Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 212 Strike after Coaxing Me for a Few Minutes 2

Chapter 212 Strike after Coaxing Me for a Few Minutes 2
Do you really want to throw it all away?
Di Qian took a closer look and found that the trash can in the kitchen was full of unopened instant noodles.

And some other stuff.

Luo Shu sensed someone approaching, and knew who it was without thinking too much.

"Don't come here, dirty."

However, Di Qian only saw the well-packed instant noodles all over the place, and didn't think it was dirty.

Could it be that brother Luo treats all these as garbage?
Di Qian was a little embarrassed, but in fact she still likes instant noodles.

But Brother Luo treated these things as garbage.

Di Qian stopped in his tracks.

"Sit in the restaurant and wait for a while."

Luo Shu stirred the pot with a spoon, waiting for the vermicelli in the pot to cook.

Seeing that the time would still be around for a while, she went to the refrigerator, took out the milk pudding and placed it in front of Di Qian.He also thoughtfully opened the package for Di Qian.

The serious eyes would make Di Qian indulge in it, if there is no next move.

Because of the next action, Luo Shu dumped half of the box into the trash can, and gave an explanation he thought was reasonable, "Don't eat too much milk pudding at night, it's bad for your stomach."

Luo Shu made the decision after careful consideration.

Because I have to eat beef tendon vermicelli for a while, it is already very late. If I eat too much, it will be bad for my stomach, and I can't sleep at night.

Di Qian took the milk pudding and ate it sullenly. It was a good box, but now there is only half a box. I am very tired, but I still learn to accept it when I see it, and I can only eat something if I give it something.

Luo Shu looked at Di Qian and didn't make a fuss.

Then I went to look at the fans in the pot again.

Then I adjusted the seasoning and took out the prepared beef tendon in the refrigerator.

Put the soup in a bowl, scoop up the vermicelli and put it in.

Finally, add some offal beef tendon, and the steaming beef tendon vermicelli is out of the pot.

Served Di Qian's snacks on the dining table and placed them in front of Di Qian.

Di Qian put the pudding aside, then looked at Luo Shu crazily.

"Brother Luo, I love you the most~! Meh~!"

Di Qian's little heart was beating, and he wanted to catch the chopsticks in Luo Shu's hand immediately, but was knocked on the head by Luo Shu, "Go wash your hands first."

I thought to myself, who is used to the bad habit of not washing hands after eating?He needs to be corrected.

When Di Qian washed his hands quickly and came out, Luo Shu sat on the table opposite her.

The apron was also taken off a long time ago, and it was placed on the side of the chair. Luo Shu was wearing a white shirt with a few buttons on his chest. He looked like a very special male god~!

Di Qian sat down, then picked up the chopsticks and ate the hot beef tendon vermicelli. It was so delicious that when Di Qian was about to spoil it, he suddenly thought of the master who cooked beef vermicelli~!

"Brother Luo, do you want to eat?"

Di Qian bit the fan and was still talking to Luo Shu, his words were vague.

It looked really unattractive, but Luo Shu could bear it, but still frowned, "Be careful, it's hot, you're talking when you swallow it."

Di Qian stuck out his tongue, then nodded happily, and after swallowing all the fans in his mouth, he said again, "Brother Luo, is there any more?"

And Luo Shu seems to have known that Di Qian would ask this question, but he already has a perfect plan: "There is only one bowl."

It was the bowl that Di Qian was eating, and Di Qian's heart was broken when he wanted to eat another bowl. How could Luo Shu not know her little thought?
But he still said earnestly, "Eat less at night, it's good for your health."

(End of this chapter)

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