Mysterious country

Chapter 178 Summer Qi's Revenge

Chapter 178 Summer Qi's Revenge
But Xia Qi didn't think too much about it, after all why Leng Yue was dropped and why she passed out here, it's not difficult to find out when Leng Yue wakes up, so there's no need for him to waste his thoughts on such things.

How to get Leng Yue back has become his biggest problem right now.

If it was okay normally, he would directly hold Leng Yue on his body and carry it back, but right now he can't move both arms, although he can use some strength by gritting his teeth, it's not easy to get him out.

"What a cold bitch, you have to rely on me at critical moments!"

Xia Qi said on his lips, then gritted his teeth fiercely, and used his two injured arms to carry Leng Yue on the ground, but during the process, Xia Qi was so painful that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Straightening his back with great effort, trying not to hold it with his arms, Xia Qi walked forward slowly like an old man.After walking a few steps, he saw a familiar figure again.

They saw Xu Tianhua also lying here covered in blood.

Xia Qi walked over suspiciously, deliberately kicked Xu Tianhua's face, and found that Xu Tianhua just fainted like Leng Yue.

"It's really weird. Xu Tianhua was obviously in the ruined temple in the west of the village, why did he pass out in the south of the village?"

Despite the doubts in his heart, Xia Qi suddenly realized something at this moment, and saw him look at Xu Tianhua who was in a coma again, and then showed a little smile on his face.

"Hello, Director Xu? What time is it and you're still asleep. Wake up, your mother is calling you to eat."

Xia Qi played tricks and kept rubbing Xu Tianhua's face with his feet, and kept calling out:

"Your mother told you that you wouldn't wake up after eating? By the way, your mother also said that if you don't wake up again, she will castrate you."

After finishing speaking, Xia Qi deliberately kicked Xu Tianhua's lifeblood.

"Relieve your anger, what a fucking relief!"

Although Xu Tianhua's "deceitful corpse" solved his crisis, Xia Qi was not grateful to him at all, because Xu Tianhua's appearance was not to save them, but simply because of the appearance of that ghost.

So if Xu Tianhua saved them, it would be better to say that they saved themselves by luck.Thinking of Xu Tianhua's way of being dragged to the sky all the time, Xia Qi felt angry in his heart, and wanted to step on Xu Tianhua's face fiercely for countless times.

And right now... He obviously made him wait for this opportunity.

Xu Tianhua was seriously injured and unconscious, and now he can be said to be at his mercy, not to mention that he is just a little tricky, even if he is killed here, no one will know.

"Kill Xu Tianhua?"

Subconsciously looking around, Xia Qi's eyes fell on Xu Tianhua again. In fact, he did have a reason to get rid of him.

Because as long as he dies, there will be a vacancy in the position of supervisor, and he can take his place at that time.

However, if he took advantage of Xu Tianhua's serious injury and killed him here, and only for the position of supervisor, then what is the difference between him and Xu Tianhua?
But if he didn't do this, he would lose a golden opportunity.

After all, only by becoming a supervisor can one obtain team commissions in events assigned by the company, learn more secrets about the company, and most importantly, have a life-saving chance for senior executives.

All right, all right, but one thing has to be mentioned, that is, with his current strength, he doesn't match the supervisor at all.

For example, if Xu Tianhua was replaced by Xu Tianhua, would he be able to solve this kind of team incident led by the supervisor?Obviously not.

Moreover, the incidents that the supervisor participated in were definitely more difficult than ordinary employees. It was hard to say whether the ghosts in the incidents were all similar to ghosts.And with his current strength, it is no exaggeration to say that he can only kneel in front of Li Gui.

So being a supervisor has the benefits of being a supervisor, but also has its disadvantages, which can even be fatal.

After weighing it in his mind, Xia Qi is not as eager for quick success as before. In the past, he only thought of the benefits of becoming a supervisor, but he didn't think of the problems involved, so he threw in 10 honor points in a hurry.

But he has already figured it out, instead of becoming a supervisor in a hurry for quick success, it is better to get a few more honor points to strengthen himself, and it is not too late to be promoted when there is a vacancy at the top.

Although he gave up the idea of ​​killing Xu Tianhua, but Xia Qi was angry with him before and didn't intend to just let it go.So he directly kicked Xu Tianhua into a pig's head, and of course, his little dick was also turned into a pig's head.

"Cool! What a fucking relief!"

Xia Qi was afraid that Xu Tianhua was seriously injured and would die, and that Leng Yue was also in urgent need of medical treatment, so he took out his mobile phone and called for rescue.

Because it was impossible to drive in the mountains, the police sent a helicopter directly after receiving their rescue call. In this way, Xia Qi and the others left Ziyu Village, which had completely become a village of the dead, by helicopter.

After returning to the urban area, except for the short-haired woman who was fine, several people including the thin boy were all hospitalized.

Xia Qi's arms were broken, so a thick layer of plaster was put on them. Apart from the inconvenience of eating, the others were not affected.

As for Leng Yue, the result of the hospital examination was only a minor injury, but he didn't know why he didn't wake up. Fortunately, the doctor said that his life was not in danger.

The skinny boy didn't suffer any injuries, but he was born weak and was exhausted and passed out for a few days.

Speaking of which, Xu Tianhua was the most seriously injured among the crowd, with injuries all over his body, including several broken ribs, but he didn't know how many of them were caused by Xia Qi.

Before Xu Tianhua woke up, Xia Qi asked the short-haired woman to transfer them to another hospital, obviously not wanting Xu Tianhua to see them when he woke up.

The short-haired woman didn't ask why, so she transferred them to a hospital in the city's central district and stayed there to take care of them for a few days.As for the skinny boy, he didn't know whether he wanted to show his favor to Xu Tianhua or had other plans, so he chose to stay in the hospital where they were before.

Because Xia Qi was only injured on his arm, it didn't affect him getting out of bed and walking around. Although the short-haired woman didn't say thank you to Xia Qi, she took practical actions to take care of Xia Qi very comfortably.

Of course, this comfort is just a simple sense of comfort, and has no other meaning.

And in a few days of contact, he also knew the name of the short-haired woman, Zhao Jingshu (shu).

"You said you graduated from the police academy, is it true or not?"

"Of course it's true. My identity in reality is a policeman."

"It's not that your leaders don't care about you? She is a pretty girl, so she has to be so neutral."

Xia Qi and Zhao Jingshu are already familiar with each other, so they didn't have so many worries, and directly complained about her dress.

Speaking of it, I don't blame Xia Qi for complaining about her, because Zhao Jingshu does have short hair, wears long clothes and trousers, and dresses very neutrally.

"Why don't you say you're funny? That's called capable. Besides, it's the 21st century. Who stipulates that girls can only wear long hair and wear skirts? Save yourself, brother, but your arms are broken now, probably for a while. Time is running out."

Looking at Xia Qi's arms that seemed to be wearing protective gear, Zhao Jingshu smiled and raised her eyebrows at him.

(End of this chapter)

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