Chapter 11
"How crazy are these things?" Di Qian was speechless. For the environment she lived in since she was a child, these things are a piece of cake.

After all, she was trained by the little godmother... Although it is true that they don't like doing these things by themselves.

That's why I implanted a positioning chip in myself...

"It's time to hit—"

Another three hits on the buttocks! And this time, he didn't show mercy at all, Luo Shu was really out of breath.

Luo Shu's hand strength is very strong, so just when Diqian hit Diqian, it hurts so much... But it's not enough to cry, but he thought if he didn't pretend to cry...

I will definitely be beaten again...

So with tears in their eyes, they looked at Luo Shu pitifully.

"Don't challenge my bottom line, or you will be the one who suffers." Luo Shu tried his best to control his heart to soften, otherwise this little thing would rely on others' love for her and become lawless.

He hoped that she could rely on his love for her to be lawless.

But I don't want her to do something dangerous.

"Brother Luo? What's your bottom line?" Di Qian knew how to change the subject so that he wouldn't be entangled in this matter...

At least not now... Hehehe... When my aunt returns to China, she can make as much noise as she wants! What can you do with me?
But now people have to bow their heads under the roof.

If Luo Shu knew what she was thinking right now, he would definitely educate this little thing of duplicity.

"Want to know?"

The car was driving on a bad road and kept bumping, Luo Shu was afraid that she would be bumped, so he pulled her wobbly body to his side.

"I want to know..." Of course Di Qian wanted to know the bottom line in his heart, because sometimes he could just brush his bottom line without touching it when he was offended.

Think smart about yourself...

"Unless you agree to what I asked just now...or I won't tell you." Luo Shu caught her curiosity and wanted her to submit.

But Di Qian went crazy, brother Luo is really bad! He just knew how to dig a hole for her to jump.

But she wanted to know very much as if she had been scratched by a cat's paw.

"Brother know how to use the overlord's clause to suppress me!" Di Qian was very unhappy...and wanted to know very much...but he felt uncomfortable thinking about using so many hot things about him in exchange for him.

Big deal, she just doesn't need to know...

Trade something she loves to do... she doesn't want it!
"Who said this is the overlord's clause? Why do I think... you are the one who benefits..." Luo Shu was about to jump into his hole with the cute little Huanhuan!
"Tell me how I benefited?" Di Qian puffed up her cheeks, making her look even cuter, which directly aroused Luo Shu's idea of ​​bullying her...

"If, you know my bottom line... can you cross the thunder pool casually in the future? So that I can't catch the handle to deal with you?"

Luo Shu's lies were really blushing and heartbeating, the purpose was to lure Di Qian to agree to what he asked for.

If he really agrees, he will have no choice but to be tough... But the little girl who is tough will definitely hate him...

So let's coax it first...

"That's right!" Di Qian's little head turned around quickly, thinking about the advantages and disadvantages, so he agreed first... Anyway, after saving Chengcheng, he will return to China...

On the other hand, he is in the United States, so it is impossible for him to control himself... But when he thinks that he will be separated from her, he will not give up.


Di Qian nodded, then rubbed against Luo Shu's arms, and said softly, "Brother Luo...I don't want to let you go."

(End of this chapter)

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