Mysterious country.

Chapter 460 Approaching

Chapter 460 Approaching
Dawei subconsciously stood up, and several drops of hot blood splashed on his face, and a little red began to appear in his eyesight. Wu Tingting fell on the bed with her eyes wide open, mixed with the blood of her brain, and she was still going smoothly at this moment. Watching the blood hole on her head that was as big as a bowl flow out.

Wu Tingting died.

"Do not--!"

Dawei yelled in disbelief, but before he realized it, there was a series of hurried footsteps behind him, and he subconsciously turned his head to look, and a hammer with a metallic light had already disappeared. It slammed down on him.


Blood spattered everywhere, Dawei's body twitched and fell to the ground. In the last scene he remembered, he saw a man with a pointed chin, smiling at him with enjoyment.

I don't know how long it has passed, and the room returned to the dead silence before.

It's just that compared to before, Wu Tingting and Dawei became two dead bodies with their heads smashed through.

Their eyes were staring in disbelief, and even at the moment they were killed, they didn't understand how the demon appeared.

The bodies of Dawei and Wu Tingting stayed quietly in the hotel room for two days, and it wasn't until the next day when the boss went upstairs to urge them to pay the room fee that they found that the couple who had stayed in for two days had died .

For a time, this murder caused huge waves in this peaceful small town, and it almost became the talk of people after dinner.

Xia Qi sat on the sofa a little restlessly, two days passed by again, and during these two days, no matter whether it was Qu Youyou or Dong Fengcai, nothing happened to the two women.

This is both a good thing and a bad thing for him. The good thing is that he will not fall into danger prematurely. The bad thing is that he is completely passively waiting right now.

He couldn't find the ghost, so he had to wait for the ghost to come to Qu Youyou and Dong Fengcai on his own initiative, and then he could use Qu Youyou and Dong Fengcai to kill the ghost.

However, he is not a very patient person. He can still wait for a day or two, but he is already working in this small room, no, to be precise, on this small sofa. I sat dry for 4 days.

Of course, he is not the only one who is irritable, Dong Fengcai and Qu Youyou are also very irritable, after all Xia Qi stays here, the two of them naturally don't want to leave half a step.

The two of them could still find topics to chat with in the past two days, but in the past two days, they were like deflated balloons. They were either sitting beside him in a daze, or watching movies with headphones on.

Xia Qi seldom took the initiative to communicate with them, and when he was tired of staying, he would use the honor form to send messages to Zhao Jingshu, and the two of them would find a topic to chat for a while.

In fact, Zhao Jingshu wasn't just waiting. She had also been investigating Dawei and Wu Tingting in the past two days. After all, she, a policewoman, was doing this, so she quickly found out the hometowns of the two.

One is in Hengcheng and the other is in Huipu County.

In the past two days, she has been paying attention to the situation in these two places, because both she and Xia Qi feel that Dawei and Wu Tingting should have fled back to their hometown.

Either he returned to Hengcheng, or he returned to Huipu County.

As for their guess, it has just been confirmed.

Because Zhao Jingshu discovered that a couple was killed recently in a hotel in Huipu County. The dead were Wu Tingting and her boyfriend Dawei. They also died of severe head injuries.

Zhao Jingshu knows a lot of people in the police circle. It can be said that she has friends everywhere. One of her classmates is from Hewlett-Packard County, so she was transferred there after graduation, and was promoted to deputy director within a few years.

So, she had inquired about some details about this case from his classmate.

But there was nothing of value. In the eyes of his classmate, this was a typical unsolved case without a head.

"Chen Dawei and Wu Tingting were also killed. Only Dong Fengcai and Qu Youyou were left among the seven people at that time. The two of them are still together, so the next target of the ghost will be them."

"I know, I've been waiting for it for a long time, don't worry, I will cheer up these two days."

"Then I'll just stay here and wait for your good news."

After hanging up the phone with Zhao Jingshu, Xia Qi's face showed a little enthusiasm. He glanced at the second daughter who was bored playing with the mobile phone, coughed deliberately and said to them:

"I have some bad news for you. Both Chen Dawei and Wu Tingting were killed."

Hearing Xia Qi speak, the two took off the earphones from their ears, but they didn't expect Xia Qi to say this to them.


Hearing the sad news of Wu Tingting's murder, Qu Youyou didn't express too much sadness, but Dong Fengcai cried heavily. After all, she has always maintained a good relationship with Wu Tingting and never quarreled.

And Wu Tingting's death reminded her of Li Long again, and she cried even more.

No matter what kind of quarrel Qu Youyou had with Wu Tingting before, they were friends after all, so she must feel uncomfortable in her heart, but she was much more realistic than Dong Fengcai, because there were only two of them left among the seven people at that time , instead of being sad because of the death of others, it is better to worry about your own fate.

Xia Qi told Qu Youyou and the others about the killing of Wu Tingting and Dawei, but he didn't ask them to prepare white bags to attend the funeral, so he didn't let Dong Fengcai cry anymore, and said coldly:

"Could you stop wiping your tears? I'm a bodhisattva crossing the river and I can't protect myself, and I still have the heart to cry for others!"

After being told by Xia Qi, Dong Fengcai didn't dare to cry any more, and raised her head to look at Xia Qi pitifully. As for Xia Qi, she didn't look at her, but looked at Qu Youyou and said:

"The next target of the ghost is obviously you, so you all raise your vigilance to me, don't even know how to die when the time comes."

Although Xia Qi's words were harsh, they were obviously correct and necessary.Otherwise, if Wu Tingting and the others were killed because of their mood, they might not have such a strong sense of crisis.

"Next, no matter how small things happen to you, you must tell me in time. Of course, there is no need to talk about things like going to the toilet."

Qu Youyou didn't dare not listen, no matter what Xia Qi said, she nodded in agreement.

The reason why Qu Youyou and Dong Fengcai were not separated was that Xia Qi also had his concerns.

If the two of them stay together like this, the ghost will definitely attack two people just like Chen Dawei and Wu Tingting.But if the two of them are separated, then his attention will be divided on the two of them, and it is easy to focus on one and lose the other, so that no one can be saved in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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