long-lost night.

"I did it! I did it!!!"

Xia Qi kept shouting excitedly, it can be seen that all his optimism and firm belief before this were actually deceiving himself not to give up.

After all, he was able to seal the remnant soul of the demon god. How could he break through the ghost town that lasted for an unknown period of time?
But, he did.

He insisted on being in the dark, turning himself into the last light of hope.

Facts have proved that his persistence is right, because a single spark can start a prairie fire.

After Xia Qi roared a few times excitedly, he didn't even take a break, he couldn't wait to go back, wanted to find Wu Di and Hong Guo, and told them that he had succeeded.

But when he rushed back to his residence, he saw Hongguo lying on the ground in pain, and Wu Di was crying anxiously beside him.

"Red fruit!"

"Come here quickly, Hongguo is going to die!"

Seeing Xia Qi coming back, Wu Di hurriedly shouted to him.

In fact, Wu Di doesn't need to say anything, Xia Qi is not blind, he can fully see the current situation of Hongguo.

Hongguo's body was rotting at a speed visible to the naked eye. Obviously, it was because he broke the seal of this ghost town that some rules in the ghost town disappeared.

That's why the red fruit of the living dead became like this.

He thought about the possibility, but he didn't think it would happen.

"Brother Xia...Thank you, I finally saw the long-lost night sky again...I am free...I am really free...

It's just that I have no way to leave with you... and I can't go home to see my parents...but I have no regrets...because my goal has been achieved...

I'm going to die, this time I'm really going to die... I really regret that I didn't meet you earlier, because then I really... really have no regrets..."

"Stop talking! I said I would take you away, and I will definitely take you away!"

Wu Di's eyes were blurred with tears and he stopped talking, and Xia Qi also choked up for a while. At this moment, he suddenly thought of something, and then he hugged Hongguo, who was unable to speak, and then his eyes burst out with the light of swallowing spirit, and he went straight into Hongguo In those godless eyes.

Leaving Hongguo's soul was the only way Xia Qi could think of, and soon, Hongguo's soul was sucked out by the spirit swallowing light.

Afterwards, under his gesture, the soul baby came out from the depths of his mind, and brought Hongguo's soul back.

When Xia Qi regained consciousness again, the red fruit in his arms had already turned into a pile of white bones.

Xia Qi looked at Hongguo's bones, kept his head down and didn't speak.

Hongguo is a person of special significance to him, because it is Hongguo that makes him stronger than ever, and his original intention of controlling his own destiny is more firm than ever.

"Thank you Hongguo, thank you for letting me know the greatness of faith."

"Tian Qi, you just now..."

Wu Di called Xia Qi at this time.

"I have protected Hongguo's soul, maybe one day, I can have a way to regenerate her in another body.

But no matter what, I will take her out of here. "

After Xia Qi finished speaking, he wrapped her bones in Hongguo's clothes, hugged her in his arms, and said to Wu Di:

"Angkor, let's leave now."

(End of this chapter)

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