Mysterious country

Chapter 1216 Space Cracks

Chapter 1216 Space Cracks
Leng Yue lay on the bed in the bedroom, using taboo spells excessively, so that he suffered a strong backlash.

The spirit is even more overdrawn, and she has been in a coma for many days, but there is still no sign of waking up.

He fell asleep peacefully, as peacefully as he used to, but with a little less chill.

Compared with him waking up, everyone hopes that Leng Yue will just sleep like this, because they all believe that once Leng Yue wakes up, no matter what, he will embark on the road of revenge again, and do everything for everyone killed by Zhu Xu and others. My friends, seek justice.

No one can deny Leng Yue's determination and perseverance, but they want Leng Yue to continue to live more than this so-called respect.

"Actually, even if you don't say a lot of things, I know it in my heart, and I think everyone knows it.

Manager Xia is dead.

Otherwise, how dare Zhu Xu be so presumptuous, and how dare he clean up us.

But no matter what, I, Chen Sheng, really did my best. After all, I am not a loyal person, I am just a villain, and I have done so many wicked things that I can't even remember them.

Originally, I was out of tune with your circle, and I only wanted to realize my own ambitions, but now I have no chance, so after today, everyone should stop contacting, so as not to be pulled out of the carrot and brought out of the mud.

If in a few months, as Manager Xia said, the blockade of the third domain will be opened and the army of ghosts will invade, I just want to live these few months well. "

After Chen Sheng finished speaking, he took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth. After lighting it, he smoked it full of worries.

Afterwards, Xu Zhitian and others also stated that they would no longer care about Liang Ruoyun and the others, and advised them to leave the second domain as soon as possible.

In the end, Fang Shan and Fang Lin brothers were the only ones who did not express their views. When everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on them, Fang Shan could only ask Chu Mengqi unsure:
"Sister Chu, has Manager Xia really been killed?"

"I don't know, I only know that when he left, he told us that he would come back."

Chu Mengqi was very reconciled in his heart, didn't he just get hunted down, didn't he just offend a powerful enemy, what's the matter?

Didn't they do the same thing less before? When was it so embarrassing like this time!
That stinky rascal is gone, don't they still exist? There are so many of them, how come they can't compare with a Xia Qi.

But it's useless not to be reconciled, if possible, she would rather hope that the person who died is herself, and use her life to exchange for Xia Qi to come back.

She really missed the time when Xia Qi was here, because when he was here, no one would panic.

He will definitely show that cheap look, and then tell everyone that things have happened anyway, and it is better to treat them optimistically, after all, there are always more solutions than difficulties.

And it will never be like this.

Liang Ruoyun had just experienced the pain of losing her mother, Leng Yue was seriously injured and fell into a coma, and Wang Sangyu was also heartbroken because of Tao Jinshan's death, so she is the only one who can keep calm as much as possible right now.

"I really appreciate everyone's help, I know that you are helping us out of Tianqi's affection.

We will all keep it in our hearts, maybe one day we will repay you, maybe this is a dead debt.

Because it's hard to say whether we will die after that day, it's hard to say.

We live for nothing more than to live, to create an outer domain together, to build an outer domain, we just want a more comfortable and safer living environment, but the ideal is very full, but the reality is very skinny.

We have experienced a lot of hardships, but this is the same as starting a business, someone will always leave, and someone will definitely join.

So those of us, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled will not give up.

We have to avenge Sister Liang's revenge, and Shen Hongyan's. Maybe not now, but we will never let Zhu Xu and the others go.

To borrow a sentence from Tianqi, we will never stand by and ignore our friends being hurt.

Today's farewell, I don't know when the next time we meet again, I just hope that the eldest sister can cherish each other, and we still have a chance to meet later. "

Chu Mengqi has always been a kid, and occasionally, like a child, she would argue with others, or even make fun of them.

But when it comes to critical moments, her mind will remain rational. She may not have great wisdom, but she never lacks small wit.

He didn't blame Ye Yang and others for choosing to let go at this time, because they really did their best, just like what she said just now, Ye Yang and others are Xia Qi's friends and partners of Xia Qi, but now Xia Tian Qi is gone, it is extremely rare for them to be benevolent and righteous without making trouble.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be safer for them to hand them over to Zhu Xu to show their loyalty?
But obviously they didn't do that, and for that alone, she was already worthy of her thanks and heartfelt gratitude.

Afterwards, several people chatted for a few more words, and they all left one after another.

As soon as Ye Yang and others left, Liang Ruoyun collapsed and sat on the ground.

Because in the house, there were only three women left in the house, and Leng Yue, who was seriously injured and unconscious.

"Sister Liang, I don't know how to comfort you, but we must be strong, and we will surely avenge you."

"Meng Qi, I will cheer up soon..."

Liang Ruoyun hugged Chu Mengqi, and both women burst into tears.

Wang Sangyu leaned back on the sofa, her eye circles also turned red:

"Brother Xia, if you were still here, things wouldn't be like this."

Just when Liang Ruoyun and the others arrived at helplessness, Xia Qi had already arrived at the villa where Cheng Jin lived.

Zhang Zilin and the four senior managers stood behind Xia Qi in fear, while Wu Di stood by the courtyard gate and did not come in. Xia Qi waved his ghost wings and floated above the sky, but soon he shook his head and said:
"Cheng Jin is not here."

"That may have gone to other places." Wang Nan and others also shook their heads to express their confusion.

Xia Qi was hesitant to destroy this place, but after thinking about it, he decided to forget it temporarily. After all, it was Liang Ruoyun and others who hated Cheng Jin the most. Zhu Xu must have fled to the inner domain to seek Cheng Jin's protection.

Instead of doing this, he might as well catch the two of them in one go.

Furthermore, Liang Ruoyun was forced to escape from the inner domain at that time, and her mother died here, so she must really want to witness the death of Cheng Jin and others to relieve her hatred.

Just when Xia Qi wanted to go back to Outland temporarily, Wang Nan suddenly said:
"Director Xia... just received a message from Cheng Jin, asking all of us to go to the endless sea in the inner domain, saying that there is a space crack there."

"The endless sea?"

Xia Qi seems to have heard this name somewhere, and then he suddenly remembered that there seems to be an endless sea in a foreign land.

A space crack appeared in the endless sea?
Xia Qi felt bad, and suddenly thought that the passage to the foreign land was opened, or the blockade of the third domain disappeared in advance.

"Go over and have a look. As soon as there is news about Zhu Xu, let me know immediately. Don't startle the snake."

(End of this chapter)

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