Mysterious country

Chapter 193 Extra Feet

Chapter 193 Extra Feet

Xia Qi and Zhao Jingshu have been bringing in the scene at that time according to Pang Haixu's description. When they heard this, the two of them uncontrollably shivered. They only felt that if they were replaced at that time, they would be scared .

"When I saw this scene, I almost lost my strength in fright, but my eyes were still staring at the video in fear.

The figure disappeared strangely, and I, who sat up suddenly from the bed before, slowly came under the bed after the figure disappeared, and then came to the door to turn on the light in the bedroom.

As the lights came on, my face clearly appeared in the video, with a dazed and sluggish look. In short, it was like losing my soul, even though my eyes were open.

In the video, I stared at the bedroom door for a while, and then there was a series of knocking sounds in the video. The sound was not very loud. I don’t know if it was because I heard this sound, so I opened the door at this time in the video. He opened the bedroom door and walked out.

However, he didn't go out completely, but stood by the door, with half of his body inside the door and half of his body at the door. Because of the monitoring angle, he couldn't see the scene in the living room.

But I noticed a detail that made my hair stand on end, that is, there is another pair of feet in front of my feet!

Although I couldn't see the person standing in front of me due to the angle, from those feet, and some of my subtle movements in the video, it seemed that I was talking to the person outside the door.

Think about it, a person sneaked into my house in the middle of the night, and I woke up in my sleep like a sleepwalker, not only not afraid, but talking to that person.

In fact, I don't remember any of this at all. "

When Pang Haixu said this, his mood fluctuated greatly again. Xia Qi and Zhao Jingshu glanced at each other, but they didn't interrupt and waited for Pang Haixu to adjust himself.

Pang Haixu asked Xia Qi for another cigarette, and Xia Qi directly threw the box of cigarettes in his pocket to him this time. Pang Haixu took two deep puffs before continuing:
"In the video, I chatted with that figure for about 3 minutes, then turned around and went back to the bedroom, but that person didn't come in again.

Sitting on the sofa, in the video, I took out a cigarette from the coffee table in front of the sofa, and then started smoking like I am now. I don’t know if it was because I was afraid that there would be too much smoke in the bedroom, so I saw it in the video. I stood up slowly, then went to the window and opened it.

It was only after seeing this that I really understood a terrible fact. It turned out that I opened the doors and windows myself!However, I don't know anything about these things! "

"What happened after that?"

Xia Qi didn't want Pang Haixu to fall into too much fear of memories, so he deliberately asked a question at this time.

"After that, I finished smoking my cigarette in the video and went back to bed again. You all know what happened after that. It was the wardrobe, the door and the window were opened when I woke up."

"Well, go ahead." Xia Qi nodded symbolically, signaling Pang Haixu to continue.

"After I watched this video, I just thought it was too scary at home, so I put on my clothes and ran outside. Because it was very close to dawn, I had nowhere to go and had to find an Internet cafe to surf the Internet. .

I stayed in the Internet cafe until after nine o'clock in the morning, and then I came out of it in a daze, and ate a few buns at the roadside stall.

Because I haven't slept well for several days, my head is like a paste, and I can't think at all.

After I finished eating, I started going around in circles along my neighborhood, trying to come up with a solution, after all, it couldn't go on like this forever.

I thought of calling the police, but thinking of the attitude of the police the previous two times, I just felt that even if I called the police, it would be useless unless I had definite evidence. "

"Don't you already have a video of that night?"

"But that person's face was not recorded in the video at all, and looking at me in the video, it doesn't mean anything at all."

Pang Haixu looked at Zhao Jingshu with red eyes, Zhao Jingshu could only shake her head when she saw that Pang Haixu was on the verge of collapse.

"Anyway, I was thinking at the time that I must find definite evidence, and I didn't want the police to think I was mentally ill.

So I went to Bainaohui to buy another camera, which was facing the door, and I still hid it very secretly after I bought it.

After confirming that it was not easy to be discovered, I called someone from the unlocking company and asked them to send someone to change the lock on the door.

Coincidentally, the lock changer who came this time was the same person as last time. After seeing me, he asked me why I had to change the lock.

I didn't say anything at the time, just let him hurry up and change.

After the lock changer finished changing the locks and left, I stuck the cabinet in the bedroom with something to ensure that the cabinet door was always open as I was, and that no one would hide in unknowingly.

Sitting on the sofa with a weak body, I don’t know if it’s because I installed another camera, or it’s just like what I felt before, the feeling of being spied on is still very strong.

I even feel that those eyes are in a corner of this bedroom, watching me coldly. "

Xia Qi knew that the bedroom that Pang Haixu was talking about was referring to the big bedroom next door, not this small bedroom, so he didn't get up to check, but planned to check with Zhao Jingshu after Pang Haixu had finished talking about all the encounters.

"Although I was very scared in my heart, I thought that he just sneaked in without purpose these days and did not do anything to me, so I dared to continue living here.

In this way, I waited until night in nervous panic. Because I hadn't had a good rest in the past few days, I fell asleep not long after I closed the doors and windows and lay down.

When I woke up again, I was completely awakened by the cold air in the bedroom, and the doors and windows in the bedroom were opened again.

I don't know if I opened it this time, so I didn't panic as before. I just ran out of the bedroom quickly, searched in the living room, kitchen and bathroom until I confirmed that there was no one at home, and then I opened it. Lock the bedroom door, and then turn on the computer.

I don't know what I will see this time, whether I will see the man who sneaked into my house.

I kept an expectation for myself, so I played the video in the bedroom first.

In fact, as I thought at the time, the doors and windows in the bedroom were indeed opened by me in that sleepwalking state, and what caught my attention was that I saw those extra feet again.

There is no doubt that he came to my house again just now. "

(End of this chapter)

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