Mysterious country

Chapter 1219 Here Comes My Chapter

Chapter 1219 I'm Back

After hearing this, Cao Yingjiu snorted coldly, then went straight to the bow where Hou Tai and the others were, and then looked at the unreachable sea and said:
"You're right, the thing has happened, and the time for redress has passed, so there's no point in bringing it up again.

But there is a problem that we still need to think about carefully. What should we do if people from foreign lands invade?
Should we speed up the defeat of the Rebel Alliance, or should we temporarily abandon the internal struggle and keep going externally? "

"I think Brother Cao should already have the answer in his heart? The answer is actually very simple."

Hou Tai smiled, but Tan Zhiming asked the two of them in surprise:
"Don't you want to abolish the Rebel Alliance in one go before something goes wrong?"

"You're right, Zhiming, because you must first settle down when fighting against the outside world, Cheng Jin, brother Cheng, you think I'm right?"

Hou Tai looked at Cheng Jin, but Cheng Jin's face was a little ugly and he didn't say anything, because it was clearly reminding him not to engage in those useless tricks.

Cheng Jin was a little elusive about Hou Tai, because he was both tough and tolerant.

It feels like he will make a move, but in fact he pretends not to know anything, but it feels like he doesn't know anything, in fact he has already made a move.

This kind of person is very disgusting, because you never know what he will do next, which also makes Cheng Jin always have the feeling that the god of death is by his side, but he can't find it no matter how hard he looks.

But maybe he just moved his head back from his neck.

Although Zhu Xu is nominally the Director of the Outer Domain and is in charge of a large area of ​​the Outer Domain, but on occasions like this where Cao Yingjiu and the three directors are all present, he is only a senior manager, and there are not many Qualification opening.

But he was very anxious in his heart. In fact, he had already become a frightened bird. The smell of death began to mix with the fishy smell of the ocean, and it became stronger and stronger.

But how would he speak?
It is said that he is now Xia Qi's spiritual prisoner, and he snatched the outer domain from Xia Qi, so will Xia Qi kill himself when he returns?
If he said so, even if he was still alive, in the eyes of Cheng Jin Houtai and others, he would be completely reduced to a waste without dignity.

Although he, Zhu Xu, is not a director, his hard power is still at the top of the Hades. He doesn't want to lose face, but compared to survival, face is obviously not worth mentioning.

"Directors, there is one thing I want to confess to you, and I hope to get your help..."


Under the guidance of Fang Shan and Fang Lin brothers, Xia Qi and Wu Di soon came to the residential building where Liang Ruoyun and others lived.

According to Fang Shan, this place was arranged by Ye Yang, and there would be no problem in hiding for a short time, because it was very close to Tongzhou Street, almost under Ye Yang's nose.

Furthermore, there are the other two directions here, and there are Ye Fan and Xu Zhitian, Xu Zhitian is his good friend, and Ye Fan is his younger brother, and they are also people who can be trusted.

While Fang Shan and the others were talking, Xia Qi simply listened, without questioning or expressing his opinion, as if he was listening to them say something that had nothing to do with him.

But Wu Di knew Xia Qi well. He knew that when a person like Xia Qi who liked to talk became silent, it meant that his anger had become uncontrollable.

"It's here."

Fang Shan pointed to the middle room and said.

"You go to Tongzhou Street first and tell Ye Yang the news of my return, and I will contact you later."

"Okay, let's go there."

Fang Shan and Fang Lin nodded and wanted to leave, but Xia Qi stopped them and said:
"Thank you for your hard work during this time."

"Manager Xia, please don't say that. You are our benefactor. It's too late for us to repay you. These are all within our capabilities."

"Well, let's talk again after the matter is resolved."

Watching Fang Shan and Fang Lin leave, Wu Di patted Xia Qi on the shoulder and said with emotion:
"It's already very rare to find a few people who are willing to help you in this second domain."

"I keep it in my heart."

Xia Qi calmed down, and then knocked on the door. In fact, he could go in directly, but he didn't.

Chu Mengqi came to the door, and then carefully looked at the cat's eye. When she saw that Wu Di and Xia Qihou were standing outside the door, she felt dazed and rubbed her eyes. She looked over again, and it turned out that there was nothing outside the door. The people in this world have not changed.

"Sister Liang, Sang Yu, come and take a look, I seem to be hallucinating."

Hearing Chu Mengqi's voice, Wang Sangyu and Liang Ruoyun also came over.

"what happened?"

"Outside seems to be Wu Di and... Tianqi?"

Chu Mengqi still couldn't believe what she saw.

Afterwards, Liang Ruoyun and Wang Sangyu glanced at each other one after another, and finally Wang Sangyu shouted happily:
"It's Brother Xia! It's Brother Xia who's back!"

Wang Sangyu opened the door, and immediately, Wu Di's sad face and Xia Qi's guilt-filled face appeared clearly in front of the three women.

"I'm back, sorry for worrying you."

"You stinky rascal, where did you go... You haven't shown up for so long, do you know... how worried we are about you... how much we miss you..."

Chu Mengqi rushed forward, hugged Xia Qi, and burst into tears.

"It's okay, I'm back, there will be nothing more."

Xia Qi comforted Chu Mengqi softly, Chu Mengqi then left from Xia Qi's body, and then Xia Qi hugged Wang Sangyu again, Wang Sangyu also cried very hard, like a wanderer who has been away from home for a long time, but there is no sound It's the same as not coming back again after several years.

Kindness, seeing these people, Xia Qi really felt full of kindness. These people are really like his relatives, they are the most important people in this world to him.

"Okay Sang Yu, your snot is all on my clothes, it's rare for me to come back so handsome."

Hearing Xia Qi suddenly made a joke, Wang Sangyu couldn't help laughing.

Liang Ruoyun also looked at Xia Qi with tears in her eyes. In fact, she and Xia Qi didn't have a deep relationship, but this atmosphere also moved her.

"Manager Liang, you have worked hard during this time."

"I'm sorry... I failed to defend Outland..."

"It has nothing to do with you, it's because I was too naive to leave this damned thing Zhu Xu in Outland, causing so many things to happen.

I don't know how to make up for my guilt towards you, but I will let Zhu Xu pay with blood. "

After Xia Qi finished speaking fiercely, Chu Mengqi complained to Xia Qi like a little sister who was being bullied:
"Shen Hongyan was killed by Zhu Xu, he died to protect sister Liang and me, and Sangyu's cousin Tao Jinshan was also killed by one of Zhu Xu's managers.

Zhu Xu and others seriously injured my senior brother, he was in a coma for several days and didn't wake up...Sister Liang's mother was also killed by Cheng Jin...We have nowhere to go..."

At the end, Chu Mengqi was sobbing, Xia Qi didn't let Chu Mengqi continue, but said firmly:
"Whether it's Zhu Xu, Cheng Jin, or those scumbags who hurt you and made trouble, I swear that I will make them pay with blood!!!"

(Although the monthly pass is not enough, the rewards are very good, so Yixiao also worked hard. The fifth update of the kingdom is sent. In addition, today Yixiao broke the update record since writing the book. Adding up the two books, I updated a total of [-]. It's also [-].)
(End of this chapter)

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