Mysterious country

Chapter 1221 Family

Chapter 1221 Family
Xia Qi nodded and did not interrupt Liang Ruoyun, after all, the matter between him and Wu Di can be discussed later.

"After Zhu Xu learned that you would not come back, he replaced Ye Yang and me as the controller of this outer domain.

But unlike our desire to develop Outer Domain, Zhu Xu is very worried about the weakness of Outer Domain, and to declare independence to compete with the Rebel Alliance and the three Hades is purely an act of death.

He felt that the three great underworlds had a high chance of winning, while the Rebel Alliance obviously lacked foundation and stamina.

If God's punishment hadn't come, the Rebel Alliance might have been wiped out at that time.

So Zhu Xu and Cheng Jin got in touch.

Cheng Jin always thought that Zhu Xu was dead, so Zhu Xu's contact again surprised him, but no matter what, the two finally re-established contact.

So Zhu Xu began to suspend all the construction of Outer Domain, intending to send Outer Domain directly to the three Hades.

Not only that, in order to please Cheng Jin and gain Cheng Jin's support again, he also handed over Leng Yue and me to Cheng Jin.

But for some unknown reason, Zhu Xu didn't do this. I think he was still afraid of you at that time. After all, he has been probing from the shallow to the deep all the time.

Of course, there is another possibility, he may be afraid that I will tell about his betrayal of Cheng Jin.

After the three underworlds accepted the Outer Domain as a matter of course, they directly set Zhu Xu as the person in charge of the Outer Domain, and obtained all the management authority of the Outer Domain.

And some managers with ordinary strength were sent here for Zhu Xu's dispatch.

I felt Zhu Xu's increasing evil thoughts, so I told Meng Qi about it, and Meng Qi later told Leng Yue.

We agreed to avoid Zhu Xu's sharpness temporarily, so we took advantage of Zhu Xu's unpreparedness and escaped, but in the end we were found by Zhu Xu and a few senior managers from the Second Underworld.

And so a great war broke out.

Old Shen was killed to cover Meng Qi and me.

Ye Yang and Ye Fan appeared later and rescued Meng Qi and me.

Leng Yue was caught by Zhu Xu and temporarily imprisoned by Zhu Xu, waiting for the people from the Second Underworld to come and take him. As soon as he left, Ye Yang and the others killed him again.

Leng Yue was also rescued.

Then we were settled here. "

After Xia Qi heard what Liang Ruoyun said, he thought for a while and asked:

"The second domain is so big, how did Zhu Xu find you?
Who did you tell about your whereabouts? "

"At that time we fled into the Rizhao neighborhood, and the manager of the neighborhood used to belong to us, but I don't know when he became Zhu Xu's lackey.

As for Ye Yang, it was Meng Qi who told him, because at that time, if Ye Yang and the others didn't come, none of us could escape. "

"Is the manager in Rizhao Street still alive?"

"Killed by me."

"I used to think that Ye Yang was quite courageous, but I didn't expect it to be so big."

Xia Qi really didn't expect that Ye Yang would help Liang Ruoyun so much after he left.

"Ye Yang said that he is your partner, and he also has a share in the foundation of Outer Domain, but Zhu Xu stepped in and took it away, so he must make Zhu Xu feel uncomfortable."

"But no matter what, adversity sees favor. Since Ye Yang is your benefactor, he is also my benefactor. I will remember this love."

Without the help of Ye Yang and the others, Liang Ruoyun and Leng Yue would surely die, and Xia Qi was very clear about this.

"Chen Sheng and the others didn't make trouble for us, but the biggest problem was actually myself. I was too self-righteous, and I was always unwilling to give up Outland, and wanted to try to persuade Zhu Xu.

Otherwise, if I had noticed the anomaly early in the morning and made plans in advance, no accident would have happened to Lao Shen and the others. "

Xia Qi sighed, he was also very sad when he heard the news of Shen Hongyan's death.

Shen Hongyan was his first partner. Without the assistance of the Second Hades, the Third Hades he led would not have been able to kill the First Hades.

It can be said that Shen Hongyan can be regarded as a turning point friend in his life.

After Shen Hongyan came to this second domain, he only wanted to live in the status quo.

He also promised that he would give Shen Hongyan peace of mind, but unexpectedly, it hurt him instead.

"If I hadn't left Zhu Xu's bomb behind, so many things wouldn't have happened. I really did it myself!"

Xia Qi sighed self-deprecatingly, while Chu Mengqi said beside him:

"Zhu Xu was really helpful at the beginning. Without Zhu Xu, many things in Outland would not be possible."

"Is the outer domain important?"

Xia Qi looked at Chu Mengqi, Wang Sangyu and Liang Ruoyun, then shook his head and said:
"It doesn't matter at all, why should I build Outland?
For power?

For the ambition of dominating one side?

I have none of these. My biggest dream before was to earn a lot of money, marry a beautiful wife, and live a comfortable life that others envy.

I never thought of such a thing as being above ten thousand people.

I just want to work hard to create a place that belongs to us in this second domain. At least we don't have to be displaced like before. At least when the ghost army floods in, we have a high ground to stop.

Even if we are dead, we can still mix together when we get down there.

If Outland was created at the cost of your lives, then what's the point of the Outland's existence?
My grandfather is alive or dead in the third domain, my father is missing, my mother is sealed, and I only have you in this world.

You know what I fear the most while I'm away?

It's not that I want to face such a powerful enemy, but I'm afraid that I won't see you again after I appear.

In that case, what is the use of my strength?

If the family is gone, is there still a home? "

Speaking of this, Xia Qi sighed, and after calming down for a few seconds, he said again:

"I've lost family members, so I know exactly what that feels like, but that's how people are, it's inevitable to face separation, it's inevitable to bear this kind of grief.

So Manager Liang, I just want to tell you one thing, we are all your family.

Almost all the people here are brought up by you, you are not weak, you are just because of kindness.

But it is because of your kindness that we have what we are now. If you are like everyone else, then Leng Yue and I may have rotted into bones by now. "

The pain of losing a loved one is not something that can help people get out of grief with just a few words. Xia Qi didn't want to comfort Liang Ruoyun, he just wanted to tell Liang Ruoyun that no matter what, they were here to accompany her. looking at her.

"Thank you Tianqi, I will be strong, I will be as strong as my mother.

No matter what, I will never bow my head like this smoky reality! "

Everyone fell silent when Liang Ruoyun finished speaking, and the topic was brought back to a heavy one, but soon, it was broken by Xia Qi's relaxed words:

"The reason why we feel difficult and tired now is because we are still in the process. When we reap the results in the future and look back, we will definitely appreciate ourselves now.

Because now we are so forging ahead and tenacious. "

(End of this chapter)

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