Mysterious country

Chapter 182 Provocation

Chapter 182 Provocation
Because he barely slept last night, Xia Qi slept until the next afternoon before waking up.

After waking up, the first thing he did was to contact the group leaders of the previous communities, and wanted to ask them if they had any real supernatural events that needed to be resolved, but to his disappointment, Mr. No real supernatural events have been encountered.

Several people in charge have already made a promise with Xia Qi, saying that if there is such an incident on their side, they will be notified as soon as possible, so let him rest assured.

Although Xia Qi was not reconciled to not having private work to do, at least he could go home to participate in the class reunion, and return within a day, even if he received private work later, there would be no delay.

After washing up and changing into a newly purchased overcoat, Xia Qi walked out of the room with a purse in a business style.

However, by coincidence, as soon as he came out on his front foot, Nan Gongyun also came out of the house in his pajamas on his back foot. Seeing Xia Qi's appearance of going away, he couldn't help asking:

"What are you doing? Have you received any new private work?"

"No, go back to my hometown. If there is any private work, I will tell you in time."

Nangong Yun obviously didn't remember what happened last night, so Xia Qi secretly heaved a sigh of relief, otherwise it would be somewhat embarrassing.

Hearing that Xia Qi was going back to his hometown, Nangong Yun immediately showed a smirk:
"Is Tian Qi going home for a blind date?"

"You think too much, I just go back to attend a class reunion, about junior high school classmates."

"Would you like flowers to set it off, I can help for free."

"I don't want Minmin to break ties with me because of this, you'd better stay here honestly."

Xia Qi resolutely rejected Nangong Yun's idea of ​​following along. Nangong Yun obviously only said it as a joke, and then sent Xia Qi downstairs.

He didn't tell Min Min or Leng Yue about his return home, so Xia Qi drove his X5 all the way north along Century Avenue and returned to his hometown, Bei'an City.

After returning, Xia Qi directly gave his parents a surprise. After all, he came back very suddenly this time, and he didn't tell his parents before.

Jing Jing was very surprised at his return, but the parents would be very happy to see the child come back no matter what the reason was.

It's just that his mother is still the same as before, she starts all kinds of criticism and education as soon as they meet, Xia Qi can only nod and smile wryly.

After being educated by his mother, Xia Qi told the reason why he came back. Of course, he made up the reason, because he can't say that he came home just to attend the junior high school reunion. .

So it can only be said that the company sent him here on a business trip, and he will go back in two days.

His mother didn't say anything after hearing this, she just said that it would be good if she could come back, even if she stayed for a day.

After driving for about a day and a half, Xia Qi was a little tired when he got home. He specially reminded his mother that he didn't need to prepare dinner for him, saying that he had something to eat out at night, and they could just make something for themselves.

After returning to his room and sleeping for about 2 hours, Xia Qi left home and drove to the address that Dong Xue had sent him on WeChat.

It's not such a luxurious restaurant, it's just a private room in a slightly better restaurant.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Xia Qi opened the door and walked into the private room where they had a party tonight. As soon as he opened the door and entered, he heard a burst of warm applause inside, and then familiar and unfamiliar faces came into view.

"What's the matter with Tianqi, why don't you want to come back after listening to Boss Dong's wishes?"

There were a total of about 30 people sitting in the private room, and he glanced at them roughly. Many of these people had never been seen since he graduated from junior high school.Of course, there are some who were not very good in school.

The applause just now was obviously welcomed by his old classmates. Xia Qi smiled a little bluntly, and then said to the inch-cut man sitting on Tong Xue's right:

"I haven't seen you for so many years, you still have the same conduct, and you haven't been able to get rid of your bandit spirit after being a soldier for so many years."

Xia Qi's name is Dahui, and he was also a bully in their class in junior high school, but because he always bullied some honest classmates and did some nasty things, Xia Qi didn't like it very much at the time.

It's just because of one class, that's why he didn't tear his face, but he always sneered at him.

Although it has been so many years, it is still full of gunpowder when he speaks.

"You're really slow. You're the only one left. If you don't come again, this position will be taken away."

Dong Xue called Xia Qi to come and sit down, Xia Qi didn't know what to reply, but just smiled.

As Xia Qi entered the table, Dong Xue signaled to the waiter that it was time to serve, and then everyone in the private room started chatting again.

Although Xia Qi felt a little unfamiliar to some people, looking back at this kind of friendship now, it is indeed extremely rare.So he said hello to everyone, whether it was a good relationship or a bad relationship back in school.

Xia Qi sat next to Dong Xue, chatting with each classmate without saying a word, nothing more than talking about the embarrassing things in school, who had a crush on whom, who wrote a love letter and so on.

No one mentioned the present moment during the process. After all, as long as the present moment is mentioned, there will be good and bad, unlike recalling when I was in school, no matter what, I am still a student.

The old classmates haven’t seen each other for many years. Although everyone is young, just in their early 20s, most of them did not choose to go to college, or because of their own reasons, or because of family reasons, they entered the society early, so Inevitably contaminated with some social atmosphere.

It was okay when he didn't drink at first, and everyone tried his best to suppress it, but after a few rounds of drinking, some people who were eager to show that he was completely different from when he was in school began.

Although everyone thinks that you are still the same as you were when you were in school, many people want to prove that they have changed over the years, but no matter how you prove it, the impression of you at that time has been deeply ingrained.

Xia Qi mainly chatted with Dong Xue, and the two old classmates sitting next to him, and also recalled the past school days.

Dahui, on the other hand, didn't know if he drank too much or just acted like a bird, he kept cursing and pretending, which made Xia Qi very upset.

"Brother is currently working as the deputy director of the Lixia District Police Station in Xuancheng City. As long as you have something to do, you can just make a phone call. It's not my bragging. Some of my comrades in arms are officials, and they can be settled with a casual sentence."

Knowing that Dahui has become the deputy director, the students were all very surprised, only Xia Qi was disapproving and had been eating the peanuts at hand, already thinking about going home.

But at this moment, Dahui suddenly stood up from the chair, and the one who had drunk too much took a wine bottle and gestured at Xia Qi:

"Xia Qi, why the fuck don't you talk anymore? Let me tell you, I bugged you when I was fucking at school, but I haven't seen you for so many years, and you still have that disgusting look on your face. Fuck you, brother is now a police station Deputy Director, where the hell are you?"

Facing Dahui's provocation, Xia Qi didn't say a single extra word, just stood up from the chair with a smile, and then punched Dahui in the face.

(End of this chapter)

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