Chapter 634

Seeing Xia Qi being directly photographed by the red gun into the ruins, Leng Yue's originally expressionless face became rare and rich, obviously thinking that it is not a bad thing to let Xia Qi suffer a little bit now.

In fact, Xia Qi did underestimate the enemy, thinking that the red gun hadn't fully reached the level of evil spirits, and was sealed by the lightning that day, so it shouldn't be too difficult, but he didn't expect that he could succeed with one blow. Teleportation, but was caught by the zombie.

A carp jumped out of the ruins. Xia Qi stretched his arms and legs. Not only did he not suffer any injuries, but he didn't even feel any pain when he fell into the ruins so hard just now.

Xia Qi was pleasantly surprised by the defensive ability of his set of skeleton ghost armor. He felt that he took such a big risk and suffered such a big offence. He first compressed the ghost energy in his body into a black liquid, and then condensed it into a ghost armor. He seems to be worth it now.

However, the defense of the ghost armor is strong, but he didn't dare to be careless anymore. It is true that he underestimated the red girl, but the reason why he didn't choose to use teleport to escape when the ghost claw fell just now , more or less held in his heart the idea of ​​wanting to test the defensive power of his set of skeleton ghost armor.

After the red gun suffered a few more losses from the Tianlei lock seal, it was no longer as manic as before, but those purple-red eyes were always staring at Xia Qi and Leng Yue maliciously.

After seeing that the red eyes had almost turned purple, Xia Qi couldn't help smacking his tongue secretly. He thought it was just a ghost with similar strength as him, but he didn't expect that even under the seal, the red The truth is that she still possesses the power of a demon.

Thinking about it now, the reason why Leng Yue's previous fierce attack did not cause substantial damage to the red gun may not be because Leng Yue's attack was flashy, but because the red gun's defense was too strong Terrible.

Xia Qi now only has a skeleton ghost armor, but he does not have his own ghost soldiers. The only things that can be used for attack are his fists and feet, and the swallowing ability of ghost babies.

But for the time being, he won't use his swallowing ability, because it doesn't matter whether he can swallow this female zombie that is infinitely close to the level of a ghost, just look at the red hair on the zombie's body, and those bloody sores that are dripping with pus It was enough to turn him off.

What's more, he and Leng Yue were not forced into a desperate situation, and they couldn't afford to use their devouring ability to take risks.

After getting a general understanding of the defensive ability of his ghost armor, Xia Qi didn't want to just step aside. After all, he only suffered the blow from the red gun just now, and he couldn't detect his ghost from a distance. The depth of the armor.

Feeling that Leng Yue's side was almost ready, Xia Qi didn't hesitate anymore, and his teleportation skill reappeared, this time someone else appeared directly behind Hong ***.

But similar to the previous sneak attack, just as his figure manifested, the red gun had already accurately judged it, and waved its ghost claws to grab him fiercely.

"This ghost thing can actually judge the location of my teleportation!"

Xia Qi was amazed by Hong Kong's ability, but he was still surprised, he still wouldn't back down because of it, facing the red gun's mucus-stained ghost claws, Xia Qi twisted in the air, and then He grabbed Red ***'s arm.

The moment he hugged his arms, Xia Qi suddenly shivered from the cold, and was almost fainted by the smell of the zombies.

Holding his breath, Xia Qi kicked Hong ***'s ribs hard.

With this kick, Xia Qi only felt as if he had kicked a steel plate, which made the soles of his feet numb, but because he used all his strength for this kick, it still had some effect.

The zombie's ribs were dented a little by Xia Qi's kick, and the red gun let out a painful roar, then waved the ghost arm Xia Qi was holding and slammed it fiercely towards the ground.


Xia Qi was hit so hard by the zombies, even though he didn't feel hurt, he was shaken to the point where he was in a mess. Just as he was about to turn over, Hong ** raised his huge foot again and stomped on him fiercely. down.

Xia Qi instinctively crossed his arms and lifted them up, his feet on the ground sank a bit, his arms trembling and resisting the strange force of the red gun, his strength had already reached the limit.

Seeing that he was becoming more and more powerless to resist, Xia Qi no longer resisted fiercely, and at this moment his figure disappeared again, before the sole of the red **** fell hard, Xia Tian Qi had already waved his fist, and punched Hong Mao's stiff face.


This fist was powerful and heavy, and Xia Qi also exerted all his strength, Hong Kong let out a painful roar, and his huge body finally fell down stiffly.

After a successful blow, Xia Qi began to make up the knife habitually again, riding on the red dog's neck, and slammed it in the face, which seemed to have exhausted the anger of the recent period.

When the red gun waved its ghost claws to catch him, he didn't stop, and his figure retreated to Leng Yue's side in a flash.

The red lady jumped up from the ground angrily, her ugly facial features were completely sunken into her face by Xia Qi's beating, compared with the hideous one before, she now looks more or less like a clown.

Xia Qi looked at the masterpiece he had left on the face of the red girl, but there was no joy on his face.

Because he didn't use the ghost baby's swallowing ability, it can be said that he used all the moves he could use, but even so, he still couldn't do anything to the red gun.

You must know that the red gun is still restricted by the seal of Tianlei Lock, but he still can't kill it.

This can't help but make Xia Qi feel a little bit lost in his heart. He thought that if he doesn't say that he can defeat the evil spirit now, he can at least try to wrestle with the evil spirit. The quasi-ghost-level ghosts like the red gun fight against them, and they don't take much advantage.

It can be seen that if he wants to reach the level of evil spirits, there are still many problems to be overcome.

The biggest problem is the attack. Apart from the ghost baby's devouring skill, he can only rely on pure melee combat.

It's better to face ghosts weaker than himself, but once he faces ghosts stronger than himself, especially those with amazing defense, he seems extremely stretched.

There is almost no way to deal with it.

And using the ghost baby's ability to devour, not only would it be difficult to swallow ghosts stronger than himself, but if things went on like this, it would also make him unable to control this desire to devour.

In the end, it's hard to say that he won't turn into a monster who eats people and devours ghosts.

(End of this chapter)

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