Wife-loving addiction: Luo Shao, good morning

Chapter 235 Don't Be Afraid, I'll Be With You 3

Chapter 235 Don't Be Afraid, I'll Be With You 3
Diqian's several-hour tour of the hospital is over.

Luo Shu was holding a big bag of Chinese herbal medicine and listening to some words of Professor Li.

After finishing, he took Di Qian out of the hospital.got in the car.

Luo Shu drove away from here, and Di Qian still remembered that Luo Shu hadn't eaten yet.

So the question of eating began to be a cliché again.

"Brother Luo, are you hungry?"

Luo Shu drove, and this time he finally had time to answer Di Qian's question, "Hungry."

Then Di Qian answered the question in a follow-up manner, "Why don't you find a place to eat first?"

Luo Shu didn't speak.

"Or else? Go back to Luo's house to eat?"

Luo Shu thought for a while before nodding.

And Di Qian diligently took out his phone again, and started calling Aunt Wang who was in Luo Zhai.

Let her prepare the ingredients, and she can eat it in a few minutes when she gets home.

"Aunt Wang, prepare some food. Brother Luo will go back to Luo's house for dinner."

After the call was connected, Di Qian started talking wildly, finishing Luo Shu's meal.

After finishing it, Di Qian hung up the phone, and then put the phone back into his school uniform pocket.

It's not that Luo Shu has never seen Di Qian wearing a school uniform, but this time the improved version of the A high school uniform highlights the curvaceous beauty of women even more.

Bumps accentuate the female figure.

Luo Shu turned his face away, not going to look at Di Qian, for fear of getting burned, but Di Qian didn't notice the big stove driving.

He also teases Luo Shu from time to time.

Such as flirting with words~!

"Brother Luo, I don't think the improved school uniform of A High School looks good."

Di Qian was looking at her school uniform, and thought it would be much better to remove the small lace design.

This time the design with small lace was added, which made Di Qian feel bad. She likes the refreshing type.

And the little lace is a bit cumbersome.

And she also felt that the fabric on her chest was a bit tight, and it was not very comfortable to wear.

"And the clothes are tight."

Di Qian continued to talk, and finally felt that he should take off his school uniform.

Leave the close-fitting white shirt inside.

Since the white shirt was somewhat transparent, Luo Shu could see the faint pink underwear inside.

Luo Shu's mouth was a little parched, but he still drove steadily, suppressing that desire-desire, and communicated with Yudi in a normal way, "Is there a problem with the size of the school uniform?"

At this time, Luo Shu looked at Di Qian with dark and unfathomable eyes, and a huge smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Di Qian still didn't feel anything wrong, and was still talking to Luo Shu about the size of the school uniform.

"This size was taken at the end of last semester, and the school recruited new people." Di Qian still felt that those manufacturers were cutting corners, otherwise how could it be possible that the top of the school uniform would be tight after a few months?

And it's still a rather embarrassing chest.

Di Qian thought, he must order a few new sets, otherwise it would be too uncomfortable to wear.

And it will make the chest look particularly big.

This kind of visual experience is not good at all.

"Manufacturers cut corners!"

Di Qian also justly scolded the manufacturers of those school uniforms for cutting corners, but he didn't consider his physical problems at all.

Luo Shu's voice was hoarse, "Are you sure it's not your fault?"

He also stared intently at Di Qian's chest.

Luo Shu's words meant something else, and how could Di Qian not understand this?

"Brother Luo, you're a rascal again!"

Luo Shu looked at Di Qian evilly, and deliberately squeezed Di Qian's chest with one free hand.

"Sure enough, it's my work."


 Group number: 543304322
(End of this chapter)

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