Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 224 Li Mengmeng Has Difficulties 8

Chapter 224 Li Mengmeng Has Difficulties 8
Di Qian and Li Mengmeng didn't care about Abby screaming here.

"Do you want to adjust the apartment?"

Di Qian really thought, how could Li Mengmeng tolerate this Abby and still live in this apartment.

But Li Mengmeng didn't care about Abby this woman, "No need to change, she won't affect me."

And Di Qian felt that Li Mengmeng was a little strange, she usually wouldn't force herself to live with someone who didn't catch a cold, but for Abby, it was a shame.

How can you still make do with it?
But Abby received a call, and went downstairs with a happy smile, leaving only one maid here to clean up.

Di Qian thinks it's pretty good, the cleaning has been taken care of.

"Mengmeng, living with this kind of person will really affect your mood. Why don't you think about it and change to another apartment."

Di Qian felt that Li Mengmeng's achievement.

Even if the school is to find an apartment for them to live in alone, it is not difficult, it is simply very simple.

But Li Mengmeng still insisted, "No need to change."

Although Li Mengmeng really wanted to change, but damn Luo Yan, that lingering Luo Yan!

"What? What's the problem?"

Di Qian managed to catch the slight expression on Li Mengmeng's face, and it seemed that there was something wrong with it.

Li Mengmeng seemed to have something to hide?School regulations?Or some other reason?

But Li Mengmeng didn't want Diqian to get into this vortex again and disturb Diqian's too many things. "No, I think Abby's grades are very good, so I can give myself an encouragement."

Li Mengmeng remembered the first time she expressed friendship to Abby.

At that time, she gave herself a blow, and she put her arms around Luo Yan's arm.

Xiao Niao Yiren nestled in Luo Yan's arms.

He looked at Li Mengmeng contemptuously, and Li Mengmeng was about to change apartments at that time.

But Luo Yan threatened himself that if he didn't live with Abby and be her Abby's servant in private in the apartment, he would force his father to surrender to the police station!

Even if her father didn't break the law at all, she still knew that the unscrupulous Luo Yan had this ability.

He also said that if he disagreed, then he would publish those dirty photos of himself being forced on the bed on A Gao's website.

Luo Yan has pushed Li Mengmeng to the point where there is no way out!
And behind Li Mengmeng is a cliff, if you don't pay attention, you will fall into the abyss.

Abby's happy expression just now must be Luo Yan's call.

"Oh, it's okay to encourage, but with her temper, Mengmeng, I'm afraid you will be wronged."

Di Qian knew the squeamish temperament of these wealthy young ladies.

Maybe Li Mengmeng will find fault with Li Mengmeng if there is nothing to do!

Di Qian didn't want Li Mengmeng to be wronged here.

But Li Mengmeng couldn't say something, if he said something, Di Qian would expose him, and the matter would be difficult to deal with, and it would make Di Qian feel uncomfortable.

And Li Mengmeng has long been trained to the point of being indestructible.

"No, I will avoid her."

Li Mengmeng comforting herself here is also comforting Di Qian.

Just as Di Qian was about to say something, the phone rang. Di Qian took out her mobile phone. It was Luo Yan who called, so Di Qian answered it.

The voice came to Diqian's ears from the phone.

"Have you finished the exam?"

"The exam is over, Brother Luo, I did very well this time."

Di Qian wanted to share her good grades with Luo Shu immediately.

"I'm at the door of High A, come out now."

(End of this chapter)

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