Chapter 164
Xia Qi calmly glanced at Xu Tianhua who was diagonally opposite, and found that Xu Tianhua was also staring at him with a gloomy face.Xia Qi did not meet his gaze, but quickly shifted his gaze.

"You're right, we really need to make a strategy now, we can't continue to search blindly."

The short-haired woman had suggested a strategy to Xu Tianhua when Xu Tianhua ordered them to search separately, but at that time Xu Tianhua not only ignored him, but even warned her.

This time, taking advantage of Xia Qigu's reiteration, she proposed to Xu Tianhua again:

"Director Xu, you have the final say on the matter here, and you have the most experience in resolving the incident, but right now, we really need to come up with a strategy.

Otherwise, it is really possible that we would all be dead before the ghost appeared. "

The short-haired girl's euphemistic proposal to Xu Tianhua once again received everyone's response.But Xu Tianhua frowned after hearing this, and rarely said:

"Are you threatening me?"

"Of course not, we just don't want to add unnecessary casualties."

"Are you still ashamed to say that you don't want to increase unnecessary casualties?" Xu Tianhua sneered after hearing this, with sarcasm appearing on his face:
"You haven't even seen the shadow of the ghost right now, and you have already lost more than half of it. If you say you found the ghost now, what can you do?
You can't even deal with the little ghosts that the villagers turned into after they died. Thanks to you, you have the nerve to complain that you don't have a strategy!
There is a saying that I hope you will remember that people who have no value in existence will live shortly. "

Xu Tianhua obviously felt that everyone's so-called discussion strategy was ridiculous. Of course, it can also be said that he didn't think that everyone had any value in the execution of this team event from the very beginning.

Xu Tianhua's attitude already explained everything. Everyone clenched their fists angrily, wishing they could rush over and beat Xu Tianhua hard.

However, they didn't dare to do this, not to mention that they couldn't afford the honor, after all, they still had to rely on Xu Tianhua to deal with that ghost.

Seeing that everyone was silent, the sarcasm on Xu Tianhua's face became stronger, and he continued:

"Don't say I won't give you a chance. People who want to act alone can leave. I don't ask you to stay with me."

Xu Tianhua's words are clear enough, he is undoubtedly telling everyone, if you don't want to follow me, then get out now.

Although everyone was very dissatisfied with Xu Tianhua, they did not dare to leave.

It's not because Xu Tianhua will be offended because of this, but because human beings like to rely on the strong to make troubles, they all feel that it is much safer to follow Xu Tianhua's side than to act alone.

Xia Qi was full of anger, since the first time he saw Xu Tianhua, Xu Tianhua made him very angry again, until now.He really wanted to leave immediately, because he had already seen clearly that Xu Tianhua was a person who only had eyes for himself, to be exact, he was an extremely cold-blooded person.

So even if he was by Xu Tianhua's side, when he was in danger, Xu Tianhua would definitely not help him.

Xia Qi glanced at Leng Yue at this time, and Leng Yue was also looking at him, as if she was waiting for him.

Seeing this, Xia Qi didn't worry about anything, he stepped forward and said:
"Since Director Xu said so, then I will go out alone, so as to share your worries and find that damned ghost earlier."

Xu Tianhua didn't speak after hearing this, and at this moment, he saw Leng Yue, that short-haired woman, the thin boy and Zong Qinggang also walking out of the crowd, and it seemed that they planned to leave here too.

Seeing that Zong Qinggang also took a step forward, the thin boy couldn't help but sarcastically said:

"You are quite courageous, you dare to stay with people disguised as ghosts."

"Shut that stinky mouth of yours, you have no place to speak here!"

Zong Qing just glared at the young man, but the young man sneered but didn't say anything else.

Seeing that five people left at once, Wang Kai wanted to follow, but Zhao Qiuya who was beside him didn't want to leave, thinking that those people were just sending them to death.

The girl wearing glasses didn't move after some hesitation. She glanced at the short-haired woman and signaled her to stay.

In this way, Xia Qi and the five of them decided to leave alone in a team, while Wang Kai, Zhao Qiuya, and the girl wearing glasses chose to stay and follow Xu Tianhua's instructions.

Coming out of the oppressive room with their luggage bags on their backs, everyone was shivering from the cold wind outside and cursed one after another.

Turning on the flashlight, the five people cooperated to take photos around them. There was no one in the huge village. Walking on a somewhat damp path, the wind blowing around was like a series of hurried footsteps, resounding in every direction. .

"Since it has come out, no matter what misunderstanding we had before, let's put it aside for the time being. After all, we are in the same boat now, and it will not benefit anyone if the boat capsizes."

The short-haired woman was obviously speaking to the skinny boy and Zong Qinggang. They didn't speak after hearing this, but they both nodded symbolically.

Seeing the symbolic responses from the two, the short-haired woman looked at Xia Qi and asked:

"What's your plan next? Our group all came out with you."

"What to say, don't put a high hat on me."

Xia Qi didn't want to take such a risk, so he directly blocked the short-haired woman's intentions, thought for a while and suggested:

"It's definitely unrealistic for us to just stand here during this period of time. I suggest that everyone go to the intersection of the east of the village and the middle of the village, find a room to rest there first, and wait until there."

Xia Qi's proposal was approved by everyone, saying that the intersection between the east of the village and the middle of the village was actually only a hundred or so meters away. The five people walked around two rows of houses and walked out of the east of the village.

Next, under the leadership of the short-haired woman and Leng Yue, everyone easily eliminated the three little ghosts lurking in the house, and they gained a temporary foothold.

After checking the inside and outside of the house, everyone closed the doors and windows, lit two oil lamps and put them on the table.

In the room, dim oil lamps were flickering, and everyone sat around the table with heavy faces, and began their discussion on the team incident.

But before the discussion started, Zong Qinggang repeated the old saying and asked the thin young man about the extra person.

"I saw that you were hesitant to speak at the time. It was not like what you said. Everyone was thinking about one thing and working hard. If you don't want me to doubt you, you should tell the matter in front of everyone now." say clearly.

What exactly did you see? "

Hearing Zong Qinggang's question, Xia Qi and the others also looked at the thin boy. In fact, they had always had this question in their hearts.

The thin boy hesitated for a while, then nodded and said:

"Actually, there is nothing to hide. At the moment when the oil lamp was turned on, I did see two identical faces in the room.

To be exact... I saw two Xu Tianhuas. "

(End of this chapter)

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