Chapter 228 Very Grounded
"I'll try my best~!"

Di Qian took Luo Shu's arm and said it mischievously.

Seeing the hot pot, she couldn't help it, she would definitely eat it in a hurry.

"Stomach is uncomfortable, I won't talk to you."

Luo Shu's serious face, but coupled with some subtle doting tone of voice, made Di Qian feel like he was in the honey.So he said arrogantly, "Don't care, don't care."

Luo Shu was completely defeated by Princess Diqian, "Little Greedy Cat."

This point should also be the time for lunch. This time period is the time for lunch after get off work in the United States, but Di Qian took a few glances. Although the time for eating hot pot is usually in the evening, there is no time point here. limits.

Even at noon, it is still hot here.

After a while, the mandarin duck pot was brought up, and there were some ingredients in the cart one after another.

A large part of the waiters here are Chinese, so the communication is very down-to-earth and feels very cordial.

"Please enjoy."

"Thank you." Di Qian replied sweetly, and then he was about to have a battle with the spicy hot pot.

A little girl wearing a uniform in the shop and a peaked cap looked at Di Qian, then pointed at Di Qian and said in surprise, "Can I ask you for an autograph?"

Di Qian paused for a moment with the hand holding the chopsticks, a little surprised, "Uh, you are?"

Di Qian looked at the cute little girl in front of her, but she didn't find this person or her face in her head.

But the little girl was extremely excited, "Can you give me an autograph?"


Di Qian was even more speechless, what the hell is asking for an autograph?I'm not some kind of celebrity, so what do you want my autograph for?

Luo Shu looked at the scene indifferently, then took some chopsticks, picked some ingredients for Di Qian, and put them into the boiling hot pot.

"Why should I sign your autograph?"

Di Qian replied to the little girl who asked for her autograph that she really didn't understand the current situation.

"I am a junior sister who is one level lower than you, senior sister, and I am also studying in high school A."

Diqian just realized that this little girl was from the same school as her own, and she was also her junior sister, and then she disappeared, and she didn't remember that she had ever met this little girl.


Di Qian still looked dazed.I still don't know why she asked me to sign her name. In high school A, she was a scumbag that no one knew except her classmates.

"Senior sister, you became a blockbuster this time. You won No.1 in the second grade of high school. You are also good-looking, so I newly rated you as the school belle of A high school, defeating Abby's school belle status. There is also where are your photos!"

The little girl has obviously done her homework and knows about the school website, but isn't that No.1 cute?
"Are you talking about Li Mengmeng?"

"That's right, it's you, Senior Sister."

Diqian finally knew that the school bully they were talking about was her best friend Li Mengmeng, so the photo didn't match the person.

"Wait." Di Qian took out his mobile phone again, and then went to the school's website. In fact, the home page was his photo, and he was still the hottest new school belle.

But there are three large characters written on the photo, Li Mengmeng.

It turned out that I had really mistaken myself and Li Mengmeng. I was apologetic and helpless and said to the little girl who was looking for my autograph, "Sorry, the school posted the wrong photo. Li Mengmeng is my best friend, and I am not Li Mengmeng."

(End of this chapter)

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